Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences


Graduate Student Council

Einstein’s Graduate Student Council gives students a formal voice in the operations of the graduate program. The council seeks to enhance the academic and social environment at Einstein. The GSC elects student delegates to a variety of committee, such as the Graduate Executive Committee (GEC), the Faculty Senate, and the Quality of Life Committee. GSC meetings are held on a monthly basis and are the best venue for a graduate student’s voice to be heard.

The GSC also plans social events and community service activities, maintains an active student listserv, and manages the Big Brother/Big Sister program, in which each entering student is paired with an older student who serves as a guide and confidante during the first year. There is also a Student Council representing MSTP students.


Graduate Student Council


About GSC 

GSC Officers 

Elected Representatives 

Student Awards and Recognition 

Einstein Clubs 



Next meeting
August 31, 2022
12:00 noon
Via Zoom and in Belfer 801A/B (check your email)

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