Collaborative DRC/CDTR Pilot & Feasibility

FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR COLLABORATIVE DIABETES-RELATED RESEARCH. The Einstein-Mt. Sinai Diabetes Research Center (ES-DRC) and the New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research (NY-CDTR) announce the availability of a Collaborative Award for Research in Diabetes (up to $100,000 for one year) for a new project that explores a diabetes-related concept with clinical and basic science aims by a multi-investigator team. Teams should represent expertise in basic and translational science. These funds are intended to enable investigator members from the ES-DRC and the NY-CDTR to generate preliminary data on a collaborative proposal that will provide the basis for seeking extramural funding. Pilot and feasibility funds are not intended to support or supplement ongoing diabetes research programs. Recipients are required to hold a faculty rank of Instructor (or equivalent) or higher at the time of the award. Funds may be carried over beyond the one year interval.

ELIGIBILITY: This program will support a collaboration between clinical research scientists and basic science investigators. Eligible investigators may be junior or senior in faculty rank. Content areas of interest include diabetes/obesity across the life span, social determinants of health, population health and health systems, nutritional science, and behavioral science and technology. Applicants who have previously received funding from the ES-DRC or the NY-CDTR are eligible to apply.

Preference will be given to those applications that are deemed likely to lead to extramural funding.

APPLICATION: A proposed pilot and feasibility study should present a testable hypothesis and clearly delineate the question being asked, detail the procedure to be followed, and discuss how the data will be analyzed. The budget for one year can be up to $100,000. Requests for institutional indirect costs are prohibited and salary support for the investigator up to 10% may be requested.

All application should:

clearly delineate the rationale and aims of the research, including how the project addresses;

describe rigorous study procedures;

include sample size justification and a data analysis plan;

describe use of ES-DRC and NYCDTR Core resources; and

discuss how the proposed research will support a future application for external funding (NIH preferred). In-kind ongoing consultation and mentorship are available to awardees. Recipients are required to submit a brief progress report and present their research progress at one of the weekly Diabetes Research Center “Work in Progress” Seminars.

No internal grant forms or approval signatures are necessary in order to submit an application. However, if CCI approval is needed for protection of human subjects, then applicants should apply for that approval at the time the proposal is submitted. Submit your application electronically as an e-mail attachment to by May 6, 2024.

Your application must include an abstract, budget, a research plan that does not exceed 5 pages, other support data, and NIH biosketches for all key personnel. Provide these components as a single Word or PDF document. If PDF format is used, also include a copy of the abstract in Word. Please use the NIH PHS 398 grant application forms.

Application Reviews:

Applications will be reviewed by external reviewers and members of the Executive Committees of the ES-DRC and NY-CDTR. Applicants will receive summaries of the comments of the reviewers.

The start date for funding of successful applications is anticipated to be July 1, 2024. Funding is conditioned upon IRB approval and approval of the application by NIDDK staff.

Questions concerning this program should be directed to Streamson Chua, M.D. Ph.D. ( and Shivani Agarwal, MD MPH (

Jeffrey Pessin, PhD

Director, ES-DRC

Jeffrey Gonzalez, PhD

Director, NY-CDTR