National DRC CDTR/Mini-grant Applications

This award is intended for individual center member investigators to take advantage of all the national Diabetes Research Centers (DRCs) biomedical core services and/or to initiate collaborative projects with any of the Centers for Diabetes Translational Research (CDTRs) programs that are not associated with your institution. Applicants should consult with the appropriate DRC biomedical core director or CDTR program to assure that the requested services/interactions are available and within the scope of core expertise. The initial round of applications must be related to aspects of COVID-19 disease related to diabetes, obesity or metabolism at the basic, clinical or community levels. These are one-time, one-year awards and are not renewable.

Applications should be submitted by March 1, 2022, with an anticipated review in March 2022 and project start date in April 2022. Awardees are required to submit a progress report at the end of the first year of funding.

Eligibility requirements: 

Investigators at all faculty levels are eligible to apply.

Investigators must be current members of a DRC or CDTR as indicated by their inclusion on their centers membership web site.

Applications need to adhere to the following: 

Proposal must be no more than 2 pages in length (no smaller than Arial 11 font with 0.5 inch margins) including any citations. Maximum of ½ page for significance, 1 page for project description and ½ page indicating how these funds may lead to future extramural grant support. Preliminary data is NOT required.

Include a separate budget (maximum $10,000) and budget justification – no more than 1 page.

Provide NIH formatted biosketch.

A letter from your institutional official agreeing that they will waive indirect (F&A) costs for this award. 

Letters of support indicating access to core or clinical facilities.

Submit the application as a single PDF file by March 1, 2022 to Fran Taibi by Email