Department of Family and Social Medicine

Reproductive Health/Family Planning Fellowship

The Reproductive Health/Family Planning Fellowship aims to develop family physicians as academic and policy leaders in the field of family planning, domestically and internationally.

Fellows focus on integrating reproductive health care into comprehensive family medicine services.

Clinical and Teaching Skills Development


  • maintain an active family medicine practice in Montefiore clinical sites, working together with other family medicine faculty and residents, as well as with students on rotation in the department
  • train family doctors at other Montefiore sites in IUD and implant insertion, and in management of miscarriage and pregnancy termination
  • train staff and provide family planning services at freestanding high-volume clinics
  • discuss foundations of adult education

Research Training

During the two-year fellowship, fellows also complete a Master of Public Health at Columbia University. Each fellow is actively involved with developing and implementing at least one research project, and presenting findings at regional and national meetings. Many fellows have had manuscripts on their projects published in peer-reviewed journals.


  • receive training in qualitative and quantitative clinical investigation techniques
  • meet weekly with the fellowship director to discuss their research projects
  • work collaboratively on manuscripts
  • prepare and practice presentations

International Leadership

Fellows complete a 1-to-3-month international placement to learn about family planning, abortion, and reproductive health in less-developed nations.


Fellows join a rapidly expanding network of family planning experts. An annual meeting and numerous professional workshops connect and prepare fellows for post-fellowship positions.


For more information and to apply to the program: 

Program Director

Marji Gold, MD 

Professor, Family and Social Medicine
Director, Family Planning Fellowship
Director, Center for Reproductive Health Education in Family Medicine (RHEDI)