Programa de Formación de Científicos Médicos (MSTP)

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1980's Alumni

First Last Undergraduate Out Current Position
Bruce Ewenstein Universidad de Cornell. 1980 Clinical Development Head, Hematology; Distinguished Sr. Fellow, Takeda
John Schairer Swarthmore 1980 Clinical Practice, Psychiatry Hillview Mental Health Center
stanley Schiff UC Berkeley 1980 Clinical Practice, Neurology
Jeffrey Winfield UC Santa Barbara 1980 Asst. Prof. of Neurosurgery/Ped., SUNY Upstate Health Sci. Ctr.
Mitchell Cappell Columbia 1981 Chief of Gastroenterology & Herpatology, William Beaumont Hospital, and Professor of Medicine, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Lynn Carmickle SUNY Stony Brook 1981 Clinical Practice, Neurology
Sotavento Kaplan Harvard 1981 Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, Director, Obesity, Metabolism & Nutrition Institute, Mass. Gen. Hosp., Harvard Medical School
Alan Legatt Columbia 1981 Prof. of Clin. Neurology & Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Med. Ctr.
W. Gillies McKenna Edinburgh U. 1981 Director, Institute for Radiation Biology Research; Head of Oncology, and Prof. of Radiation Oncology and Biology, Univ. of Oxford
Roberto Rose UC Irvine 1981 Assoc. Clin. Prof. of Psychiatry, UCLA and Medical Director, Psychiatry Dept. Encino-Tarzana Hospital
Benjamin Shain Harvard 1981 Head, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Medical Director of Inpatient Adolescent and Young Adult Services, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Highland Park,IL
Roger Strair SUNY Stony Brook 1981 Prof. of Medicine, UMDNJ/Robert Wood Johnson Med. Schl., Director, Hematologic Malignancies, The Cancer Inst. of NJ
Ellen Weinberg Goucher College 1981 Clinical Practice, Attending Psychiatrist, Metropolitan Hospital Ctr. NY
Josué Zimmerberg Harvard 1981 Senior Investigator, Lab.Theoretical & Physical Biology, Chief, Section on Membrane & Cellular Biophysics, NICHD, NIH
Miguel Birrer R.P.I. 1982 Vice Chancellor & Director, Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Univ. of Arkansas Med. School
Paul Deutsch Harvard 1982 Senior VP, Global Head Translational Medicine and Early Development, Sanofi-Aventis
Guillermo Huse M.I.T. 1982 President, Applied Molecular Evolution & Vice President, Eli Lilly and Company (deceased)
Bruce Kagan Yale 1982 Prof. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science, UCLA School of Med.
Perry Nisen Stanford 1982 Executive Partner, Sofinnova Ventures; Board of Directors Teva Pharmaceuticals
Neil Smalheiser U. Iowa 1982 Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry, Univ. of Illinois-Chicago Med. School
Mark Speaker Brown 1982 Clinical Practice, Opthalmology Laser and Corneal Surgery Associates, NY
Gary Blanco Columbia 1982 Asst. Prof. of Urology, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Dale Yelton Harvard 1982 Scientist III, Oncogene Corp. (deceased)
Myles Akabas Cornell 1983 Prof. of Neuroscience and Medicine, MSTP Director, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Jeffrey Chinsky Cornell 1983 Asst. Prof. of Pediatrics, Div. of Human Genetics, U. of Maryland School of Med.
Eseng Lai Yale 1983 Scientific Associate Vice President, Clinical Research; Translational Pharmacology at Merck Research Labs
Jonathan Schneck Yeshiva 1983 Prof. of Pathology & Medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine
Stewart Shuman Wesleyan 1983 Member, Molecular Biology Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute, and Member, Dept. of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Gary Swergold Cornell 1983 President and Head of Biopharma Consulting, GSDx
Miguel Kleinberg SUNY Stony Brook 1984 Assoc. Prof of Medicine; Director, Infectious Disease, Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine and the Marlene & Steward Greenebaum Cancer Center
Steven Leber U. Michigan 1984 David G. Dickinson Collegiate Professor of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases and Prof. of Neurology, Director of Pediatric Neurology, Univ. of Michigan
Jack Lichy Harvard 1984 Director, AFIP Molecular Diagnostics Lab., Dept. of Molecular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Richard Pellegrino Manhattan/Yale 1984 President, Central Arkansas Research, Hot Springs, AR; Director of Neurology Services, Baptist Hospital System; President, Baptist Health Center for Medical Research
Mitchell Steinschneider U. Rochester 1984 Prof. of Neurology & Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Steven Weinstein Cornell 1984 Vice President, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc,
Donald Zack Brown 1984 Guerrieri Prof. of Genetic Engineering and Molecular Ophthalmology, Depts. Of Ophthalmology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Neuroscience, and Inst. of Genetic Med., Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Med.
Mark Zimering Harvard 1984 Chief, Endocrinology, Assoc. Chief Medical Science, Veterans Affairs NJ; Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
David Brown M.I.T. 1985 Clinical Practice, Endocrinology
Guillermo David Brandeis 1985 Assoc. Prof. of Neurology, Director, EMG Lab, Mass. Gen. Hosp.-Harvard Medical School
Diana Gilligan Radcliffe 1985 Assoc. Prof. of Medicine-Hematology and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, SUNY Upstate Med. Univ.; Program Director, Hematology-Oncology Fellowship
Jo A. Hannafin Brown 1985 Prof. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Director of Orthopaedic Research, Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill-Cornell Medical College
Paul Jubinsky R.P.I. 1985 Asst. Prof. of Pediatrics-Heme/Oncology & Devel. & Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Mary Purucker U. Wisconsin 1985 Medical Officer, Div. of Clinical Research Resources, NCRR, NIH
Raymond Roginski Universidad de Yale. 1985 Clin. Asst. Prof. of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Staff Anesthesiologist, Philadelphia VA Med. Ctr.
Ellen Goldmuntz Yale 1986 Section Chief, Rheumatologic Autoimmune Diseases Section, NIAID, NIH
David Hoch M.I.T. 1986 Clinical Practice, Arrhythmia Center, Roslyn Heart Center, Roslyn NY
Diana Hull Mt. Holyoke 1986 Clinical Practice, Radiologist, RAM Radiology, CT
Miguel Kraut USC 1986 Prof. of Radiology-Neuroradiology, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Med.
Seth Orlow Harvard 1986 Chair of Dermatology, Prof. of Dermatology, Cell Biology and Pediatrics, NYU
Lynn Raymond U. Rochester 1986 Prof. of Psychiatry and Director, MD/PhD Program, Univ. of British Columbia
Roberto Champer CUNY York College 1987 Clinical Practice, Ophthalmology
Jaime Knowles U. Michigan 1987 Distinguished Professor and Executive Director of the Human Genetics Institute of NJ, Rutgers Univ.
Barry London Harvard 1987 Potter Lambert Chair in Internal Medicine, Prof. of Medicine-Cardiovascular Med. and Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine, Univ. of Iowa School of Med.
Jay Meisner Cooper Union/WPI 1987 Assoc. Prof. of Clin. Medicine-Cardiology; Director of Cardiology, Jacobi Medical Ctr., Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Lilli Petruzzelli M.I.T. 1987 Senior Vice President Early Clinical Development, Genentech
Norman Relkin Yale 1987 Retired - Assoc. Prof. of Clin. Neurology & Neuroscience, Weill-Cornell Medical College
Alan Salzman M.I.T. 1987 Retired - Clinical Research Director, Metabolism and Diabetes, Sanofi-Aventis
Guillermo Schwindinger Rutgers 1987 Asst. Prof. of Biological and Allied Health Sciences, Bloomsberg Univ.
Laurel Stadtmauer Harvard 1987 Assoc. Prof. of Obstetric & Gynecology & Med. Dir., SART-IVF Program, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Joseph Cubells Johns Hopkins 1988 Assoc. Prof. of Human Genetics and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sci., Emory Univ. School of Med.
Linda Goodman SUNY Albany 1988 Adjunct Professor, Quinnipiac Univ.
Jeff Lindenbaum U. Kansas 1988 Clinical Practice, Interventional Radiology, Billings, MT
Hiroshi Mashimo Harvard 1988 Asst. Prof. of Medicine, Chief of Gastroenterology, VA Boston Healthcare, Harvard Medical School
Benjamin Wolozin Wesleyan 1988 Prof. of Pharmacology, Boston Univ. School of Medicine
Suanne Garber Wellesley 1989 Clinical Practice, Child Psychiatry
George Goetz Brown 1989 Clinical Practice, Gastroenterology, Beech Grove, IN
Miguel Goldberg Yeshiva 1989 Assoc. Prof. of Pediatrics-Allergy & Immunology, Univ. of Tel Aviv; Senior Staff Physician, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Israel
Daniel Katzenberg Princeton 1989 Child Neurology; Director, Pediatric Sleep Disorders, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Miguel Meyers Brown 1989 Chief Medical Officer, Syndax Pharmaceuticals
Eric Summers U. Colorado 1989 Program Officer, International Society for Infectious Diseases, Brookline, MA