Ellen Wolkin Friedman

Ellen Wolkin Friedman, M.D.

  • Associate Professor, Department of Oncology (Hematology)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Oncology & Hematology)




  • Montefiore Medical Center 3411 Wayne Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

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Professional Interests

Dr. Ellen Friedman’s passion is the study of the blood (hematology) and ensuring that the next generation of medical practitioners are prepared to analyze and treat blood-related problems.

Dr. Friedman has been the Hematology Fellowship Director of Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine since 2005. She completed a fellowship in hematology at New York University, specializing in the conditions of red cells, platelets and hematologic malignancies. She has been engaged in diagnosing and treating these conditions while simultaneously teaching medical students, medical residents and fellows in the skills and knowledge required. She trained at New York Hospital/Cornell, Bellevue, New York University and has been an attending physician in teaching programs in New York City her entire career. She has 40 years of experience in caring for patients in the Bronx both in the city hospitals and at Montefiore/Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Friedman also educates patients, lecturing nationally for National Organization of Rare Diseases and the Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation.

Dr. Friedman was elected Fellow in the American College of Physicians and is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Einstein. Her teaching has been recognized with the Best Teacher Award by the hematology-oncology fellows. Her research has focused on a variety of blood conditions including anemia, thrombocytopenia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and the safe performance of the bone marrow procedure.

Selected Publications

  1. Dai, T, Friedman E, Barta S. Ruxolitinib Withdrawal Syndrom Leading to Tumor Lysis. JCO 2013 June 10.
  2. Lam A, Guandabolu K, Sridharan A, Jain R, Pavlos M, Chrysofakis G, Yu Y, Friedman, E, Price E, Schrier S, Verma A. Multiplicative Interaction Between Mean Corpuscular Volume and Red Cell Distribution Width in Predicting Mortality of Elderly Patients with and without Anemia. American Journal of Hematology, 2013 July 5.
  3. Bhavana Konda, Swati Pathak, Inga Edwin, Priti Mishall, Sherry A. Downie, Todd R. Olson, Louis J. Reed and Ellen W. Friedman. Safe and Successful Bone Marrow Biopsy: An Anatomical and CT-Based Cadaver Study. Am. J. Hematol. 00:000-000, June 2014.