Anne P. Murphy

Anne P. Murphy, Ph.D.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1225 Morris Park Avenue Van Etten 1B46 Bronx, NY 10461

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Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Dr. Anne Murphy is a Psychologist, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Director of the Center for Babies, Toddlers and Families & the Early Childhood Center and Clinical Director of The Rose F Kennedy Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center. She is responsible for trauma informed developmental and behavioral services from birth through the lifespan.

Dr. Murphy, along with partners in Einstein’s Dept of Family and Social Medicine and the Center for Attachment Research at the New School is in the final year of a randomly controlled clinical trial funded by HRSA to test the effectiveness of the Group Attachment Based Intervention (GABI), an intensive parent-child treatment,  in helping parents break the intergenerational cycle of abuse and neglect that they experienced in childhood, thus, creating positive social emotional and developmental outcomes for their children.

Dr. Murphy and her research team received a grant from The New York State Foundation to train 10 New York non-traditional sites to deliver GABI. She is a member of the Early Identification of Risk, Frontiers of Innovation sub-Committee of the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University and member of the John’s Hopkins Learning Collaborative entitled: Strengthening the Role of Primary Care in an Integrated System Serving Families with Young Children Experiencing Trauma or Chronic Stress. The goal of these projects is  to screen and intervene early with parents with significant adverse childhood experiences to impact the lives of their very young children. Dr. Murphy has published on ACEs and the impact on parent-child relationships. She has presented her work at local, national and international conferences.

Media related to Group Attachment Based Intervention and Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • GABI clinical work, featured in video program: “John Bowlby: Attachment Across Generations, Davidson Film productions across-generations (2007)
  • GABI clinical work featured grantee in video program, “Robin Hood Nurtures”, Robin Hood Foundation (Spring 2009)
  • Childhood Trauma with Anne Murphy, "Breaking the cycle of abuse", Robin Hood Unplugged, October 2013,
  • GABI clinical research featured in, “Attachment Theory: Understanding the Essential Bond”, Science Bulletins film on clinical applications of attachment theory, Human Origins Wing, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY-- the-Science-of-Attachment/ (December 2010-June 2011)
  • GABI Training, Creation of web based interactive training program; Udemy; funded by Robin Hood Foundation (2014-present) 

Selected Publications

A. Original Communications in Reviewed Journals

Steele, H., Steele, M., & Murphy, A. (2009). On the relevance of the Adult Attachment Interview to facilitating a therapeutic alliance, and measuring process and change in psychotherapy, Psychotherapy Research, 19 (60), 633- 643.

Steele, M., Murphy, A., & Steele, H. (2010). Identifying therapeutic action in an attachment-based intervention with high-risk families. Clinical Social Work, 38 (1), 61-72.

Murphy, A., Ponterotto, J., Cancelli, A., & Chinitz, S. (2010) Daughters’ perspectives on maternal substance abuse: Pledge to be a different kind of mother. The Qualitative Report, 15(6), 1328-1364.

Murphy, A., Steele, M., Dube, S.R., Bonuck, K., Meissner, P., Bate, J., Goldman, H., Steele, H., Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Questionnaire and Adult Attachment Interview (AAI): Implications for Parent Child Relationships (available online October 24, 2013). Child Abuse and Neglect.

Steele, M., Steele, H., Knafo, H., Bate, J., Bonuck, K., Meisner, P. & Murphy, A. (2014) Looking From the outside in: The use of video in Attachment Based Interventions, to appear in Special Issue, of Attachment and Human Development, 16:4, 402-415.

Murphy, A., Steele, H., Bate, J., Nikitiades, A., Allman, B. Bonuck, K., Meissner, P., & Steele, M. (2015). Group Attachment Based Intervention: Trauma Informed Care for Families with Adverse Childhood Experiences. Family and Community Health.

B. Books, Chapters in Books, and Review Articles:

Steele, M., Steele, H., & Murphy, A. (2009). The Adult Attachment Interview and relational trauma: Implications for parent-infant psychotherapy. In (T. Baradon, Eds.) Relational Trauma, NY: Routledge.

Murphy, A., Steele. M., & Steele, (2013). From out of sight, out of mind to in sight and in mind: Enhancing reflective capacities in a Group Attachment Based Intervention. In (J. E. Bettmann & D. D. Demetri Friedman, Eds.). Attachment- Based Clinical Work with Children and Adolescents, NY: Springer.