Combating COVID-19: Einstein’s Critical Response Research & Education Fund
We are all engaged in this struggle together. One day, when this dreadful pandemic recedes, it will be due to the innovative, collaborative, and resilient spirit of our Einstein community and the valuable contributions of so many who sought to be a part of the solution.
Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D.
The Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer
Montefiore Medicine
There is an urgent need to leverage science—and the expertise of our Einstein researchers—to find a treatment and a vaccine for COVID-19 and ultimately change the course of public health. Our home in the Bronx is one of the hardest hit populations because of the density of our patient count as well as our high-levels of poverty and underlying health conditions. Since the early days of this pandemic, our science teams have been proven leaders in driving solutions from developing convalescent serum studies to Remdesivir clinical trials to strengthening our world’s understanding of this virus’ origin—but they need your support.
Generosity to Einstein’s Critical Response Research & Education Fund has already made great strides for science. Thanks to an inspiring $1 million matching gift from the Price Family Foundation, all contributions through the end of June 2020 to these research initiatives made double the impact. As our scientists continue driving discovery, we need additional philanthropy to accelerate the cure today.
You Can Contribute to Research that Helps Combat COVID-19
We are all affected by this pandemic that threatens lives worldwide, and here’s how you can help address the enormous challenges facing those on the front lines of research and care.
Through your donation to the Einstein Critical Response Research & Education Fund, you can:
- Support Einstein’s overall research effort
- Sponsor an investigator or lab team, and
- Support a specific area of research
Current research underway includes:
- Developing monoclonal antibodies to attack the coronavirus and prevent infection
- Evaluating the use of convalescent plasma for patients fighting COVID-19
- Translating HIV and CMB therapies for COVID-19 treatment
- Testing a range of experimental and FDA-approved drugs to determine if they speed recovery
You can also support a major new effort called the Einstein Montefiore COVID Research Collaboratories, which represents all of Einstein and Montefiore’s combined efforts to combat the COVID pandemic.
Teams of researchers are working together to:
- Test new treatments to combat COVID-19
- Identify weaknesses in the virus that can be targeted with new treatments
- Define the role of the immune system in thwarting infection
Supporting Our Students: Future Leaders in Medicine and Science
Our institution is responsible for training the best minds in medicine and science, who will go on to become leading physicians and investigators. As was the case during the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, many at Einstein and Montefiore are on the frontlines of COVID-19—treating patients and, in thousands of cases, saving lives.
Since its founding, Einstein has been known for its superb training of future physicians and scientists, and for promoting diversity among its student body and postdoctoral fellows. Its graduates are highly sought after by many of the nation’s leading residency programs, and for directing critical response research in laboratories throughout the world.
By contributing to the Critical Response Research & Education Fund, you can help:
- Establish or sponsor a scholarship
Earmark funds to support:
- educational programming
- student basic, clinical, or translational research
- student mental health programs
- Endow a chair in medical education to coordinate educational innovations
Make a Difference Now!
To contribute to the Einstein Critical Response Research & Education Fund via phone, please call the Einstein Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 718.430.2411.