Celebration of Arturo's 500th Publication

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Arturo giving his speech Mary Ann, Carolina, and Anamelia Lisa, Eric, Carlos, and Radames Arturo with trophy (handmade by Julie) and certificate (handwritten by Jacky) Sabriya, Rafael, Anke, and Jacqueline Sabriya and RafaelLisa, Eric, and Carlos  

Witnesses of this precious moment - Carlos Deleon-Rodriguez, Radames Cordero, Carolina Coelho, Johanna Rivera, Antonio Nakouzi-Naranjo, Emma Robertson, Julie Wolf, Eric Jung, Alena Janda, Lisa Brown, Monica Garcia-Solache, Sabriya Stukes, Rafael Prados-Rosales, Nareen Abboud, Jacky Chow, and Mary Ann Pohl 

 Julie and Emma Lisa, Carlos, Radames, Antonio, and Johanna Carolina and Anamelia Arturo, Alena, and Nareen Jacky, Julie, and Emma Arturo and Emma with trophies - The former published 500 papers and the latter made the perfect guess in the 500th-publication contest  

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