Institute for Pediatric and Lifecourse Epidemiology Research The Institute for Pediatric and Lifecourse Epidemiology brings together transdisciplinary expertise to foster research examining the influence of early life risk factors on cardiovascular disease, diabetes and aging. Director: Carmen R. Isasi, M.D., Ph.D. Professor, Epidemiology and Population Health Professor, Pediatrics Associate Directors: Michael Cabana, M.D., M.P.H. The Michael I. Cohen, M.D., University Chair, Department of Pediatrics Albert Einstein College of Medicine Physician-in-Chief, The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) Marina Reznik, M.D., M.S. Vice Chair for Clinical and Community-Based Pediatrics Professor of Pediatrics Projects: 1U01DK134988 - Metabolic, Behavioral, and social determinants of youth onset T2D R01 M.D.015204 - Social stress, epigenetics and cardiometabolic health among Latino youth 1R01DK116028 - Preconceptional Health of Latinas and its association with child adiposity 1R01HL102130 - Hispanic Community Children Health/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth) 1RF1AG077639 - Early and life course socioeconomic adversity and dementia risk in Hispanic/Latinos R01 HL152475 - Nasal epithelial epigenomics and transcriptomics and asthma in Hispanic adults 4R33HL147908 - Evaluation of the Asthma Management Program to Promote Activity for Students in Schools (Asthma-PASS) 6R01HL133789 - Promoting Asthma Guidelines and Management through Technology-Based Intervention and Care Coordination (PRAGMATIC) Resources New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research ICTR – Community Collaborative Core National Center for Engagement in Diabetes Equity Research: National CEDER Faculty: Marina Reznik, M.D., M.Sc. Jee-Young Moon, Ph.D. Jessica Rieder, M.D., M.Sc. Richard Lipton M.D. Jill Crandall M.D. Shivani Agarwal M.D. Earle Chambers, Ph.D. Ryung Kim, Ph.D. Jeffrey Gonzalez, Ph.D. Lisa Underland, M.D., M.S. Postdoctoral fellows: Paola Filigrana, Ph.D. Monica Batalha, Ph.D. Contact Carmen R. Isasi 718.430.2950