The 2023 entering PhD class includes 39 graduate students. They were selected from an applicant pool of around 550 applicants. Below is a description of the incoming graduate students for the 2023 PhD class.
Average undergraduate GPA: 3.50 (range 2.95-4.00)
Prior Research Experience
100% have had a sustained research experience in a scientific laboratory
40% have published a scientific paper in a peer reviewed journal
52% have presented their work at a scientific meeting
48% have also spent a summer in a research program
Mean Months of Prior, Full‐Time Research Experience: 28
37 different colleges are represented by the incoming PhD Class. Students come from throughout the United States having attended large research universities, and small liberal arts colleges.
Undergraduate majors:
Biology (15), Biological Sciences (6), Neuroscience (6), Biochemistry (3), Bioengineering (3), Pharmacology (2) Biotechnology, Medical Laboratory Science, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry
68% have a Bachelor of Science degree; 31% have a Bachelor of Arts degree
13% have a Master’s degree
Demographics: 60% Female, 40% Male
Average age: 24 years old (range 21 – 31)
Citizenship: 70% U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, 30% Non-U.S. Citizen
U.S. students come from: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas
Non-U.S. students are come from Argentina, China, Colombia, India, Japan, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Taiwan