Department of Genetics

Resources - Core Facilities

Epigenomics Core

To facilitate the research programs of Einstein investigators by providing shared resources to study epigenetic modifications across the entire genome, including DNA methylation, histone modification and DNA-protein interactions.

This shared facility is part of Einstein’s Center for Epigenomics 

More on the Epigenomics Core > 

Genomics Core

The Genomics Core serves the Einstein scientific community by providing a broad scala of services, utilizing current and emerging nucleic acid technologies. Microarrays, real-time PCR, Sanger sequencing and new, massively parallel sequencing (MPS; also known as next-gen sequencing) are available. The Core provides a number of technologies for genotyping DNA from humans or model organisms, varying from SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) detecting to sequencing DNA for unknown variations. Furthermore, the Genomics Core performs quantitative CpG methylation analysis for the Epigenomics Core.

More on the Genomics Core > 


Computational Genomics Core

The Computational Genomics Core (CGC) supports the Einstein community by providing essential informatics resources and infrastructure for the analysis and interpretation of large genomic and epigenomic datasets, providing for timely and standardized delivery of data to investigators, and to organize and present tutorials for data retrieval and analysis using the provided tools and methodologies. The CGC will develop primary analysis pipelines, analysis and visualization tools for application-specific handling of data using open-source and commercial analysis tools. All tools will be maintained and deployed in a manner that optimally supports the research activities of individual investigators.

More on the Computational Genomics Core > 

Molecular Cytogenetic Core

The Molecular Cytogenetic Core (MC) at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine provides tools for the preparation of human and murine samples suitable for molecular genetic and cytogenetic analysis of the entire genome. These tools include the establishment of EBV transformed cell lines; isolation of DNA and mRNA from a variety of tissue culture samples as well as primary biopsies; preparation of metaphase chromosomes suitable for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) or whole chromosome paints for human and mouse genome. The core personnel is trained to hybridize commercial probes and to designed locus specific probes for regions of interest to investigators. All the probes are custom designed and in house generated.

More on the Molecular Cytogenetic Core > 


Thesis Defense Guidelines

At least two months prior to the scheduled date of defense, the student must:

  1. Submit the signed Thesis Defense Committee Form to the Graduate Division office along with the Thesis Seminar Announcement.

How to prepare the Thesis Seminar Announcement

  1. The student must give the Administrative Assistant (AA), Donna Lombardi(, via email, the following information:
    • Seminar title
    • Date
    • Time
    • Place (Building and Room #)
    • Zoom details (if applicable)
  2. The department will then prepare the Thesis Seminar Announcement and send back to the student for review and approval. Upon receipt of approval, the student must give a copy of the announcement to the Graduate Office along with the Thesis Defense Committee Form (see above).
  3. Approximately three weeks prior to the date of defense, the department will circulate the announcement throughout the College, post on the Genetics website, and submit the request to have it posted on the Einstein Calendar of Events.

*Thesis defenses should not be scheduled on an official school holiday as indicated on the Graduate Division Academic Calendar or if it conflicts with another departmental event or seminar.

*Thesis defense celebrations are organized by the student’s lab upon approval by the PI. The AA for that lab will assist with arrangements at the request of the lab/PI. The department will provide $200 towards the cost of the celebration.

For further information regarding the Thesis and Defense process, please visit the following link.

News & Events

News | Drug Discovery News Interview

Dr. Nick Baker was recently interviewed by Drug Discovery News. read more


Event | 2/16/2022 9:00 AM

Virtual Event

10th Annual Human Genetics in NYC Meeting Hosted by Dr. J. Greally of Albert Einstein College of Medicine Keynote lecture by Dr. C. Seidman of Harvard Medical School read more


News | New Book by Jean Hébert

Jean Hébert, Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics, has recently published a book, Replacing Aging. read more

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