Fondos de viaje para estudiantes de genética y becarios posdoctorales

Travel funds are available for Genetics students and post-doctoral trainees to attend and present at a conference. Depending on availability of funds, $500 per person can be obtained, with higher levels as a possibility. Approval via email must first be obtained from Dr. Jan Vijg and/or Dr. Hannes Buelow by providing evidence of conference attendance, in addition to an abstract or attendance contribution. Please note that attendance and participation in the department’s weekly Work-in-Progress meetings is monitored and will be considered when determining approval of travel funds.

Please provide Natasha Muriel and Donna Lombardi with a copy of Dr. Vijg’s and/or Dr. Buelow’s written approval. In addition, students will need to complete the Graduate Division Request for Funds to Attend a Scientific Conference form, which must be signed by the student, faculty mentor and Natasha Muriel.