Medical Scientist

The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine

For Reviewers

As a peer reviewer for the Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine (EJBM) you play a vital role in the process of assessing a scientific manuscript. Reviewing offers you the chance to engage in exchange of scientific ideas and to ensure the quality of the information made available to our readership. We understand that reviewing can be challenging and time consuming, and appreciate your efforts and dedication to the process. The following information is provided to aid you during the review process.

You will receive an invitation to review a manuscript. An EJBM Associate Editor will contact you with a request to review a manuscript. The e-mail will include the following information:

  • The title of the manuscript
  • The abstract of the manuscript
  • The due date for the review 

Please read the e-mail to decide whether the manuscript is within your area of expertise and if you can complete the review by the date requested. To accept or decline the review request, please reply to the e-mail.

If you decline to review a manuscript please inform us. Please let us know why you have declined (e.g. the manuscript is outside your area of expertise, timing, etc.). If possible, please recommend a colleague who might be able to review the manuscript.

If you accept the review of a manuscript you will receive a follow-up e-mail. All review information will be provided through e-mail from Any review related inquiries or correspondence should be addressed to the this e-mail. If you feel after receiving the manuscript that you will not be able to judge the manuscript impartially due to a conflict of interest or for another reason, please inform the Associate Editor responsible for the manuscript. 

Please remember that the manuscript shared with you is a confidential document. Please do not share, discuss, or cite information from the manuscript.

In your comments to the author please be specific. It helpful to organize your review into an introduction summarizing the major findings or points within the manuscript, followed by specific comments in numerical order addressing different suggestions or revisions. Please provide an impartial assessment and avoid subjective or offensive language. Please do not indicate whether the manuscript is acceptable for publication in this section.  

In comments to the editor, please note the acceptability of the manuscript. Please provide critical comments that will be help for the Editors to make a decision regarding the manuscript. If you feel that the manuscript is not suitable for EJBM, please indicate why in this section.

Once you have completed the review, please return your comments via e-mail to We strongly advise that you save a copy of your comments for further reference prior to submitting the form.

Writing the Review

EJBM considers multiple categories of articles for review: 

» Articles and Brief Communications describe clinical or biomedical research. Manuscripts should present information that is of interest and significance to its target audience.

» Reviews and Brief Reviews present an analysis of the current research surrounding a specific question or theme (e.g. recommended therapy for a particular disease or a suggested model for a biological process). Reviews should reference current research and should not simply summarize the material described.

» Case Reports are interesting case studies of individual patients followed by a discussion of the known literature regarding the pathology. 

» Special Topics articles comprise a wide variety of themes ranging from historical analyses to ethical discussions. 

The following information may be helpful to consider during your review of a manuscript for EJBM (not all sections may be applicable): 


Interest of the material to its target audience

Use of proper scientific or medical nomenclature

Clarity and conciseness in writing 

Minimization of jargon whenever possible 



Abstract for research articles contains the following sections: objectives, background, methods, results, and conclusions.

Information is clearly and concisely presented



Relevant and appropriate literature is cited

Rationale for the research is detailed in sufficient length 



Appropriateness of the experimental methodology or design

Employment of proper statistical analysis

Mention of confounders or potential biases

Sufficient detail and information in methodology description



Tables and figures are appropriate to the information and enhance rather than merely restate results

Tables and figures are designed in the proper format for the information conveyed

Results appear credible and are presented clearly and concisely  



Support of the data for the conclusions reached

Results are interpreted and not simply restated

Conclusions, recommendations, and statements are supported by the results

Limitations of the research are discussed

New results are not discussed for the first time in the discussion

Results are presented in a balanced manner such that certain findings are not hidden or avoided.

Citations to relevant literature are offered



It is not necessary to check that the citation style is correct

Use of appropriate literature citations

Extraneous references are not included

Important citations are not omitted