Chemical Synthesis

The Chemical Synthesis Core is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentations to perform demanding chemical reactions (Schlenk technique, low temperature, photochemical, chiral synthesis, organometallics, carbohydrates, peptides, pressure reactions, isotopic labeling, etc.).  We offer services related to chemical synthesis and it is our goal to custom tailor solutions for each client. No matter if it is the simple synthesis of a reference compound or collaboration throughout an entire project – from the grant application to the published work – we will address your needs on an individual level. If there is a chemistry-related service that you do not find in our portfolio – please don't hesitate to give us a call. We are always curious about new ideas and directions.

Custom chemical synthesis

Synthesis consulting & project planning

Compound Purification and Characterization

Analytical services

Data evaluation, editing and publishing support

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