Hepatic Imaging and Cell Structure

The Imaging and Cell Structure Core provides expertise in morphology and microscopy of liver tissue and liver cell cultures, including consultation and interpretation of data for Einstein investigators. The core facilitates access to state-of-the-art microscopes and provides training and instruction in a broad range of tissue- and cell-based methods. In addition, advice is provided on which microscopes and methods are appropriate for imaging normal and pathologic liver in real and fixed times and at different levels of tissue and cell organization (i.e., from overall topography to subcellular structures and molecular composition).


Histology, histochemistry, enzyme- and immunocytochemistry (fluorescence, gold, peroxidase) by widefield light microscopy

Fluorescent dye antibodies, cell dyes, and fluorescent protein plasmids

Fluorescence immunochemistry by confocal microscopy

Live cell imaging by widefield, confocal, and deconvolution microscopy

Cell topography and cell ultrastructure by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, including cryo- and immuno-electron microscopy

Laser capture microdissection microscopy