High Performance Computing

The High Performance Computing Core (HPC) serves the Einstein scientific community by providing access to large scale computational resources, storage arrays and expertise. The physical resources include serial cluster nodes, large memory and parallel systems, scheduling systems and advanced network connections, which allow the flow of bench data to HPC computational resources. The HPC Core also maintains a layered software collection that serves a wide range of scientific needs.


  • HPC computational and storage services:
    • Provisioning high memory computation (256GB per node), MPI and OMP programming styles, array jobs, serial swarms, parallel visualization tools
    • Embedded database client applications, batch and interactive services and Aspera clients for outside sequence access
  • Design/implementation: solutions for complex research workflows that require data movement from laboratory instrumentation to large-scale computational and analytical resources
  • Application/software management: licensing, compiling, optimizing and troubleshooting scientific applications
  • Hardware management: design, purchase, install and manage computational equipment and storage resources
  • Training: aid in the analysis of data through tutorials covering basic and advanced HPC methodologies
  • Grant review: evaluate and recommend computational requirements to be included in grant proposals
  • File-share services: offer file-share services to investigators’ desktop units

Location and Contacts

High Performance Computing