Rose F. Kennedy Children's Evaluation & Rehabilitation Center at Montefiore

Specialized Services

Working across disciplines, our staff coordinates care through a variety of programs:

Autism Recreational and Socialization Services provides direct recreational/socialization and educational enrichment services for children with ASDs in the Bronx. These services complement regular school programming.

Children’s Hearing Program / Audiology

The Children’s Hearing Program offers a full range of diagnostic and habilitative services, including hearing aid fitting and management for children with hearing loss. Our team of highly skilled audiologists have extensive experience working with children with hearing loss and other developmental disabilities and will tailor your child’s hearing assessment to meet his or her individual needs. We also work closely with the Department of Education in the Bronx and NYC, as well as school programs for the hearing impaired, to facilitate smooth learning experiences for children with hearing loss.

Neurology / Seizure Management

RFK CERC neurology clinic works is a consultant service that works closely with our Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians for evaluation of common neurological conditions such as headaches, tics, and movement disorders as well as evaluation and treatment of seizure disorders in individuals with developmental disabilities. Complex neurological conditions may require a visit with Montefiore Health System.

Nutrition Clinic

The Nutrition Clinic at RFK CERC provides nutritional evaluations to children with disabilities who struggle with excessive weight or poor weight gain. We provide nutritional counseling to improve diets by educating and assisting families with meal planning. Behavioral intervention recommendations are offered for children with restrictive eating patterns. We also coordinate with CERC Feeding Therapy Program.

Ophthalmology / Eye Clinic

The Ophthalmology Clinic provides eye examinations to diagnose and treat visual conditions as well as to help confirm the presence of some syndromes in individuals with intellectual and other disabilities. The exams are tailored to the age, developmental stage, verbal ability and level of cooperation of each patient. One of the unique aspects of this ophthalmology clinic is its collaboration with the dentistry center. Occasionally, despite the use of comforting techniques, a patient is unable to cooperate with a full exam in the eye clinic; in these cases, the option of scheduling eye and dental appointments for the same morning is offered. On such a visit, a patient's eyes are examined while his or her movements are being restricted for outpatient dental care.

Psychiatry / Medication Clinic

Individuals with developmental disorders have an increased prevalence of psychiatric and behavior problems which may require specialized treatment. These commonly include impulse control difficulties, ADHD, and mood or anxiety problems among others. RFK CERC mental health services include evaluations, psychotherapy, and medication treatments for those patients who have had pediatric or medical evaluations within the CERC program. Treatment may be provided within CERC or referrals will be made to other appropriate providers. Our services also provide a teaching and learning opportunity for child psychiatry and developmental behavioral pediatricians in training.

Psychoeducational Services foster language, communication, and play skills, enhance attention span, and improve self-esteem. Group sessions for school-age children and adolescents instruct and facilitate appropriate social interactions.

Under Five Trauma Services / Group Attachment Behavioral Based Intervention (GABI)

Group Attachment Based Intervention (GABI) is a trauma-informed, therapeutic playgroup and support group for infants, toddlers, and their parents. Created by Dr. Anne Murphy, GABI serves high-risk families who have experienced significant trauma, housing instability, mental illness, domestic violence, and other challenges. GABI helps parents manage stress, increases their social support network, and improves parent-child relationships. By Fall 2017, there will be seven new GABI sites in all five boroughs of New York City, serving up to 680 families per year.