Rose F. Kennedy Children's Evaluation & Rehabilitation Center

Speech and Language

Language Differences in Monolingual English and Bilingual English-Spanish Young Children With ASD going research related to bi-lingualism in children with ASD is supported by core funding. 

Funding: Core UCEDD grant 

Years: present 

Contact(s): Maria Valicenti-McDermott MD 

Ongoing research related to bi-lingualism in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 


Using Narrative Language to Increase Self-Regulation (RFK UCEDD/LEND, 2017-present) Core funding supports a pilot study of a novel language intervention by our RFK CERC speech-language pathologists. 

Funding: Core UCEDD grant

Years: present 

Contact(s):  Nancy Tarshis, MS, SLP-CCC 

Contact us

Referrals and General Information 

Rose F. Kennedy CERC Interim Director:
Lisa H. Shulman, MD

Clinical Director, Trauma Services:
Anne Murphy, Ph.D. 

 Associate Director, RFK CERC and Trauma Services:
Camille L. Rogers, M.A. 

Office Coordinator:
George Lucas

EI: Building a Strong Foundation