Rose F. Kennedy Children's Evaluation & Rehabilitation Center at Montefiore

Professional Training

RFK CERC and the RFK UCEDD are recognized for the exemplary interdisciplinary training they provide to medical and allied health professionals in the early identification, diagnosis, and treatment of developmental disabilities. RFK CERC is one of only 40 centers in the nation recognized by the federal government through a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) grant, designed to train professionals to become the next generation of leaders in the care of individuals with disabilities. Our trainees include physicians, dentists, medical students, residents, post-residency fellows, nurses and nurse practitioners. Allied health trainees include students and professionals in social work, psychology, special education, occupational and physical therapy, nutrition, audiology, speech and language pathology, genetic counseling and administration.

The Early Intervention Training Institute (EITI) is a federally funded program that provides interdisciplinary training to professionals and graduate students serving young children (birth to 5 years) who have developmental disabilities, and their families. A network of more than 400 participating institutions including day care, Head Start and preschool programs; social service agencies; child protection and legal services organizations; hospitals and medical centers and universities participate in EITI activities. Training activities include an annual series of lectures and workshops, as well as community-based workshops presented by a faculty of clinician educators. Training emphasizes psychosocial risk as well as developmental disabilities. Published twice a year, the EITI Newsletter is distributed to more than 5,000 professionals, graduate students, and families of young children with disabilities.

In addition to caring for our large patient populations, RFK CERC staff are also involved in a number of important activities, including training the next generation of leaders in the field of developmental disabilities. As part of its mission, RFK CERC personnel are involved in educating the community about issues that concern individuals with disabilities and their families while providing advocacy for the disabled population.