Department of Genetics

Genetics Student and Post-Doctoral Trainee Travel Funds

Travel funds are available for Genetics students and post-doctoral trainees to attend and present at a conference. Depending on availability of funds, $500 per person can be obtained, with higher levels as a possibility. Approval via email must first be obtained from Dr. Jan Vijg and/or Dr. Hannes Buelow by providing evidence of conference attendance, in addition to an abstract or attendance contribution. Please note that attendance and participation in the department’s weekly Work-in-Progress meetings is monitored and will be considered when determining approval of travel funds.

Please provide Natasha Muriel and Donna Lombardi with a copy of Dr. Vijg’s and/or Dr. Buelow’s written approval. In addition, students will need to complete the Graduate Division Request for Funds to Attend a Scientific Conference form, which must be signed by the student, faculty mentor and Natasha Muriel.


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News & Events

News | Drug Discovery News Interview

Dr. Nick Baker was recently interviewed by Drug Discovery News. read more


Event | 2/16/2022 9:00 AM

Virtual Event

10th Annual Human Genetics in NYC Meeting Hosted by Dr. J. Greally of Albert Einstein College of Medicine Keynote lecture by Dr. C. Seidman of Harvard Medical School read more


News | New Book by Jean Hébert

Jean Hébert, Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics, has recently published a book, Replacing Aging. read more

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