Department of Genetics

Shared Departmental Equipment

Genetics Shared Equipment

Item of Equipment


Responsible Faculty Member

Applied Biosystems Proflex digital PCR machine

Price 469

Cagdas Tazearslan

Avanti J-20 centrifuge

Price 469

Cagdas Tazearslan

Axio Imager Microscope plus Associated Computer

Ullmann 701

Hannes Buelow

Bead Beater

Ullmann 8th Floor 4˚C Room

Ganjam Kalpana

Beckman Coulter Optima L-90K Ultracentrifuge plus Rotors

Ullmann 704

Ganjam Kalpana

Biolological Safety Cabinets

Ullmann 808B

Julie Secombe

Bio-Rad Fraction Collector

Ullmann 8th Floor 4˚C Room

Ganjam Kalpana

Bio-Rad XR + Gel Doc System with Associated PC

Ullmann 808A

Julie Secombe

BioTek Synergy 4 Microplate reader

Price 468

Moonsook Lee/Jan Vijg

Branson Sonifier 250

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow

Bright Light Transilluminator

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow

Cisco SX Video Conferencing System

VE B01

Robert Dubin

C10 Platform Shaker

Ullmann 720

Charlie Smith

C24 Incubator Shaker

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow

Dissecting Leica Microscope

Price 414B

Bin Zhou

Dissection Scope

Price 414

Bin Zhou

Flat Screen TV Monitor

Ullmann 723

Hannes Buelow

FPLC System

Ullmann 8th Floor 4˚C Room

Ganjam Kalpana

Forma CO2 Incubators (2)

Ullmann 808B

Julie Secombe

Gel imaging system

Price 407

Jidong Shan

Gyrotory Model G2 Shaker

Ullmann 808B

Julie Secombe

HERA Copper Dual Incubator

Price 469

Cagdas Tazearslan

Hub Chamber

Ullmann 812

Julie Secombe

Incubator with Spinning Wheel

Ullmann 812

Julie Secombe

Ion Personal Genome Machine Sequencer

Price 468

Alex Maslov

Ion Proton Sequencer

Price 468

Alex Maslov

Isotemp Refrigerator

Ullmann 808B

Julie Secombe

Isotemp 220 Waterbath

Ullmann 808B

Julie Secombe

Konica SRX 101A Developer

Ullmann 804A

Nick Baker

Licor Odyssey CXL Blot scanner

Price 469

Simon Johnson/Yousin Suh

Licor Western Blot

Ullmann 809

Julie Secombe


Ullmann 808A

Julie Secombe

Microscope AxioImager System (Fluorescent)

Price 413E

Bin Zhou

Microscopes-Zeiss discovery dissection scope

Price 413E; 414A

Bin Zhou


Price 407

Jidong Shan

Nanodropper with Associated PC

Ullmann 808A

Julie Secombe

New Brunswick Scientific C25 Shaker Incubator

Ullmann 808A

Charlie Smith/Julie Secombe

New Brunswick Scientific Excella E25 Bacterial Shaker w/ rotors

Ullmann 822

Hannes Buelow

Nikon TE300 Microscope

Ullmann 808B

Julie Secombe

PCR machine (eppendorf/master cycler ProS)

Price 413D

Bin Zhou

Pharmacia/Biotech Ultraspec 2000 UV/Visible Spectrophotometer

Ullmann 808A

Julie Secombe

PippinHT- DNA Size Selection System

Price 468

Alex Maslov

RC-5B Refrigerated Superspeed Centrifuge

Ullmann 822

Hannes Buelow

RC 6+ Sorvall Centrifuges (2)

Ullmann 822

Hannes Buelow

Refrigerated Centrifuge

Ullmann 823

Julie Secombe


Ullmann 8th Floor 4˚C Room

Ganjam Kalpana

Shaking incubators

Price 407

Jidong Shan

Slab Gel Dryer

Ullmann 719A



Ullmann 812

Ganjam Kalpana

Sorvall RC-5B Centrifuge

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow


Price 407

Jidong Shan

Speed Vac with Assoicated Vacuum Pump & Condensation Trap

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow

Steponeplus RT-PCR System

Ullmann 809

Julie Secombe

SW-41 Ultracentrifuge Rotor

Ullmann 823

Ganjam Kalpana

Thermo Fisher Cryostat

Price 416

Bin Zhou

Thermo Scientific Cell incubator (2)

Price 469

Cagdas Tazearslan

Tri-carb 2910 (Scintillation Counter)

Ullmann 822

Ganjam Kalpana

UV Cross-Linker

Ullmann 812

Ganjam Kalpana

UVP Benchtop UV Transilluminator

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow

Vacuum Oven

Ullmann 704

Hannes Buelow

View Sonic Projector

Ullmann 723

Hannes Buelow

Wallac Counter Multi Label Victor 2 1420 with Associated PC (plate reader) Ullmann

Ullmann 808A

Ganjam Kalpana

Zeiss Axio observer A1 microscope

Price 407

Jidong Shan

-20 Freezers (3 functional)

Ullmann 719A


News & Events

News | Drug Discovery News Interview

Dr. Nick Baker was recently interviewed by Drug Discovery News. read more


Event | 2/16/2022 9:00 AM

Virtual Event

10th Annual Human Genetics in NYC Meeting Hosted by Dr. J. Greally of Albert Einstein College of Medicine Keynote lecture by Dr. C. Seidman of Harvard Medical School read more


News | New Book by Jean Hébert

Jean Hébert, Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics, has recently published a book, Replacing Aging. read more

view all news & events