Einstein Experts
Charles B. Hall, Ph.D.

Professor, Epidemiology & Population Health
Professor, Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology
Alzheimer's disease/dementiaAgingCognition
EpidemiologyBiostatisticsDr. Hall is a biostatistician recognized for leading important long-term studies of aging and dementia. His research has shown, for example, that brain-stimulating activities delay the onset of dementia. He is the longtime director of the statistical core of the Einstein Aging Study, one of the longest-running prospective studies of aging in the country. He is also the lead statistician for the data coordinating center of the federally funded World Trade Center (WTC) Medical Monitoring & Treatment Program, which provides free health monitoring and treatment for workers and volunteers involved in the rescue, recovery and clean-up activities at the WTC site in New York City.
In his aging studies, Dr. Hall has pioneered the use of change-point models – powerful statistical tools for detecting subtle but meaningful changes in data. He has used these models to show that having more years of formal education or engaging in cognitively stimulating leisure activities appear to protect against developing clinical dementia symptoms.
Additional Areas of Expertise
Change-point models, Cognitive reserve, Longitudinal data analysis, Survival analysis
Highlighted Media Coverage
Einstein Multimedia
Science Talk: Stimulating Brain Activities Delay Onset of Memory Decline