Most recent publications:
Sillanpaa M, Shinnar S. SUDEP and other causes of mortality in childhood-onset epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 2013;28:249-255. PMID: 23746924
Hesdorffer DC, Shinnar S, Lewis DV, Nordli DR Jr, Pellock JM, Moshe SL, Shinnar RC, Litherand C, Bagiella E, Frank LM, BelloJA, Chan S, Masur D, Macfall J, Sun S and the Consequences of Prolonged Febrile Seizures (FEBSTAT) Study Team. Risk Factors for Febrile Status Epilepticus: A case control study. J Pediatr 2013; 163:1147-1151. PMID: 23809042 PMCID: PMC3989363
Masur D, Shinnar S, Cnaan A, Shinnar RC, Clark P, Wang J, Weiss EF, Hirtz DG, Glauser TA, Childhood Absence Epilepsy Study Group. Pretreatment cognitive deficits and treatment effects on attention in childhood absence epilepsy. Neurology 2013; 81:1572-1580. PMID: 24089388. PMCID: PMC3980500
Brown FC, Westerveld M, Langfitt JT, Hamberger M, Hamid H, Shinnar S, Sperling MR, Devinsky O, Barr W, Tracy J, Masur M, Bazil CW, Spencer SS. Influence of anxiety on memory performance in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 2014; 31:19-24. PMID: 24291525 PMCID: PMC3946774.
Lewis DV, Shinnar S, Hesdorffer DC, Bagiella E, Bello JA, Chan S, Xu Y, MacFall J, Gomes WA, Moshe SL, Mathern GW, Pellock JM, Nordli DR Jr, Frank LM, Provenzale J, Shinnar RC, Epstein LG, Masur D, Litherand C, Sun S; FEBSTAT Study Team. Hippocampal sclerosis after febrile status epilepticus: The FEBSTAT study. Ann Neurol 2014;75:178-185. PMID# 24318290 NIHMSID# 569823 PMCID: PMC3980500
Hussain SA, Shinnar S, Kwong G, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, Wu JY, Sields WD, Sankar R. Treatment of infantile spasms with very high dose prednisolone before high dose adrenocorticotropic hormone. Epilepsia 2014;55:103-107. PMID 24446954 OMCID: PMC3904676
Hamid H, Blackmon K, Cong X, Dziura J, Atlas LY, Vickrey BG, Berg AT, Bazil CW, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Sperling MR, Shinnar S, Devinsky O. Mood anxiety and incomplete seizure control affect quality of life after epilepsy surgery. Neurology 2014; 82:887-894. PMID 24489129 PMCID: PMC3959755.
Seinfeld S, Shinnar S, Sun S, Hesdorffer DC, Deng X, Shinnar RC, O’Hara K, Nordli DR Jr, Frank LM, Gallentine W, Moshe SL, Pellock JM and FEBSTAT Study Team. Emergency management of febrile status epilepticus: results of the FEBSTAT study. Epilepsia 2014; 55:388-395. PMID 24502379 PMCID: PMC3937844.
Mendley SR, Matheson MB, Shinnar S, Lande MB, Gerson AC, Butler RW, Warady BA, Furth SL, Hooper SR. Duration of chronic kidney disease reduces attention and executive function in pediatric patients. Kidney Int 2014; 87:800-806.] PMID 25252026
Valicenti-McDermott M, Lawson K, Hottinger K, Seijo R, Schechtman M, Shulman L, Shinnar S. Parental Stress in Families of Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. J Child Neurol 2015 April 10 [epub ahead of print). PMID: 25862740.
Krumholz A, Wiebe S, Groseth GS, Gloss DS, Sanchez AM, Kabir AA, Liferidge AT, Martello JP, Kanner AM, Shinnar S, Hopp JL, French JA. Evidence-based guideline: Management of an unprovoked first seizure in adults: report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society. Neurology 2015;84:1805-1713. PMIDL 25901057
Gomes WA, Shinnar S. Prospects for imaging-related biomarkers of human epileptogenesis: A critical review. Biomark Med 2011;5:599-606. PMID:22003908. PMCID: 3235417.
Shinnar S. Prognostic factors for recurrence after a first unprovoked seizure in childhood. In Arts WF, Arzimanoglou A, Brouwer OF, Camfield C, Camfield P eds. Outcome of Childhood Epilepsies. Progress in Epileptic Disorders 2013;12:25-31.
Bleck T, Cock H, Chamberlain J Cloyd J, Connor J, Elm J, Fountain N, Jones E, Lowenstein D, Shinnar S, Silbergleit R, Treiman D, Trinka E, Kapur J. The established status epilepticus trial 2013. Epilepsia 2013 54 (suppl 6): 89-92. PMID 24001084 PMCID: PMC4048827
Patterson KP, Baram TZ, Shinnar S. Origins of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Febrile seizures and Febrile Status Epilepticus. Neurotherapeutics 2014; 11:242-250. PMID: 24604424 PMCID: PMC3996115