Stable Isotope & Metabolomics Core

Module #14

Widely Targeted Small Polar Metabolite (WTSM) panel using the Sciex 6500+ QTRAP

The Sciex 6500+ QTRAP, with ~550+ annotated metabolites when only the C18 column is used, covers a substantial portion of key metabolite pathways, such as amino acids, amines, acyl carnitines, organic acids (TCA metabolites, glycolytic metabolites including lactate/pyruvate), bile acids and fatty acids. Including HILIC chromatography for tissue samples, raises the detection ability to ~650+. In human plasma, ~200 metabolites are found with a coefficient of variation (CV) <30% and for urine ~300 metabolites are found with CVs <30% for the C18 column method alone.

Figure 2
Fig. 2. Representative metabolic pathways covered by the one column C18 LC/MS/MS MRM method.

For an Excel file with the full list of metabolites for the one column method (C18 based) and the two column method (addition of HILIC methodology), click here.

< Module 13 | Module 15 >

Department Office

Irwin Kurland, M.D.
Room 374, Price Center/Block Research Pavilion


Yunping Qiu. Ph.D.
Operations Manager
Room 368, Price Center/Block Research Pavilion


Min Cai
Mass Spectrometer Operator
Room 368, Price Center/Block Research Pavilion


Xueliang Du, Ph.D.
Seahorse Technician
Room 529, Forchheimer


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