Widely Targeted Small Polar Metabolite (WTSM) panel using the Sciex 6500+ QTRAP
The Sciex 6500+ QTRAP, with ~550+ annotated metabolites when only the C18 column is used, covers a substantial portion of key metabolite pathways, such as amino acids, amines, acyl carnitines, organic acids (TCA metabolites, glycolytic metabolites including lactate/pyruvate), bile acids and fatty acids. Including HILIC chromatography for tissue samples, raises the detection ability to ~650+. In human plasma, ~200 metabolites are found with a coefficient of variation (CV) <30% and for urine ~300 metabolites are found with CVs <30% for the C18 column method alone.
For an Excel file with the full list of metabolites for the one column method (C18 based) and the two column method (addition of HILIC methodology), click here.
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