Stable Isotope & Metabolomics Core

Module #15

Widely Targeted Lipidomic Profiling (WTLP) using the Sciex 6500+ QTRAP

Our newly developed widely targeted lipidomic profiling (WTLP) method employs a MRM based fragmentation method for the Sciex 6500+, combined with Avanti SPLASH© and Lipidyzer© standards, to design a WTLP method for detection and quantitation of ~1300 lipid species in 26 lipid classes, including Ceramides (CER), Cholesterol (CHOL), Cholesterol ester (CE), diacylglycerol (DAG), Triacylglycerol (TAG), dihydroceramides (DCER), free fatty acids (FFA), hexosylceramides (HCER), lactosylceramide (LCER), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), lyso-PC (LPC), lyso-PE (LPE), sphingomyelin (SM), phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and phosphatidylserine (PS). In human plasma, 600-700 lipid species have a coefficient of variation (CV) <30%

Table 1
Table 1. List of lipids found by our LC/MS/MS MRM method, the number of species for each class, and the ESI polarity.

For an Excel file with the full list of lipids, click here.

< Module 14 | Module 16 >

Department Office

Irwin Kurland, M.D.
Room 374, Price Center/Block Research Pavilion


Yunping Qiu. Ph.D.
Operations Manager
Room 368, Price Center/Block Research Pavilion


Min Cai
Mass Spectrometer Operator
Room 368, Price Center/Block Research Pavilion


Xueliang Du, Ph.D.
Seahorse Technician
Room 529, Forchheimer


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