Neurocritical Care Fellowship The ACGME-accredited Montefiore/Albert Einstein CoM Neurocritical Care Fellowship offers 1- and 2-year tracks. Our goal is to produce well-rounded neurointensivists who will be adept at caring for the full gamut of critically ill patients. The fellowship takes place at Moses Hospital, the mothership of the Montefiore Health System. Moses is the only tertiary care center and only Comprehensive Stroke Center in the Bronx. Our 10 bed Neuroscience ICU (NSICU) admits the full spectrum of neuromedical, cerebrovascular and neurosurgical patients. We are tightly integrated with a 15 bed Neuroscience Step-down. NSICU has 24-hour coverage by attendings and neurocritical care PAs. Available equipment includes: built-in video EEG in all rooms brain tissue oximetry temperature modulation devices pupillometers portable CT scanner point-of-care ultrasound disposable bronchoscopes video laryngoscopes Neurocritical Care is part of the multidisciplinary Division of Critical Care Medicine, which also sponsors one of the largest CCM fellowships in the US. Fellowship features: A robust simulation training program taking place at Montefiore Einstein's state-of-the-art simulation center. Sessions for endotracheal intubation, vascular access, thoracentesis & chest tube placement, neurologic emergencies, cardiac arrest, communication, and more. Multi-day critical care ultrasonography course early in your first year & weekly ultrasound conferences led by nationally recognized faculty. Required rotations in SICU, MICU, CSICU, critical care consult service and critical care EEG where you will not just be an observer. Robust programs for heart, lung, liver, pancreas & kidney transplant, VADs and ECMO. Rotations in neurology/stroke and neuroradiology for fellows with a non-neuro background. Mandatory daily didactics (protected time). The block schedule will be customized for each fellow based on their educational background. Sample curriculum: 2-Year Track - Neurology Neuroscience ICU - 48 weeks MICU - 4 weeks CCM Consults - 4 weeks SICU - 4 weeks CSICU - 4 weeks Critical Care EEG - 4 weeks Vacation - 8 weeks Research/Elective - 28 weeks 2-Year Track - EM/IM/Anesthesia Neuroscience ICU – 52 weeks MICU, CCM Consults, SICU, CSICU – 8-16 weeks EEG Basics – 4 weeks Critical Care EEG – 4 weeks Neurology/Stroke/Neuroradiology – 4-10 weeks Vacation – 8 weeks Research/Elective – 16-24 weeks 1-Year Track - Neurosurgery Neuroscience ICU – 30 weeks MICU – 4 weeks CCM Consults – 4 weeks SICU – 2 weeks CSICU – 2 weeks Critical Care EEG – 6 weeks Vacation – 4 weeks 1-Year Track - Critical Care Neuroscience ICU – 32 weeks Critical Care EEG – 8 weeks Stroke – 4 weeks Neuroradiology – 4 weeks Vacation – 4 weeks