Jacobi Montefiore Surgical Critical Care Fellowship

Other Educational Resources

Protected Educational Time

Once a week—typically on the lunchtime lecture series day—the Fellow has a free afternoon from noon until evening sign out/handoff to read, work on a research project or pursue any educational endeavor. Short of a rare clinical disaster the Fellow will have no clinical responsibilities during this time unless they choose so.

Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET) course

The Fellow who has not already taken the one day ASSET course sponsored by the American College of Surgeons will be registered and scheduled to take the course at a local facility during the Fellowship year. (All registration and course fees will be provided by the Jacobi Surgery Department.)

Advanced Trauma Operative Management (ATOM) course

The Fellow who has not already taken the one day ATOM course sponsored by the American College of Surgeons will be registered and scheduled to take the course at a local facility during the Fellowship year. (All registration and course fees will be provided by the Jacobi Surgery Department.) Those Fellows who have taken the ATOM course may have an opportunity to obtain ATOM instructor status.

Annual Conference Trip

We believe attending national conferences are an excellent opportunity for the Fellow can learn and become up-to-date on new science while also building networks. The Department of Surgery will reimburse registration fees and travel expenses for one conference per year from the following annual meetings sponsored by these groups: American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Las Vegas Trauma Critical Care & Acute Care Surgery or the Society of Critical Care Medicine (Other meetings will need special permission.)


Given the Fellowship is only a one year period research is not an absolute requirement. However, the Fellow is strongly encouraged to participate in one of the clinical or translational research projects that may be available. The interested Fellow will find IRB application and statistical support along with access to up-to-date large data sets such as the National Trauma Data Bank or TQIP for clinical research projects within the Department’s Office of Trauma and Surgical Research.