Analytical Imaging Facility

SEM Gallery

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge image and get background on the image. Click on the * to link out to the article. Citations for all * images are located at the bottom of the page. 

sem blood1 thumbsem rafael thumbsem sabriya3 thumbsem branca thumbsem leslie2 thumb space whitespace whitespace whitespace whitespace whitesem oren thumb 2sem johan thumbsem leslie3 thumbsem eliseo thumbsem yeast thumbspace white space whitespace whitespace whitespace whitesem celegans thumbsem sabriya1 thumbsem olatz thumbsem clem thumbsem frank thumbspace whitespace white space whitespace whitespace whitesem blood2 thumbsem sabriya2 thumbsem leslie4 thumbsem monica thumbsen ben 7 thumb

space white space whitespace whitespace whitespace whitetem Ebong thumb 



7/21  Macaluso F.P., Perumal G.S., Kolstrup J., Satir P. (2016) CLEM Methods for Studying Primary Cilia. In: Satir P., Christensen S. (eds) Cilia. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1454. Humana Press, New York, NY. 

13/21  Pampliega Oet al. 20 13. Nature. 10;502(7470):194-200.  

17/21  Stukes S. et al. 2014. FASEB BioArt Winners. 


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