Behavioral and Implementation Science Core
The Behavioral & Implementation Science Core (BISC) of the Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) facilitates the development and implementation of interdisciplinary, theory-driven, rigorous behavioral and implementation science research that aligns bench, bedside and community to prevent new HIV infections and improve HIV care.
Provide technical assistance and training on all aspects of qualitative and mixed-methods behavioral research including study design, data collection, implementation, analysis and manuscript preparation
Provide technical assistance and training on cognitive interviewing: a tool used to evaluate and improve quantitative survey measures so they capture what is intended within different contexts and populations
Facilitate adoption of implementation science approaches, methods, and frameworks to expand and strengthen HIV research, while focusing on strategies that mitigate health challenges
Community Participatory Partnership (CPP): The BISC facilitates partnerships between CFAR investigators and community members, CBOs, and NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to maximize community-relevant research
Center Affiliations
Location and Contacts
Behavioral and Implementation Science Core Van Etten 6B25
Laurie J. Bauman, PhD
Scientific Director
Bruce D. Rapkin, PhD
Associate Scientific Director