Molecular Cytogenetics Core
The Molecular Cytogenetics Core provides tools for the preparation of human and murine samples suitable for molecular genetic and cytogenetic analysis of the entire genome. These tools include the establishment of EBV transformed cell lines; isolation of DNA and mRNA from a variety of tissue culture samples as well as primary biopsies; preparation of metaphase chromosomes suitable for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) or whole chromosome paints for human and mouse genome. The core personnel is trained to hybridize commercial probes and to designed locus specific probes for regions of interest to investigators. All the probes are custom designed and in house generated.
FISH HYBRIDIZATION: Locus specific probes and chromosome painting (human and mouse) up to three colors
SKY-Spectral Karyotyping human and mouse
DAPI-Staining and Chromosome Count
Generation of Locus Specific Probes BAC clones, human and mouse
EBV transformation of human lymphocytes
DNA Isolation
mRNA Isolation
Tissue Culture
PBMC Isolation and enrichment of other blood cells T, B and eosinophils
DNA and Cell Lines Repository
Picogreen DNA quantification
Mycoplasma detection
RNAi reagents from human and mouse GPZ and TRC libraries
IncuCyte Analyzer
Related Shared Facilities
Center Affiliations
Location and Contacts
Molecular Cytogenetics Core Price Center/Block Research Pavillion 407
Bernice Morrow, Ph.D.
Director científico
Jidong Shan, Ph.D.
director de operaciones