Ingeniería e imágenes de células neuronales
The Neural Cell Engineering and Imaging Core (formerly known as the Cellular and Molecular Neuroimaging Core), supported by the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience and the Rose F. Kennedy Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, combines state-of-the-art equipment and highly personalized service for microscopy-based studies of neural tissues. Technical support is provided to advise, train and assist Einstein investigators through all pertinent research aspects of neuroimaging, from experimental design to specimen preparation, data collection and analysis, and preparation of publication-quality figures. The staff welcomes investigators from all areas of biology and medicine interested in obtaining scientific expertise for structural analytical neuroscience studies.
Tissue specimen preparation equipment including microtomes, vibratome, and cryostats
Neurolucida/StereoInvestigator microscope for 3D neurite tracing, cell counts and volume measurements
Upright and inverted digital fluorescence microscopes
ImageXpress system for automated brightfield and fluorescence imaging of slides, dishes and multiwell plates
ImageXpress system for automated brightfield and fluorescence imaging of slides, dishes and multiwell plates
Zeiss confocal microscope with spectral scanning, fast imaging capability and Airyscan module providing facile super-resolution capability
High-throughput Axioscan system for imaging up to 100 slides in brightfield and fluorescence including far-red capability
Rodent stereotactic stations with microinjectors for precise in vivo delivery of experimental agents
Multiphoton In Vivo microscope with two tunable lasers up to 1300nm plus a fixed 1040nm line, dual scanners for imaging and photomanipulation, and electrophysiology set-up
Other equipment including laser microdissection and laser capture system, fluorescence plate reader with liquid handling, and Helios biolistics gene gun
State-of-the-art image processing and analysis software for complex morphometric and other quantitative studies including Imaris, Metamorph, Neurolucida 360, Image-Pro 3D, and Huygens Professional
Related Shared Facilities
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Location and Contacts
Neural Cell Engineering and Imaging Kennedy Center 522, 616, 618, 712B