Hepatic Animal Models, Stem Cells and Cell Therapy
This Core breeds unique animals of interest, reproduces animal models, provides training in procedures and consultation in experimental design. New technologies are developed for animal and human stem cell and cell therapy studies. Primary animal or human liver cells of consistently high quality are isolated and distributed. Liver cells generated from pluripotent stem cells with highly efficient differentiation protocols can also be provided. Animal use requires ACUC approval for the investigator’s project. Disease models include analbuminemic rat, Gunn rat, LEC rat and Atp7b-/- mice (Copper toxicosis), and hemophilia A mice, along with additional rat and mouse models for cell transplantation research. The Core offers training in specialized liver procedures, e.g., partial hepatectomy, bile duct ligation or cannulation, portal vein cannulation, liver perfusion, induction of liver injury or fibrosis, etc. The Core can provide specialized cell culture media and additives for hepatocytes.
Bred animals
Isolation and culture of animal and human liver cells
Distribution of liver cells generated from pluripotent stem cells
Provision of cell culture additives and materials
Reproduction of established animal models
Training in animal procedures
Center Affiliations
Location and Contacts
Hepatic Animal Models, Stem Cells and Cell Therapy Ullmann 505, 511, 610
Sanjeev Gupta, M.D.
Scientific Director