NIH Resources NIH Home Page NIH Institutes Office of the NIH Director NIH Office of Science Policy Standard Due Dates/ Deadline Schedule Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy NIH Grants Process Overview How to Apply - Application Guide Prepare to Apply, Plan your application, Prepare your application Write your application, Write your Research Plan, Quick Guide for Grant Applications Budget - Tracking your Budget, Develop your Budget, Plan your Budget and Personnel, Create a Budget, Subaward Budgets Submit, Track, and View More NIH Resources: Career Guidance Full grant submission Process Forms and Applications Forms I NIH Reporter NIH FAQs NIH Glossary of Terms NIH Funding Programs by Career Stage NIH Help Desk Ticketing System Podcasts Seminars NIH eRA Commons NIH eRA Training Page eRA System Resources ASSIST login. eRA Commons login. NIH exchanges information with applicants and recipients through a variety of eRA systems. ASSIST - NIH-managed submission option institutions can use to prepare and submit grant applications. eRA Commons - used throughout the grant lifecycle from application intake through to closeout to exchange electronic information between agency staff and applicants/recipients. xTrain - accessed via eRA Commons; used to administer research training, career development, fellowships and research education awards. xTRACT - accessed via eRA Commons; allows applicants/recipients to create research training tables for NIH progress reports and institutional training grant applications. Source: CDC grants solution