In this February edition of the newsletter, I will provide details on our institutional submissions, office updates, sponsor updates, internal forms changes, system updates and proposal reminders.
Application Breakdown
Applications numbers have been analyzed for January 1 – February 28, 2025. OGS has already reviewed 235 applications (196 New, 10 Renewal, 23 Resubmission, 6 Supplement). The total cost request is $284,614,036. These applications were submitted by 46 Departments/Divisions across the institution. The funding breakdown: 44% Federal prime, 30% Federal and Non-Federal subcontracts, 20% Non-Federal prime, 4% Industry, and >1% New York State and >1% International. We are currently reviewing 11 applications for the remainder of February deadlines. We have 28 applications under review for March 5th NIH deadline.
We are reviewing the impact of executive orders on our NIH grant awards. If you receive notice that your grant will be impacted by the executive orders please contact OGS.
OGS Office Updates and Reminders
We are recruiting for a Senior Grant Specialist and a Grant Specialist. Come join our team!
Resource - Funding: OGS maintains an active license with SPINPlus portal. This portal has over 40,000 funding opportunities and allows investigators to set filters and receive notifications from the system of new field specific opportunities as they become available. Registration for March 12th at this link.
Reminder - Communication: Please ensure that communication and sponsor required clarifications route through OGS. As the Authorized Organization Representatives (AOR), we will review, provide feedback, and offer our concurrence for all direct sponsor communications.
Reminder – ProposalCentral: If you are submitting to a non-federal sponsor using ProposalCentral and you require institutional signature, you need to list the appropriate central office staff and provide edit access for the collection of signatures. All ProposalCentral full applications require an approved Cayuse record.
Reminder – Federal Applications: SF424 R&R page 1 “Person to be contacted on matters involving this application” list administrator information or Indranil Basu or Morgan McKenna. If you are submitting a DoD application list only OGS contact. SF424 R&R page 2 section for Authorized Representative please list Indranil Basu or Morgan McKenna. Applicant information should include Division as “Albert Einstein College of Medicine.”
Submission Policy Clarification (Enforcement 3/5 Deadline): OGS requires the routing of proposals 8 business days prior to deadline for administrative documents. This includes the final budget, justification(s), Data Management and Sharing Plan (if applicable), biosketch of all key personnel, subcontract documents (signed SOI, performance site, biosketch of key persons, budget, and justification). If complete, you can also upload the Facilities and Other Resources, Equipment, Key Authentication, Vertebrate animal document and the Protection of Human Subjects and study record documents.
If you are collaborating with a foreign site(s), you are required to provide a signed letter of support for each site with the language listed on the supplemental form for OGS review.
We request the upload of final science 2 days prior to deadline (NIH recommendation).
Reminder - Routing: All Cayuse applications require full routing and budget approval prior to submission to sponsors.
Reminder – New Sponsors: If you plan to work with a new sponsor, it is important that OGS review contract and/or award terms. Please route language to OGS prior to submission.
Reminder (Holiday or Office Closure): OGS will have coverage for urgent signatures and application deadline support. Please be proactive and route applications and signature requests to OGS in advance.
Federal Sponsor Updates and Resources
NIH Updates:
NIH has implemented Forms I for all applications with deadlines on or after January 25th, 2025.
Common Forms- Adoption for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other Support) for all submissions on or after May 25th, 2025 (NOT-OD-24-163).
Peer Review – Simplified Review Framework for NIH Research Project Grant Applications (NOT-OD-24-010). This new framework and structure will begin with submission for due dates on or after January 25th, 2025. Information concerning the framework is included in updated FONs. Resources for Simplified Review Framework webinar and overview of changes are available here.
Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP): OGS is not involved in the implementation of the DMSP. Please do not list OGS, RF, or any other central office on Element 6 of the plan, as this should be project personnel. OGS and Einstein IT are working on template language to share concerning institutional resources.
NIH Data Access and Security: Effective January 25, 2025, new and renewal users will be expected to secure data according to updated NIH Security Best Practices. Updated requirement for security of controlled-access data NOT-OD-24-157. 20 NIH Controlled access repositories (dbGAP, NDA, NIAGADS, etc.). Einstein IT will prepare plan to comply with regulation. Webinar: Community-Days-Securing-NIH-Controlled-Access-Genomic-Data.pptx
NIH – Clarification: NIH does not allow for overlapping or duplicative funding. Please read the extramural article on research integrity. Link: https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2024/10/04/the-how-and-why-of-recovery-of-grant-funds/
Upcoming Form and System updates: The required Cayuse Supplemental form is under review. Several units and administrators have contributed suggestions, which will be incorporated. This new form 5.1 will be circulated for use when the review is complete.
Reminder – Early Approval: Cayuse has added a required field to the proposal in SP (Early Approval /Submission Request). If you require an early review, select Yes, and enter the date in the text box. If you do not require an early review, select No. Please ensure your review request is consistent with the submission policy and provides reasonable turnaround time for OGS review. All documents should be complete and correct to ensure an early review can be completed on the requested date.
Training: Cayuse training will continue to be available monthly. Please contact OGS to request inclusion (OGS@einsteinmed.edu). OGS is creating training in specific areas including Other Support, Common Forms, and Budget Development.
Other support training was provided on February 11th. The recording can be shared.
Additional training will be available in the first quarter of 2025. More information to come.
Please continue to reach out to OGS for all your research administrative related inquiries. We look forward to continuing to provide a high level of support for your applications as well as clear updates on sponsor's requirements and guidance to maximize funding success!
M. Caitlin McKenna