Núcleo de comportamiento animal The Animal Behavior Core, supported by the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience and the Rose F. Kennedy Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, provides expert staff and equipment for testing the behavior of mice and rats. These tests are broadly applicable to the study of heritable and developmental disorders of cognitive function, sensorimotor disorders, psychiatric and affective disorders, metabolic disorders, cancer, neuropathological and infectious diseases, aging and reproductive function. Servicios Access the Services Dedicated space, apparatus and software Expertise in design, analysis and execution of behavioral studies Assistance in the preparation of grants, manuscripts, posters, presentations and animal protocols Development of assays and models to suit specific needs Validated and reliable functional testing of rodents in a broad range of behavioral domains, including cognitive, affective/emotional, social, sensory, motor and reproductive Related Shared Facilities Alojamiento y estudios de animales.Cellular and Molecular Neuroimaging Genómica Histotechnology and Comparative Pathology Transgenic and Gene Targeting Center Affiliations Centro de Investigación sobre Discapacidades Intelectuales y del Desarrollo Rose F. Kennedy Publicaciones seleccionadas Behavioural Brain Research,2008 Nov 21; 193(2), 315-319 Behavioural Brain Research,2009 Jan 23;196(2):220-7 Brain Research,2005 May 31;1045(1-2):107-15 Location and Contacts Animal Behavior Core Kennedy Center B34, B37 & 615 Maria Gulinello, Ph.D.Director científico718-430-4042maria.gulinello@einsteinmed.edu