Analytical Imaging Facility

Digital Station #5

The Analytical Imaging Facility (AIF) provides state of the art methods in modern light and electron microscopy imaging to biomedical scientists with all levels of expertise.

Available techniques include:

-Electron microscopy: TEM, SEM, and sample preparation 

-Light microscopy: confocal, multiphoton, super-resolution, laser capture microdissection, scanning, fluorescence, and bright-field imaging 

-Image analysis: Volocity, Imaris, Imod, Quant Center and ImageJ 


For the infrequent user, the AIF provides a completely assisted technical support service. We also provide training for anybody interested in becoming expert microscopists. Trained users are able to work independently 24/7.


Contact us at (718) 430-3547 or visit us in Forchheimer 641



All users must read and sign the Acknowledgements and Equipment policy form regarding publishing data generated in the facility prior to working in the AIF.