Analytical Imaging Facility

Acknowledgements Policy


The Policy on Acknowledgement and Co-Authorship for Work Conducted in the AIF:

1. If you use any image in a publication that was acquired on an AIF instrument, the AIF needs to be listed in the Acknowledgement section. Because the AIF is partially funded through the Cancer Center, the Cancer Center grant needs to be listed as well.
  • NCI cancer center support grant P30CA013330 

2. If your image was acquired on an AIF instrument purchased using a Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG), you must list the grant number.
  • P250 slide scanner: SIG #1S10OD019961-01  
  • Leica SP8 confocal: SIG #1S10OD023591-01 
  • Nikon Superresolution: SIG #1S10OD18218-1 
  • JEOL 1400Plus: SIG #1S10OD016214-01A1 
3. If you received assistance from an AIF staff member including basic training, basic technical assistance on the microscope, basic image acquisition or standard sample prep, you should list the name of the staff member in the acknowledgements.

4. Some AIF Work is considered a contribution that warrants co-authorship on a manuscript and may be considered for patenting and/or licensing
  • a. Significant intellectual contribution to the conceptualization and design: extensive advice on a novel, complex sample or design of and experimental approach 
  • b. Development of new techniques and new scripts: developing novel sample preparation techniques, developing new techniques on a microscope, writing software scripts 
  • c. Data acquisition/execution and interpretation: in addition to acquisition of images, data is analyzed and interpreted, complete data sets are generated 


Our guidelines are based on theses NIH requirements:

"For each individual the privilege of authorship should be based on a significant contribution to the conceptualization, design, execution, and/or interpretation of the research study, as well as a willingness to assume responsibility for the study. Individuals who do not meet these criteria but who have assisted the research by their encouragement and advice or by providing space, financial support, reagents, occasional analyses or patient material should be acknowledged in the text but not be authors."



Here is the Acknowledgement form. Please download, print, read, and sign it. Please drop the signed form off with any AIF staff member.