IRB Members IRB members are selected to ensure a wide range of perspectives and expertise appropriate to the many types of research under review. Our IRB members are physicians, researchers, clinicians, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists (among other members of the medical community), engineers, lawyers, non-scientists, and community members; all contributing their knowledge, viewpoints, and hard work. As an IRB member you are required to read the OHRA published IRB Member Handbook. A few key sections of the handbook have been reproduced below. Please refer to your Member Handbook for instructions on how to prepare and present a protocol review at an IRB meeting. The Member Handbook also contains general information on the organization, purpose, and function of the IRB. IRB Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines The Einstein IRB holds two meetings per month: The East Campus IRB generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 3:00pm - 5:00pm in the Dean's Conference Room (Belfer Building Room 303) The West Campus IRB generally meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 12:00pm - 2:30pm in the Tishman 4 Conference Room (Moses Campus) We no longer have submission deadlines for new applications and amendments undergoing full review; all transactions are now reviewed on an ongoing basis upon receipt. Meeting dates are listed on the IRB Committees and Meetings page IRB Member Responsibilities A considerable time commitment is required when serving as an IRB member. IRB members need to set aside blocks of time to review IRB applications and protocols, attend meetings, and avail themselves to educational opportunities. The amount of time needed will gradually lessen as the process becomes familiar. Keep in mind - some studies are so technical, complex, and dense, that other IRB members or consultants will need to review the most technical sections in addition to your review. IRB Members are expected to: Maintain an updated resume or CV with the IRB office. Annual updates can be emailed to Ensure their ethics credentials are up-to-date View required credentials Attend IRB meetings and education sessions Return any IRB-related documents to IRB staff at the end of the meeting, and shred any documents you may have printed for review at your home or office. Inform the OHRA staff of your availability to attend scheduled meetings, and notify ORHA staff immediately if you are unable to attend a meeting to which you had previously committed. Maintain confidentiality for all discussions, reviews, meeting minutes, and proprietary information you will encounter as an IRB member. Please refer to the IRB Member Manual for the full list of IRB Member Responsibilities