The AIF supports both Electron and Light microscopy. The AIF also has a variety of image analysis programs. Please click on the category of interest.
Electron Microscopy
- Transmission Electron Microscopes
Microscope in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra-thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it passes through it.
Highlighted Features:
- Cellular structure
- Electron tomography
- Single particle analysis
- Macromolecular localization
- Host-pathogen interaction
- Tissue pathology
- Scanning Electron Microscope
Microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with atoms in the sample, producing various signals that contain information about the sample's surface topography and composition.
Highlighted Features:
- Surface imaging
- Macromolecular localization
- Host-pathogen interactions
- Elemental analysis
- 3-D reconstruction
- Correlative Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)
- Specimen Preparation for Electron Microscopy
The expert staff can design a specimen preparation protocol to optimize cellular preservation tailored to your individual experiment objective.
Light Microscopy
- Widefield Microscopes
Microscopes with digital cameras for epifluorescent or brightfield samples.
Highlighted Features:
- Epifluorescence
- Darkfield, Brightfield, DIC, Phase, Polarized light
- Color imaging
- Spectral karyotype, FISH
- Correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy
- Deconvolution
- Eppendorf microinjection and cell collection
- Confocal Microscopes
Microscopes for fluorescent samples that need high resolution.
Point scanning confocal:
Spinning disk confocal:
Highlighted Features:
- Optical sectioning
- 3D volume reconstruction
- Photoactivation, FRET, FLIP, FRAP, iFRAP
- Multiphoton Microscope
Microscope with pulsed laser for deeper tissue imaging.
Highlighted Features:
- Whole animal intra-vital imaging
- Photoconversion, photoactivation, FRAP
- Second harmonic imaging
- TIRF and Super Resolution Microscope
Microscope with optical resolution beyond traditional diffraction limit, for fluorescent samples.
- Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope
Microscope for isolation of single cells from tissue sections via laser.
Highlighted Features:
- Brightfield and fluorescence mode
- PALM MicroBeam
- Microtweezers
- Scanners
High capacities, high resolution scanner for immunohistochemistry or fluorescence stained slides.
Image Analysis
- Image Visualization and Quantification
The AIF provides two high-end computer workstations and supports several image analysis packages that can be used for visualization, quantification and restoration of light microscope and electron microscopy image data. The AIF advises and trains users on proper ways to generate data and perform quantitative data analysis on their own. Image analysis can also be conducted on an assisted basis by the AIF staff.
Highlighted Features:
- Quantify fluorescent intensities, shapes, and volumes
- Deconvolve epi-fluorescent data sets
- Track dynamics of moving object
- Study interactions of multiple populations
- Convert 3D time-lapse data into movies
- 3D reconstructions
- Electron tomography reconstructions
- Single particle analysis