Dr. Deepika Slawek Awarded KL2 to Study how Medical Cannabis Affects People Living with HIV
Until recently, opioids were the primary treatment for chronic pain in this population. But there is growing interest in using medical cannabis for treating chronic pain in people living with HIV. Deepika Slawek, MD, MPH, Clinical Instructor in the Department of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) and a Research Fellow was awarded a Mentored Clinical/Translational Research Career Development Award (KL2) to study how medical cannabis affects pain and inflammation in people living with HIV.

NIH Awards Einstein Researchers $4M to Study Immune Evasion in TB Infection
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the tuberculosis (TB) bacterium, is notorious for evading the body’s immune response. John Chan, M.D., Professor, Department of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and of Microbiology & Immunology, along with Steven Porcelli, M.D., and Michael Berney, Ph.D., have found evidence that M. tuberculosis evades antiTB immunity by activating an immunosuppressive pathway controlled by the host enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded them a five-year, $4 million grant to study how immunosuppression mediated by IDO activation helps M. tuberculosis circumvent immune defenses. Einstein Magazine November 2018

NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRP) Application Cycle Opened on Saturday, September 1, 2018
Have you thought about applying for an NIH LRP award? Do you know someone that should?
Awardees can receive up to $70,000 of qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year contract.
The LRP application cycle closes on November 15th. Go to www.lrp.nih.gov to learn more about eligibility requirements, application dates, and many benefits of the program.

Future Leaders: Department of Medicine CRTP Graduates
The Master of Science in Clinical Research Methods (CRTP) held its 19th commencement ceremony on May 22, 2018, at the Pelham/Split Rock Golf Course where graduates were honored, along with their mentors and their families. The CRTP graduates come from all specialties and career stages and have been trained in clinical research methods across the translational spectrum through didactic learning and coursework with a mentored research experience. Department of Medicine graduates and their divisions include:Jesus Anampa Mesias MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine (Oncology); Sarah Baron, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine (Hospital Medicine); Helena Blumen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Medicine (Geriatrics) and Neurology; Claudene George, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine (Geriatrics);and Anna Bortnick, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Medicine (Cardiology).

NIH Awards Einstein and Montefiore $25M for Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Health System have received $25 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to continue support for the Block Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR). The new grant marks the third, five-year Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) that the ICTR has received to support its mission to accelerate the translation of research discoveries into improved health care. “The days of the lone researcher are long gone,” says Marla Keller, M.D., professor and vice chair of research in the department of medicine and associate director of the ICTR.

Strategies to Tackle the Opioid Epidemic—Widespread use and misuse of prescription opioids has led to a nationwide opioid epidemic. Better public health policies and strategies are needed to address the crisis. Joanna Starrels, MD, MS, treats and studies both chronic pain and addiction. Dr. Starrels has received a five-year, $943,000 NIH grant to mentor junior investigators to conduct research that will improve patient care and public policy approaches to curb the opioid epidemic. For example, she will study how best to reduce opioid doses for patients with chronic pain who are treated in primary care or HIV treatment settings. Dr. Starrels is associate professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) and attending physician at Montefiore Health System. March 22, 2018
Hepatitis C Virus Can Infect Pancreatic Islet Cells
Up to 10 percent of patients with hepatitis C also have type 2 diabetes, but the association between the virus infection and diabetes is not well understood. A pilot study conducted by Yaron Tomer, M.D., and colleagues and published online on December 20 in Virology Journal found that HCV not only infects liver cells but can also infect in vitro pancreatic islet cells, including the cells that secrete insulin. The findings suggest that HCV infection of pancreatic islet cells alters the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine proteins, which may contribute to the insulin deficiency that can lead to diabetes. Further research is needed to show whether curing hepatitis C can also improve or reverse type 2 diabetes. Dr. Tomer is the Anita and Jack Saltz Chair in Diabetes Research, professor and chair of medicine and is professor of microbiology & immunology.
Study This: Numbers Game
Research conducted by General Internal Medicine resident Yekaterina Kim, M.D., and other Montefiore researchers, examined the effect of wearing team jerseys, compared to regular clothes, on performance of clinical duties. The study was published in the October issue of Chest and is being presented at the CHEST Annual Meeting in Toronto.
Read the study here. The study was mentioned in Politico New York Healthcare's October 25, 2017 e-newsletter issue here.
Three DoM Physicians Awarded MSc degree through CRTP
Daniele Massera, Fellow in the Division of Cardiology; Jonathan Ross, an Instructor of Medicine and Clinician-Investigator, Division of General Internal Medicine; and Ladan Golestaneh, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Nephrology, were among the 11 CRTP graduates awarded the MSc degree at a commencement ceremony held on May 24, 2017.
Drs. Julia Arnsten and Meredith Hawkins Receive ECRIP Awards
Julia Arnsten, MD, Professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) and Division Chief, General Internal Medicine and Meredith Hawkins, Professor, Department of Medicine (Endocrinology); Harold and Muriel Block Chair in Medicine; and Director, Global Diabetes Institute, are recipients of New York State's Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) Awards to supplement current research efforts at Montefiore, Montefiore/New Rochelle and Jacobi hospital.
Raman Singhal, MD, Receives 2017 AAIM Innovation Grant to Study Social Determinants of Health
Dr. Raman Singhal, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) and Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Wakefield, was awarded a $2500 Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Innovation Grant to study how the experiences of international medical graduates (IMGs) in caring for underserved patients in the United States compare to their experiences caring for underserved patients in their native countries.
Study on Preventing Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Published in NEJM
A study co-authored by James Brust, M.D., attending physician and associate professor of medicine (general internal medicine) and his former colleagues N. Sarita Shah, M.D., Ph.D. (lead author), and Neel R. Gandi, MD (senior author), and published in the January 18 online issue of The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that efforts to halt TB transmission in hospitals and community settings may be a better strategy than improving patient treatment.

Ultra Long-Lasting Capsule May Help Combat Malaria
Researchers have developed a new long-lasting capsule that remains in the stomach for two weeks. In a study described in the November 2016 issue of Science Translational Medicine, one of the study’s authors, Johanna P. Daily, M.D., M.S., Associate Professor in the Departments of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and of Microbiology & Immunology, highlights that this ultra-long acting gastric residence dosage forms approach could have applications across many clinical conditions to reduce medication dose frequency, improve adherence and maximize outcomes.
Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski Awarded $2M NIH Grant to Prevent Pneumonia
Liise-anne Pirofski, MD, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Microbiology & Immunology; Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases; and Selma and Dr. Jacques Mitrani Chair in Biomedical Research, has been awarded a five-year, $2 million NIH grant to develop monoclonal antibody therapy for pneumococcal pneumonia.
Call for Applications: Clinical Research Training Program
The application deadline for the Clinical Research Training Program is March 1, 2017. CRTP at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is a training program funded by the NIH under the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA).
Resident/Fellow Research Symposium
This year's Resident/Fellow Research Symposium was orchestrated by Dr. Michal Melamed and featured posters from members of the Internal Medicine Residency Program and fellows throughout the Department of Medicine.

Dr. Heidi Gold Wins Moses Prize Competition
Second-year Dermatology resident Dr. Heidi Gold won first place in the basic science category for the 2016 Henry L. Moses Prize Competition.
May 13, 2016
Dr. Lawrence Brandt to Receive 2016 Harry Gordon Award
Dr. Lawrence Brandt will receive the Harry Gordon Award for Outstanding Clinical Teacher at the 2016 Einstein graduation ceremony.
May 3, 2016

Dr. Marla Keller Appointed Vice Chair for Research
Dr. Marla Keller, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s Health, has been appointed Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Medicine.

Dr. Belinda Ostrowsky and Dr. Priya Nori Appointed ID Leaders
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce that Dr. Belinda E. Ostrowsky has been appointed Director of Epidemiology, Stewardship, and Infection Prevention, and Dr. Priya Nori has been appointed Medical Director of the Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP).
Dr. Hadar Lev-Tov Awarded AAD Cochrane Scholarship
Third-year resident Hadar Lev-Tov, M.D., M.A.S., was awarded the highly competitive American Academy of Dermatology Cochrane Scholarship.
April 6, 2016

Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo Delivers Harvey Society Lecture
A world-renowned expert in the study of autophagy, Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo delivered “Selective Autophagy: The Ultimate Recycling for a Long and Healthy Life” at the Harvey Society lecture series on Thursday, March 17, 2016.

Research & Training in Substance Abuse
Led by Dr. Julia Arnsten, General Internal Medicine's outstanding, highly committed faculty members are conducting innovative investigations to address the burgeoning rates of substance abuse in the Bronx and the nation.

The Diabetes Prevention Program: An Einstein Success Story
Dean Allen Spiegel reflects on Einstein's crucial role in the diabetes research that made Medicare's payment for lifestyle interventions and other advances in diabetes prevention possible.
March 8, 2016

Medicine Welcomes Jennifer Garner as Unified Department Administrator
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the appointment of Jennifer Garner, MSW, as Unified Department Administrator.
March 1, 2016

February 2016 Resident of the Month
The Internal Medicine Residency Program congratulates Dr. Jasdeep Mangat, Resident of the Month for February 2016.
February 22, 2016

Overdose Deaths from Common Sedatives Have Surged, New Study Finds
Overdose deaths from benzodiazepine drugs ("benzos") have increased more than four-fold since 1996, according to a study conducted by Dr. Marcus Bachhuber, Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, and Dr. Joanna Starrels.

Sliding-Scale vs. Basal-Bolus Insulin Therapies in Older Adults
A recent study by Dr. T.S. Dharmarajan and colleagues compared the effectiveness of sliding-scale insulin (SSI) therapy to basal-bolus insulin (B-BI) therapy to control blood glucose in older nursing home residents.
February 7, 2016
Montefiore Einstein and Doctors for Global Health in Uganda
A recap of Dr. Laurie Jacobs' recent visit to the innovative Montefiore Einstein Global Health Program in Uganda.

Dr. Andrew Lipsky Awarded Henry L. Moses Clinical Paper Prize
Third-year resident Dr. Andrew Lipsky, Firm 2, has been chosen as this year's first place recipient of the Henry L. Moses Clinical Paper prize for his article titled "Incidence And Risk Factors Of Bleeding-Related Adverse Events In Patients With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treated With Ibrutinib", published in the December 2015 issue of Haematologica.

Resident of the Month
The Internal Medicine Residency Program congratulates Dr. Alejandra Londono-Jimenez, Resident of the Month for January 2016.
January 31, 2016

Malaria: Progress and Promise
Dr. Kami Kim, Dr. Johanna Daily, and Dr. Mahalia Desruisseaux are currently conducting innovative research on cerebral malaria (CM).
Dr. Serena Roth to Direct Weiler Clerkship Site
Dr. Serena Roth has been appointed the new site leader for the Department of Medicine third-year clerkship on the Einstein campus (Weiler Hospital).
January 24, 2016
How do Medical Students Deal with Communicating Uncertainty When Breaking Bad News?
A recent study by Dr. Rosemarie Conigliaro sought to address the effectiveness of medical students’ ability to inform family members about a patient’s death, particularly in cases where the cause of death is unclear.

The End of Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Dr. Paul Marantz recently blogged about whether the promulgation of Dietary Guidelines for Americans (including how they are interpreted and responded to by the public, legislators and regulators, the food industry, lobbyists and other stakeholders) actually leads to an overall improvement in health.
January 17, 2016

Conditions Found that Promote Proliferation of Blood-Forming Cells in Fetal Liver
A study directed by Dr. Paul Frenette that solved a mystery surrounding the development of hematopoietic stem cells in utero was featured on the cover of the January 8 print edition of Science.
Dr. Ronald Lis Promoted to CCM Site Director at Wakefield
Dr. Ronald Lis, Assistant Professor (Critical Care) and former Medical Director of the Medical-Surgical ICU at Montefiore Wakefield, has advanced in rank and responsibility to the facility's Critical Care Medicine Site Director.
January 10, 2016
Cardiology Awarded ACHA Actelion Training Grant
The Divisions of Cardiology (Medicine and Pediatrics) have been chosen to receive a national Adult Congenital Heart Association Actelion Training Award/Grant to develop an Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) fellowship at Montefiore/CHAM, directed by ACHD expert Dr. Ali Zaidi.

Dr. Brian Currie Announces Retirement
Dr. Brian Currie, Vice President and Medical Director of Research and Hospital Epidemiologist at Montefiore Health System and Assistant Dean of Clinical Research and Professor of Clinical Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and of Clinical Epidemiology & Population Health at Einstein, announced his decision to retire at the end of January 2016.

December 2015 Resident of the Month
Congratulations to Dr. Mary (Catie) Cambou, PGY-1, Firm 3, December 2015 Resident of the Month.
January 3, 2016
2017-2018 Chief Residents
Drs. Anand Jagannath, Marshall Yuan, Peter Vlismas, Mathew Kladney, and Jamie Mersten have been selected to be Chief Residents for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Dr. Sachin Jain Featured in CBS News
Dr. Sachin Jain was recently featured in a CBS News article regarding concerns that drug-resistant gonorrhea will emerge in the U.S.
December 28, 2015
Dr. Victor Schuster Named 2015 AAAS Fellow
Dr. Schuster was elected a 2015 AAAS Fellow for "his outstanding contributions to medicine and biochemistry, including the critical identification of the prostaglandin transporter, and for contributions as a distinguished educator and physician."
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham Receives Faculty Mentoring Award
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham received the Einstein Faculty Mentoring Award in recognition of her significant impact as a Clinical Science Mentor on the faculty's career development and success.
December 21, 2015
Department of Medicine Welcomes New Chair
Leading endocrinology researcher and clinician Yaron Tomer, M.D., has been named professor and university chair of the Department of Medicine at Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
December 14, 2015

Dr. Chinazo Cunningham Chosen for Mayor's Task Force
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham has been chosen to serve on the de Blasio administration's Ad Hoc "Mayor’s Heroin and Prescription Opioid Public Awareness Task Force".

2015 Faculty Appointments and Promotions
Dr. Joseph Deluca was recently promoted to Associate Professor, joining the ranks of the Department's esteemed faculty members who were appointed or promoted this year.

November 2015 Resident of the Month
Congratulations to Dr. Rehaan Shaffie, PGY-3, Firm 3, second-time winner of the Resident of the Month Award.
December 7, 2015
Dr. Alain Litwin Honored by NYSDOH AIDS Institute
Dr. Alain Litwin received the Commissioners Special Recognition Award from the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute for promoting hepatitis C testing and improving access to hepatitis C care and treatment.
GI & Liver Diseases Well Represented at AASLD 2015
The Division of Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases faculty were well represented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), held November 13-17, 2015 in San Francisco, CA.
November 30, 2015
Milford Fulop, MD
Milford Fulop, MD, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of the Department of Medicine and Einstein's longest full-time faculty member, died Thursday, November 26, 2015.
November 23, 2015

AIDS Center to Receive Commissioners Special Recognition Award
Dr. Barry Zingman and the Montefiore AIDS Center will be presented with the Commissioners Special Recognition Award for HIV/AIDS services from the New York State Department of Health.

Medicine Welcomes Cevita Webb as Administrative Director of Research
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the appointment of Cevita Webb, MPH, as Administrative Director of Research.

Dr. Alain Litwin: Studying and Overcoming Stigmas of Treating Injectable Drug Users with Hepatitis C
MD Magazine's AASLD conference coverage included Dr. Alain Litwin discussing the C-EDGE CO-STAR trial's finding that an investigational combination drug for hepatitis C (elbasvir and grazoprevir) reduced viral load in patients being treated for opioid addiction, as well as overcoming stigmas to treat this marginalized population.
November 16, 2015
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham Receives AMERSA Mentoring Award
Dr. Chinazo O. Cunningham received the Anderson Spickard, Jr. Excellence in Mentorship Award at the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA) 29th Annual National Conference, November 5-7 in Washington, DC.
Dr. Shadi Nahvi Receives AMERSA New Investigator and Best Research Abstract Awards
Dr. Shadi Nahvi received both the New Investigator/Educator Award and a Best Research Abstract Award Semi Finalist Award at the AMERSA 29th Annual National Conference, November 5-7 in Washington, DC.
Diabetes Self-Management - You are the Quarterback of Your Care
Dr. Meredith Hawkins, co-director of the Diabetes Research Center, and Alethea Shepardson, endocrinology nurse practitioner, recently published an article in U.S. News & World Report illustrating ways people with diabetes can take control of their own care.
Dr. Belinda Ostrowsky and Dr. Priya Nori on Smart Antibiotic Prescribing
Dr. Belinda Ostrowsky and Dr. Priya Nori recently published an article in MD Magazine discussing how antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) play an important role in healthcare institutions.
November 9, 2015
Rapid Blood Test for TB Shows Promise
In a new study, Dr. Jacqueline Achkar demonstrated that a panel of eight protein biomarkers in the blood can rapidly distinguish active TB from latent TB infection and also from other respiratory diseases. A second panel of 10 biomarkers diagnosed TB in people co-infected with HIV.
Dr. Enver Akalin Serving Leadership Roles in Nephrology, Transplantation
Dr. Enver Akalin has been appointed 2015-2016 Vice President and 2016-2017 President of the New York Society of Nephrology (NYSN), and recently began as Chair of the American Society of Transplantation (AST) Transplantation and Immunology Research Network (TIRN) Scientific Review Committee.
November 2, 2015

Faculty Appointments and Promotions
The Department of Medicine extends its warmest congratulations to those faculty members who were approved by Einstein's Appointments and Promotions Committee to be appointed or promoted in the past year.
Dr. Lawrence Brandt on the New "Poop Pill"
Dr. Lawrence Brandt was quoted this past week on the new "poop pill" being manufactured by OpenBiome, the nation’s first stool bank.
October 26, 2015
Fracture Liaison Services Focuses on Reducing Fragility Fractures in Older Patients
Implemented by Dr. Vafa Tabatabaie in January 2015, Fracture Liaison Services provides responsible patient care, improve outcomes, and shift the focus from treatment to prevention of fragility fractures.
Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases at ACG 2015
The Division of Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases was well represented at the 2015 ACG meeting in Honolulu, HI, with faculty members delivering over 30 presentations and posters.
Preventing Dangerous Plaques
Dr. Nicholas Sibinga was awarded a 4-year, $2.1-million NIH grant to study the molecular mechanisms controlling the activities of monocyte-derived macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells that contribute to arterial plaque formation and rupture.
October 19, 2015
Dr. Alain Litwin Approved for $14M Research Funding Award for Hepatitis C
A research team led by Dr. Alain Litwin has been approved for a five-year, $14 million research funding award by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) for a study titled "Patient-Centered Models of HCV Care for People Who Inject Drugs".
Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Awarded $1.3M in ECRIP Funding
A research team led by Dr. Julia Arnsten has been approved for a two-year, $1.3 million research funding award by the New York State Department of Health Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) for the Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CCER).
GIM Fellowship Program Welcomes Dr. Jonathan Ross
The General Internal Medicine Fellowship Program welcomes Dr. Jonathan Ross, who began the research fellowship in July 2015.
Combating Obesity
Dr. Gary Schwartz has been awarded a four-year, $1.5-million NIH grant to further investigate the mediobasal hypothalamus’s novel nutrient-sensing abilities with the goal of developing effective anti-obesity therapies.
October 12, 2015
Dr. Barry Zingman Awarded $1.6M Grant for HIV/AIDS Treatment Program
The New York State Department of Health has awarded Dr. Barry Zingman a five-year, $1.625 million grant to develop a new program to enhance linkage, retention, and viral suppression of HIV-infected persons at the Montefiore AIDS Center and the Center for Positive Living/ID Clinic.
Dr. Joe Verghese Lands $3.3M NIH Grant to Research the Impact of Cognitive Training on Mobility
The National Institutes of Health has awarded Dr. Joe Verghese and Dr. Roee Holtzer a $3.3 million grant from to explore cognitive training programs among the elderly as a strategy to improve their flexibility and agility.
Dr. Lawrence Brandt Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Lawrence J. Brandt is the recipient of the Peggy Lillis Foundation's Lifetime Achievement Award.
October 5, 2015
Dr. Joanna Starrels Receives First-Time NIH Research Project Grant
Dr. Joanna Starrels recently received her first R01 grant, a four-year, $2.3 million award for her study on opioid analgesic use and HIV.
Children With HIV More Likely to Die of Malaria
New York Times interviewed Dr. Kami Kim about her research that indicates children with HIV are more likely to develop a severe form of malaria and die.
Resident of the Month
Congratulations to Dr. Wendy Rabbenou, PGY-2, Firm 2, September 2015 Resident of the Month.
September 28, 2015
2015 Sharon Silbiger Lecture Promotes Ethnic Diversity in Science Fields
Dr. Erich Jarvis, Associate Professor of Neurobiology at Duke University School of Medicine and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, delivered the third annual Sharon Silbiger, MD Memorial Lecture entitled “Surviving as an Underrepresented Scientist in a Majority World” Monday, September 21, 2015.
Dr. Nir Barzilai in Science
Science recently profiled Dr. Nir Barzilai and the ambitious proposed clinical trial he is leading that would evaluate if metformin can delay aging in humans.
Dr. Michelle Larsen Receives Four-Year NIH Grant for Develop New TB Test
The NIH has awarded Dr. Michelle Larsen a four-year, $2.5-million grant to continue work on a promising test to detect viable TB bacteria and determine their drug susceptibility.
Allan Wolkoff Named American Liver Foundation Physician of the Year
Dr. Allan W. Wolkoff will receive the 2015 American Liver Foundation Physician of the Year Award Tuesday, September 29, celebrating his extraordinary record of service including long-term leadership as a member of the Board of Directors and past chair.
September 21, 2015
Dr. James Brust Receives First-Time NIH R01 Grant for Study Assessing a New TB Drug
The NIH has awarded James C. M. Brust, M.D. a five-year, $3.6 million grant to study bedaquiline, the first new tuberculosis (TB) drug to receive FDA approval in 40 years.
September 14, 2015
Dr. Michal Melamed Receives First-Time NIH R01 Grant for Study of Dietary Supplements Against Kidney Disease
The NIH has awarded Michal Melamed, M.D. $3.5 million over five years to take part in its ongoing VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL).
Dr. Priya Nori on Flu Prevention
In a recent U.S. News & World Report article, Dr. Nori discusses costs associated with the flu, why the average citizen is more likely the contract the flu than other infectious diseases, flu vaccines and the antiviral Oseltamivir, and other methods (including hand hygiene) to prevent transmission of the flu virus.
September 7, 2015
A 'Perverse' Marketplace for Prescription Drugs
Dr. Harry Shamoon discusses the widespread crisis of the rising costs of new drugs, particularly for treatment of cancer and hepatitis C, and how this crisis is threatening gains in healthcare savings in the U.S., as well as the health of patients who cannot afford co-pays even when insured.
General Internal Medicine Welcomes Dr. Hector Perez
The Department of Medicine and Division of General Internal Medicine extend a warm welcome to Dr. Hector Perez, Assistant Professor of Medicine.
August 2015 Resident of the Month: Fiore Mastroianni, MD
Congratulations to Fiore Mastroianni, MD, PGY-1, Firm 1, our August 2015 Resident of the Month.
August 30, 2015
Center for the Aging Brain Selected for Population Health Management Program
The NYU Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing has selected the Montefiore Einstein Center for the Aging Brain for implementation of an innovative program to improve primary care services for older adults in the Bronx.
Heart Failure Help - Preventing Hospital Readmissions
Dr. Ileana Piña's research focuses on exercise training for treating heart failure and on hospital strategies that could help reduce 30-day readmission rates for heart failure patients.
Nephrology Welcomes Dr. Yelena Drexler
Dr. Yelena Drexler has joined the Division of Nephrology as Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine.
August 23, 2015
Why Incarceration Is Not the Solution to the Opioid-Addiction Epidemic
Dr. Aaron Fox discusses issues of incarceration and addiction recovery.
General Internal Medicine Welcomes Dr. Marcus Bachhuber
Dr. Marcus Bachhuber has joined the Division of General Internal Medicine as Assistant Professor of Medicine.
Pulmonary Medicine Welcomes Dr. Daniel Fein
Dr. Daniel Fein has joined the Division of Pulmonary Medicine as Assistant Professor of Medicine.
August 18, 2015
Dr. Helena Blumen Lands CTSA Research Career Development Award
The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium has selected Dr. Helena Blumen as the recipient of a research career development award.
July 2015 Residents of the Month
Congratulations to second-year resident Dr. Justine Shum (Firm 1) and first-year resident Dr. Justine Phifer (Firm 3), July 2015 Residents of the Month.
How Older Adults Can Stay Safe During the Summer Months
Dr. Amy Ehrlich gives advice on counseling older adults and their caregivers on staying safe in hot weather.
Fellows Course Teaches Fellows to Become Medical Educators
Designed to teach fellows how to become medical educators, provide exposure to scholarly activities, educate about the health care system, and address ACGME program requirements common to all Medicine subspecialty fellowships, the new Fellows Course will begin September 2, 2015.
August 11, 2015
Ending the Silence on Heroin-Overdose Deaths
A recent Doctor's Tablet blog post panel includes Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, who discusses how regulations to limit prescribing of high-dose opioids may contribute to rising heroin use, and how the number of people receiving treatment for opioid-use disorders has failed to keep up with the number of those needing treatment.
Lowering Bad Cholesterol: Understanding the New Class of LDL-Lowering Drugs
A new class of injectable LDL-lowering drugs may come to market shortly. Dr. Anna Bortnick explains how the new drugs work and how they differ from statins.
Mona Weinberger Joins Department of Medicine as Unified Senior Administrator
In anticipation of the “new Einstein” transition to Montefiore Health System, the Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the appointment of Mona Weinberger, MS, as Unified Senior Administrator.
August 4, 2015
Dr. Irene Blanco Appointed Associate Dean for the Office of Diversity Enhancement
Dr. Irene Blanco, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, has been appointed Associate Dean for the Office of Diversity Enhancement (ODE).
Teaching Medical Students About Health Disparities Builds Confidence
Dr. Cristina Gonzalez and fellow researchers developed an innovative elective course that raises medical students' awareness of how they may inadvertently contribute to health disparities, of systemic causes of health disparities, and how to work to reduce them.
Dr. Elizabeth Walker: Dialing for Diabetes Control
A recent study conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Walker found that periodic telephone counseling helped urban adults with uncontrolled diabetes lower their blood sugar.
July 27, 2015
Targeted Medical Care for Expectant Mothers With Heart Disease
Established in February 2015 by Dr. Anna Bortnick and Dr. Diana Wolfe, the Montefiore Maternal Fetal Medicine-Cardiology Joint Program is an inter-professional referral center for high-risk pregnant patients with cardiac disease.
Personalizing Medicine: Considering Preferences and Values
In a recent post in Einstein's The Doctor's Tablet, Dr. Paul Marantz uses the example of his own mother’s critical healthcare choices to examine the role of patient values and needs when considering the risk of a new procedure or treatment.
ID Research Updates
Studies conducted by Dr. Yi Guo, Dr. Grace Minamoto, Dr. Marla Keller, and Dr. Kerry Murphy were recently published in leading infectious diseases journals.
July 20, 2015
New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation During Hospitalization
Cardiology fellow Dr. Daniel Massera discusses his study entitled "New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation During Hospitalization is Associated with Increased Short- and Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Mortality".
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: Passing the "Grandma Test"
Dr. Jessica Peña writes of her experience in the newly created Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) training program at Einstein, a nascent research field aimed at answering questions that matter to patients, their families, and other stakeholders and involving them throughout the research process.
July 13, 2015
Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo and Dr. Richard Kitsis Awarded Leducq Grant
Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo and Dr. Richard Kitsis have been awarded a five-year, $6 million grant from the Paris-based Fondation Leducq--one of four awards granted worldwide--for a collaborative study entitled "Modulating Autophagy to Treat Cardiovascular Disease".
2015 Resident Research Symposium Highlights
Drs. Eric Shulman, Minghao Liu, Victoria Gutgarts, and Timothy Bowler explain, in 60 seconds or less, their award-winning work from this year's Resident Research Symposium.
July 6, 2015
Dr. Yi Guo Elected NYCSHP President
Dr. Yi Guo was recently inducted as President of the New York City Society of Health-SystemPharmacists (NYCSHP).
Dr. Jill Crandall: What Propels My Diabetes Research
In Einstein's The Doctor's Tablet blog, Dr. Jill Crandall writes about the importance of respecting patients' burden of living with diabetes, including the day-to-day dietary restrictions and obligations of glucose testing, exercise, and medications.
Dr. Irene Blanco Selected for NIMHD Translational Health Disparities Course
Dr. Irene Blanco was recently accepted to participate in an intensive two-week Translational Health Disparities course sponsored by the National Institute of Minority Health & Health Disparities.
Dr. Johanna Daily & Dr. Myles Akabas: The Malaria Mystery
Dr. Johanna Daily and Dr. Myles Akabas joined The Best Medicine Radio Show for an in-depth review of why the disease persists, the political and financial hurdles to eradication, and new treatments are on the horizon.
June 2015 Resident of the Month
Congratulations to third-year resident Dr. Muhammad Shahid (Firm 2), June 2015 Resident of the Month
June 28, 2015
Strategies to Improve HCV Care
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham presented "Strategies to Improve the HCV Continuum of Care: Best Practices in Testing, Linkage to Care, & Treatment"at the 2015 National Summit on HCV and HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care in Arlington, VA.
Dr. Priya Nori Named Infectious Diseases Teacher of the Year
Dr. Priya Nori was recently presented with the Teacher of the Year Award from graduating members of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program.
Storytelling in Medicine
Dr. Ricklie Julian, an upcoming third-year resident in the Intensified Research Rotation, participated in a research study that developed and piloted an experiential narrative medicine curriculum for third-year medical students.
June 22, 2015
Dr. Jeffrey Ceresnak to Assume Leadership of Montefiore Moses Peer Review Committee From Dr. Thomas Aldrich
Dr. Jeffrey Ceresnak will assume the role of Chair of the Montefiore Medical Center Moses Campus Peer Review Board from Dr. Thomas Knight Aldrich, who will step down after 21 years of service on the committee.
Dr. Cynthia Taub to Serve on ASE Board of Directors
Dr. Cynthia Taub has been selected to serve on the Board of Directors of the American Society of Echocardiography.
Dermatology Hosts Skin Cancer Screening in Scarsdale
More than 100 people were evaluated and many skin cancers, including several possible melanomas, were identified at a recent Skin Cancer Screening hosted by the Division of Dermatology, in partnership with the Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care.
June 15, 2015
NIH Grants $10.5 Million for Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center
Einstein and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have received a $10.5 million, five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to continue their newly named Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center (DRC).
May 2015 Resident of the Month
Congratulations to second-year resident Dr. Steven Beckoff (Firm 2), May 2015 Resident of the Month.
June 8, 2015

Emerging Opportunities for Biobehavioral HIV Prevention
Research conducted by Dr. Sachin Jain seeks to help clinicians determine which individuals at risk for HIV might benefit from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

Dr. Marilou Corpuz & Dr. Priya Nori Present ID Research at SHEA 2015
Dr. Marilou Corpuz and Dr. Priya Nori presented "Challenges in an Influenza Outbreak on a Psychiatry Unit" and "Engaging Internists to Champion Antimicrobial Stewardship on the Wards", two posters at the 2015 national meeting of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA).

Dulguun Amgalan and Prameladevi Chinnasamy Awarded AHA Predoctoral Fellowships
Graduate students Dulguun Amgalan and Prameladevi Chinnasamy have been awarded American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowships to support their ongoing work in the laboratories of Dr. Richard Kitsis and Dr. Nicholas Sibinga.
June 1, 2015

Dr. Evripidis Gavathiotis and Dr. Richard Kitsis Receive AHA Collaborative Sciences Award
Drs. Evripidis Gavathiotis and Richard Kitsis have received the NCRP Winter 2015 Collaborative Sciences Award, a three-year award supporting their study entitled "BAX as a small molecule therapeutic target for myocardial infarction".

Uriel Felsen, Kerry Murphy Received CTSA Research Awards
The Montefiore Einstein Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium has selected Dr. Uriel Felsen and Dr. Kerry Murphy for research career development awards.
May 25, 2015

2015 Resident & Fellow Research Symposium
The 2015 Department of Medicine Annual Resident/Fellow Research Symposium took place Thursday, May 21, with 81 posters on display and 8 prizes awarded for basic and translational research, clinical research, and clinical vignettes.

2015 Department of Medicine Staff Promotions
The Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the promotions of Deborah Deluca-Parchen, Siobhan Lally-Mckeown, and Anita Burch.
May 17, 2015

Overcoming Opioid Addiction Through a Group-Based Model
A new research study led by Dr. Aaron Fox, Assistant Professor of Medicine and a clinician- investigator in the Division of General Internal Medicine, seeks to improve the effectiveness of buprenorphine treatment within primary care by offering counseling and treatment to multiple patients simultaneously in groups.

Works-In-Progress: Grants For Excellence In Medical Education
Drs. Cristina Gonzalez, Elina Jerschow, and Darlene LeFrancois, recipients of Grants for Excellence in Medical Education, will present their works in progress to fellow faculty members at the annual "Works-In-Progress: Grants For Excellence In Medical Education", Thursday, June 18 in the Price Center.
May 10, 2015
Teaching Medical Students Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Drs. Belinda Ostrowsky, Joshua Nosanchuk, Jason Adelman, and Theresa Madaline were featured in a recent video for their work with 2nd-year medical students at Einstein, leading a safety and quality improvement course with hands-on, interactive patient safety and quality improvement exercises.

Faculty Appointments and Promotions
The Department of Medicine extends its warmest congratulations to those faculty members who were approved by Einstein's Appointments and Promotions Committee to be appointed or promoted in the past year.
Research Skills for Clinicians
Drs. Ellie Schoenbaum, Aaron Fox, Jason Adelman, Brian Currie, Paul Marantz, and Lawrence Brandt were featured for their participation in the Einstein Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP), which offers a Master of Science in Clinical Research Methods.
May 3, 2015

Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski Receives ASM Research Training Award
Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski is the 2015 recipient of the American Society for Microbiology's William A. Hinton Research Training Award honoring outstanding contributions toward fostering the research training of underrepresented minorities in microbiology.

General Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine at SGIM 2015
Members of the Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine delivered a total of 56 workshops, clinical vignettes, original research, and innovations at the national meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, April 22-25, 2015 in Toronto, Canada.

April 2015 Residents of the Month
The Internal Medicine Residency Program congratulates Dr. Hina Khan and Dr. Tejas Suresh, Residents of the Month for April 2015.

Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski is APSA Keynote Speaker
Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski delivered the keynote address, "Life as a Physician-Scientist: The Road From Here to There and Everywhere", at the 10th American Physician Scientists Association (APSA) Annual Meeting April 25-27, 2015.
April 26, 2015

The Role of the TWEAK Molecule in Lupus
The development of a pronounced rash among Dr. Chaim Putterman’s laboratory mice led to the finding that TWEAK signaling affected not only kidney disease but also rashes, scarring, and other symptoms of cutaneous lupus erythematosus that commonly occur in lupus mice.

Training Physicians to Think Broadly About Health and Wellness
Dr. Aaron Fox (General Internal Medicine) published an excellent piece in Einstein's "The Doctor's Tablet" blog, explaining why he believes public advocacy should be part of the training for all physicians and how it can help both patients and doctors.

Dermatology Research Fellow Honored at Young Investigator Symposium
Dermatology research fellow Jamie Rosen won third place in this year's Young Investigators Symposium for her presentation entitled "Nitric Oxide Nanoparticles as a Multi-Mechanistic Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Agent for the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris."
April 19, 2015
Nine Medicine Faculty to be Inducted into Leo M. Davidoff Society
Drs. Matthew Abramowitz, Danit Arad, Julia Arnsten, Irene Blanco, James Brust, Colin Cha Fong, Mimoza Meholli, Belinda Ostrowsky, and Sidney Stein have been elected to membership in the Leo M. Davidoff Society this year.
Dr. Vafa Tabatabaie to Direct Moses Campus Clerkship Site
Dr. Vafa Tabatabaie has been appointed Director of the Department of Medicine third-year clerkship at the Moses Campus site, routinely highly ranked by students for its breadth of patient experience and excellence of faculty and housestaff teaching.
GI & Liver Diseases Announces Specialized IBD Program
The Einstein Division of Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases proudly announces its Program for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, an innovative, multidisciplinary treatment initiative offering comprehensive medical and surgical care for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
April 12, 2015
Drs. Burns, Goodman, Milan, and Nosanchuk Selected for 2015 Faculty Awards
Department of Medicine faculty members Dr. Edward Burns, Dr. Robert Goodman, Dr. Felise Milan, and Dr. Joshua Nosanchuk will receive four of the distinguished faculty awards presented at Einstein's 2015 Commencement ceremony, May 28, at Avery Fisher Hall in New York.
Dr. Peter Barland to Receive NYSRS Lifetime Achievement Award
The New York State Rheumatology Society (NYSRS) will honor Dr. Peter Barland, Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Pathology, with its Lifetime Achievement Award for his exemplary contribution the field of rheumatology.
Dermatology Announces New Hidradenitis Suppurativa Program
Co-directed by Dr. Cohen and Dr. Michelle Lowes, the Division of Dermatology's Hidradenitis Suppurativa Program, including HS Treatment and Research Centers, centralizes dermatologists, plastic surgeons, nutritionists, gastroenterology specialists, and psychologists with expertise in managing HS.
A Change of Heart Over Urine Drug Testing
Dr. Joanna Starrels on the protocol of urine drug testing: "Physicians don’t want to be police; our mission is not to find perpetrators of illegal or dangerous activity. Our mission is to understand and weigh the risks and benefits of treatments we provide. Urine drug test results give me data to help me weigh the risks."
April 5, 2015
Nanoparticle Therapy Promotes Wound Healing
An experimental therapy developed by investigators in Infectious Diseases and Physiology & Biophysics, with collaboration from Dermatology, cut in half the time it takes to heal wounds compared to no treatment at all.
Maimonides Clerkship Offers Strengths in Cultural Understanding, Evidence-Based Medicine
The Department of Medicine's clerkship site at Maimonides Medical Center, directed by Dr. Vijay Shetty, offers third-year medical students the opportunity to provide comprehensive care to one of the country’s most culturally diverse group of patients, emphasizing the importance of compassionate patient care with attention to sociocultural and economic factors, as well as ethical issues in clinical decision making.

Drs. John Greally and Paul Marantz Honored at 7th Annual Faculty Mentoring Awards
Dr. John Greally (Hematology) and Dr. Paul Marantz (General Internal Medicine) were honored at Einstein’s seventh annual Faculty Mentoring Awards reception. These awards are presented annually to senior Montefiore Einstein faculty members who have successfully mentored junior faculty.

March 2015 Residents of the Month
The Internal Medicine Residency Program congratulates Dr. Ben Koo and Dr. Catherine Trimbur, Residents of the Month for March 2015.
Drs. Koo and Trimbur were noted for their exemplary leadership, humor, honesty, caring, and patient advocacy.
Angelo Landriscina Awarded 1st Place at American Academy of Dermatology 2015
Einstein medical student research fellow Angelo Landriscina received first place for his poster entitled "N-acetylcysteine S-nitrosothiol nanoparticles prevent wound expansion and accelerate wound closure in a murine burn model" at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.
March 31, 2015
Wakefield Internal Medicine Residency Draws Diverse Incoming Class
Candidates from leading medical schools in 14 different countries will fill the Montefiore Internal Medicine Residency Program's incoming 2015 class.
Wakefield Residents Selected for National ACP Abstracts Competition
Abstracts by Montefiore Medical Center Wakefield Campus residents Sarah Khan and Amer Nazir have been selected for presentation at the upcoming American College of Physicians (ACP) 2015 national meeting.
Wakefield Announces 2015-2016 Chief Residents
The Montefiore Wakefield Internal Medicine Residency Program at the Wakefield Campus is pleased to announce that Drs. Niharika Joolukuntla and Asli Sucu will be its new Chief Medical Residents for the 2015-2016 academic year.
March 23, 2015
Match 2015 Strong for Internal Medicine
The Internal Medicine Residency Program filled its 58 PGY1 positions for 2015 with candidates from highly ranked medical schools, and rising numbers of Einstein students placed into competitive internal medicine residencies.
Dr. Vaughn Folkert to be Honored at Doctors' Recognition Day
Dr. Vaughn Folkert is the recipient of the Bronx County Medical Society 2015 "Peer to Peer" Excellence in Medicine Recognition Award.

Drs. Nir Barzilai and Jill Crandall Featured in the WSJ
Drs. Jill Crandall and Nir Barzilai were recently featured in the Wall Street Journal for their efforts to initiate a clinical trial to test a pill that could prevent or delay some of the most debilitating diseases of old age, including Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease.
March 16, 2015
V.S. Srinivas, MB, BS
The Department of Medicine mourns the loss of Dr. V.S. Srinivas, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Cardiology), who died Wednesday, March 11 following a protracted illness.
Dr. Ladan Golestaneh Awarded for Continuous Improvement in Dialysis
Dr. Ladan Golestaneh recently received the DaVita Core Value Award for Continuous Improvement for her outstanding quality work as medical director of Montefiore's Bedford Park Dialysis unit.

Drs. Erin Goss and Shwetha Iyer to Lead PC/SIM Program
March 16, 2015 - The Department of Medicine proudly announces the joint appointment of Drs. Erin Goss and Shwetha Iyer for the track directorship of the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine Program (PC/SIM). Dr. Iyer's and Dr. Goss' commitment to the program will allow it to move forward and continue its national reputation for training outstanding clinicians for leadership in health care and primary care with a social medicine conscience.
March 9, 2015
Hospitalization and Functional Decline: Elder Care Interventions
Even in hospitals with no specialized elder-care units or programs, healthcare personnel can have a dramatic effect on older patients’ ability to improve by focusing interventions on correctable risk factors.
March 2, 2015

Dr. Julia Arnsten to Receive ACLGIM Chief’s Recognition Award
Dr. Julia Arnsten has been selected to receive the 2015 Association of Chiefs & Leaders of General Internal Medicine (ACLGIM) Chief's Recognition Award from ACLGIM and the Society for General Internal Medicine, given annually to the general internal medicine division chief who most represents excellence in division leadership.
February 26, 2015
Battling Breast Cancer in Ethiopia
Dr. Carol Harris's work with local caregivers & leaders is addressing Ethiopia's growing breast cancer rates.
February 17, 2015
New Directions in Lupus Research
Dr. Chaim Putterman is currently studying whether a molecule known as TWEAK (TNF-related weak inducer of apoptosis) or other potential mediators of inflammation can act on brain cells to promote some of the neurologic signs and symptoms that lupus patients suffer from, and whether in experimental systems they can be treated or prevented.
Allan Wolkoff Named American Liver Foundation Physician of the Year
Dr. Allan W. Wolkoff has been invited to receive the 2015 American Liver Foundation Physician of the Year Award for an extraordinary record of service including long-term leadership as a member of the Board of Directors and past chair.
Critical Care Medicine PA Danny Lizano Receives FCCM Honor
Mr. Danny Lizano, PA-C, MSHS, FCCM, was the ninth physician assistant to be inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine, joining an elite group of practitioners, researchers, administrators, and educators who have made outstanding contributions to the collaborative field of critical care.
February 9, 2015

Stem Cell Institute Awarded NYSTEM Grant
The Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, directed by Dr. Paul Frenette, was recently awarded the New York Stem Cell Science (NYSTEM) institutional training grant.

Montefiore Shows Improved Antibiotic Prescribing in the Emergency Department
Early antibiotic stewardship and infectious diseases consultation in the ED can improve initial antibiotic prescribing, reduce unnecessary antibiotic use, improve patient safety, and yield fewer unnecessary hospital admissions, according to a study by Dr. Theresa Madaline.

Residents of the Month
The Internal Medicine Residency Program congratulates Dr. Joseph Hong, Resident of the Month for January 2015.
February 2, 2015

Addressing Barriers to BMT Could Reduce Illicit Buprenorphine Use
Poor access to BMT may contribute to illicit buprenorphine use, and relatively minor interventions addressing barriers could improve treatment access, according to a recent study by Dr. Aaron D. Fox and associates.
January 26, 2015

Bioethics Study: A Cornerstone for Future Physicians
At Einstein, the study of bioethics, an integral part of a successful medical school curriculum, begins the moment students enter their first year.
Dr. Porrovecchio Promoted to Director of Medical Service at Wakefield
Dr. Andrea Porrovecchio has been promoted to Director of the Medical Service of Montefiore Wakefield Division, where she will lead the physician assistant, hospitalist, and medicine services and work with other service leaders, nursing, logistics, and social work to optimize patient care, throughput, and quality throughout the service.
January 20, 2015

2016-2017 Chief Residents
The Montefiore Einstein Internal Medicine Residency Program proudly congratulates 2016-2017 Chief Residents Maria Rubinstein (Zlobinsky), Dustin Pardo, Justin Kaner, Linda Wang, and Brian Dorsey.

Biostatistics Resources for Department of Medicine Faculty
Department of Medicine faculty are eligible for biostatistical support, with priority given to junior faculty. See the Biostatistics Resources website for more information.
January 12, 2015

Dr. Gabriele de Vos to Bring Allergy-Immunology Expertise to Montefiore Hutchinson Campus
Beginning January 2015, Dr. Gabriele de Vos will bring allergy-immunology expertise to enhance Montefiore Hutchinson Campus' array of subspecialty care, seeing patients on Tuesday mornings.
January 5, 2015

Social Media for HIV Prevention
Dr. Viraj Patel has initiated a research study using social media to encourage and increase the use of pre-exposure HIV prevention medication among young men of color who have sex with men.

New Faculty Mentoring Website
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce its new website containing mentoring resources to help recruit, nurture, promote, and retain faculty.
December 15, 2014

Clinical Diabetes Center and American Diabetes Month
The Montefiore Clinical Diabetes Center coordinated and hosted an extensive schedule of events to raise awareness about the consequences and management of diabetes as part of American Diabetes Month, November 2014.

Fellows and Residents Present Research at ASH 2014
Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine fellows and residents were well represented at the 56th Annual American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting & Exposition, which took place December 6-9, 2014 in San Francisco.

2014 Resnick Winter Research Symposium
Medical Student Awards in Aging Research were presented to Jaime Schneider and Arjun Seth at the 2014 Resnick Winter Research Symposium, hosted by the integrated Divisions of Geriatrics (Medicine) and Cognitive and Motor Aging (Neurology).
December 8, 2014

Asthma Center Three-Year Report
Asthma-related office visits and overall costs for both the adult and pediatric divisions have reduced, according to a recent report on the first three years of the Montefiore Asthma Center.
December 1, 2014

$3.5 Million Grant Awarded to Montefiore Medical Center to Focus on Hepatitis C
Montefiore Medical Center recently received a $3.5 million grant as part of the $10 million Health Care Innovation Award from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services to identify, diagnose and treat people with hepatitis C (HCV), a project led by Dr. Alain Litwin.

Dr. Namita Roy-Chowdhury Honored With Mahatma Gandhi Overseas Indian Award
Dr. Namita Roy-Chowdhury was conferred the 2014 Mahatma Gandhi Award/Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award (PBSA), the highest honor bestowed on overseas Indians.

Jacobi Clerkship Offers Strengths in Trauma, Ethics, Care for the Underserved
Directed by Dr. Mimoza Meholli, the Department of Medicine's clerkship site at Jacobi Medical Center offers third-year medical students the opportunity to provide comprehensive, compassionate care to a widely diverse population of low-income, uninsured patients.

Dr. Richard Kitsis Named 2014 AAAS Fellow
Dr. Richard Kitsis was one of six faculty members at Einstein to be named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.
November 16, 2014

On the Road to Recovery, Leave the Cigarettes Behind
Dr. Shadi Nahvi's research seeks to overcome the traditional bias that treating tobacco use in opiate recovery settings might harm the recovery process, and to capitalize on patients' real interest in quitting to determine what will successfully help people quit smoking permanently.
November 9, 2014

Aging Research at GSA 2014
Drs. Joe Verghese, Sofiya Milman, Nir Barzilai, and Ana Maria Cuervo represented the Department of Medicine at the Gerontological Society of America's (GSA) 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, November 5-9, 2014 in Washington, D.C.

Dermatology Welcomes Dr. Holly Kanavy
Dr. Holly Kanavy, who joined the Montefiore Einstein Division of Dermatology this fall, is an award-winning researcher of the study of acral nevi and skin cancer chemoprevention.
November 2, 2014

MIDAS+ System Offers Anonymous Reporting to Improve Patient Safety
The MIDAS+ incident reporting system, implemented at Montefiore Medical Center in 2012, enables hospital staff to submit anonymous incident reports of patient safety issues for analysis and improvement.

Resident of the Month
The Internal Medicine Residency Program congratulates Dr. Abigail Chua, Resident of the Month for October 2014.
October 13, 2014

Drs. Marla Keller and Elizabeth Kitsis Appointed Associate Chairs for Department
Under the direction of Dr. Laurie Jacobs, Dr. Marla Keller will be responsible for improving infrastructure, enhancing resources, and providing mentorship to expand clinical research; and Dr. Elizabeth Kitsis will manage credentialing, developing a departmental mentoring program, and assisting with faculty issues.

Second Annual Sharon Silbiger, MD Memorial Lecture
Dr. Corinne Moss-Racusin (Skidmore College) discussed the urgency of addressing the persistent lack of diversity at the top levels of STEMM fields in her lecture "The Myth of Meritocracy? Demonstrating and Addressing Gender Bias in Academic Science", a tribute to the late Dr. Sharon Silbiger.

ID Week 2014 Research Presentations
Drs. Liise-anne Pirofski, Theresa Madaline, Connie Park, and former ID fellow Dr. Izona Bock presented this past week at ID Week 2014, an annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, HIV Medicine Association, and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
October 6, 2014

Dr. Victor Schuster Honored for Service as Department Chair
On October 1, 2014, Dr. Victor Schuster was honored for his twelve-year tenure as Chair of the Department of Medicine at a reception hosted in the Faculty Club.

Dr. Kevin Hauck to Attend Harvard Macy Program
Chief Resident Dr. Kevin Hauck has been accepted to the Harvard Macy Program for Post-Graduate Trainees, a three-day intensive development program for postgraduate trainees who seek to enhance their skills and scholarship as future academic clinician-educators.
September 29, 2014

AHRQ Grant Awarded to Study the Impact of Health IT on Patient Safety
Dr. Jason Adelman and colleagues have teamed up with researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital to study the impact of health information technology on patient safety.

Chronic Kidney Care Program Welcomes Renal Nutritionist
The Chronic Kidney Care Program at Montefiore Medical Center, part of the Montefiore Einstein Division of Nephrology, proudly announces the recent addition of Ms. Georgette Goldson, MS, RD, CDN, a full-time renal nutritionist, to its multifaceted care team.

Wakefield Residency Program Welcomes Dr. Grace Kajita
Dr. Grace Kajita will assume the role of Program Director of the Montefiore Internal Medicine Residency Program on October 15, 2014.

Wakefield Residency Program Commends Dr. Barry Fomberstein for Years of Directorship
Dr. Barry Fomberstein, Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program Program at Wakefield for 22 years, will assume an active clinical role with a deeper involvement in his subspecialty of rheumatology.
September 15, 2014

Dr. Colette Knight to Lead New Wakefield Clerkship Site
The Department of Medicine's seventh and newest clerkship site was inaugurated in June 2014 at Montefiore's Wakefield Campus, with Dr. Colette Knight as clerkship director.

Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski to Deliver 2014 IDSA Maxwell Finland Lecture
Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski will deliver the Maxwell Finland lecture, “Why isn’t my patient getting better: Revisiting the disease in infectious diseases”, on Thursday, October 9 at the 2014 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

Dr. Irene Blanco Featured at NIAMS' First Bilingual Twitter Chat
In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) will host its first English/Spanish Twitter chat on Tuesday, September 30, 2-3 pm EDT. Dr. Irene Blanco, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology), will join NIAMS' Mariana Kaplan, MD, and Susana Serrate-Sztein, MD to discuss the latest advances in lupus research and respond to questions.
September 8, 2014

General Internal Medicine Fellowship Welcomes First Fellows
The Montefiore Einstein General Internal Medicine Fellowship, a two-year program directed by Dr. Chinazo Cunningham that prepares general internists for an academic research career, welcomed Drs. Laila Khalid, Laurel Mohrmann, and Stella Safo in July 2014.

More is More in Ablation for Ventricular Arrhythmia
A recent study presented by Dr. Luigi Di Biase and colleagues found that taking a broader approach to treat ventricular arrhythmias with cardiac ablation resulted in lower recurrence rates, re-hospitalizations, and deaths.

Dr. Rubina Malik and the Center for the Aging Brain
Dr. Rubina Malik describes Montefiore Einstein's newly launched Center for the Aging Brain’s unique comprehensive assessment approach, and how the Center's services benefit patients and caregivers alike.
September 1, 2014
New Faculty Physician: Manish Ramesh, MB, BS, PhD
Dr. Manish Ramesh, director of the Montefiore Medical Center Food Allergy Centers in Scarsdale and the Bronx, was appointed assistant professor in the Montefiore Einstein Division of Allergy and Immunology in July 2014.
July 31, 2014

Dr. Laurie Jacobs Assumes Role of Interim Department Chair
The Department is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Laurie Jacobs as Interim Chair, effective August 1, 2014.

Dr. Victor Schuster Assumes New Role as Senior Vice Dean
Dr. Schuster, former Chair of the Department, has assumed the role of Senior Vice Dean at Einstein, mentoring physician-scientists, assisting the Dean's office in Institutional Advancement activities, and continuing his laboratory-based research and teaching.
July 21, 2014
2014 Internal Medicine Residency Graduation
Seventy residents and preliminary interns celebrated completion of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at the June 18th graduation ceremony.
June 15, 2014
2014 Resident/Fellow Research Symposium
The 2014 Department of Medicine Annual Resident/Fellow Research Symposium, Tuesday, June 3, featured 81 posters on display from Internal Medicine residents, fellows, Dermatology residents, and medical students.
June 2, 2014
Dr. Safyer Receives Alumni Association Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Steven Safyer received the 2014 Alumni Association Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing Einstein alumni who have attained distinction in their fields and who have made major contributions to the health and welfare of underserved communities.
Dr. Paccione Receives Honorary Alumnus Award
Dr. Gerald Paccione received the 2014 Honorary Alumnus Award, recognizing distinguished members of the faculty who have made a profound, positive impact on the College of Medicine, and who exemplify the attributes for which Einstein is renowned.
Dr. Nordin Receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching
Dr. Charles W. Nordin received the 2014 faculty-nominated Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, and is the eighth Department of Medicine faculty member to receive this honor.
Dr. Shetty Receives Samuel M. Rosen Award for Outstanding Teaching
Dr. Vijay Shetty received the 2014 Samuel M. Rosen Award for Outstanding Teaching, making him the eleventh Department of Medicine faculty member selected by the students of Albert Einstein College of Medicine to receive this award.
Dr. Cytryn Receives Harry Eagle Award for Outstanding Teaching
Dr. Lawrence Cytryn received the 2014 faculty-nominated Harry Eagle Award for Outstanding Basic Science Teaching, making him the eleventh Department of Medicine faculty member to receive this award.
May 29, 2014
Hunting Bugs, Seeking Knowledge
Dr. Arturo Casadevall delivered the commencement address at Einstein’s 2014 Commencement Ceremony.
Jerry Paccione: Reflections of a Leader in Global Health
"I like the balance between serving in the U.S. and abroad. It makes you appreciate what we have here, and sometimes, unfortunately, take for granted."
May 26, 2014
Division of Allergy-Immunology Launches Innovative Food Allergy Center
Food allergies are a growing problem in the United States, with an increase among children under 18 from 3.4% in 1997–1999 to 5.1% in 2009–2011. The newly opened Montefiore Medical Center Food Allergy Centers in Scarsdale and the Bronx offer advanced testing methods and treatment for adults and children who suffer from food allergies.
May 19, 2014
Three Einstein Medical Students Receive Aging Research Scholarships
Under the direction of Dr. Amy Ehrlich, three first-year Einstein students were recipients of nationally competitive 2014 Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) program scholarships.
May 12, 2014
Strong Showing at Annual SGIM Meeting
Montefiore Einstein was one of the most represented institutions at this year's annual Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) meeting.
Division of Dermatology Announces New Procedural Dermatology Fellowship
The Division of Dermatology's new one-year, ACGME-approved fellowship, directed by Dr. David Ciocon, offers post-graduate training in cutaneous oncology, Mohs micrographic surgery, procedural dermatology, and cosmetic and laser medicine in state-of-the-art, CLIA-certified, outpatient ambulatory facilities.
April 22, 2014
Relief for Aspirin-Sensitive Asthma Patients
A new study by Dr. Elina Jerschow seeks to develop a safer, quicker, more cost-efficient method of identifying aspirin-sensitive asthma, and to elucidate the underlying cause of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD).
Drs. Cytryn, Nordin, and Shetty to Receive Faculty Achievement Awards
The Dean’s Teaching Award Selection Committee has chosen Drs. Lawrence Cytryn, Charles Nordin, and Viijay Shetty to receive distinguished teaching awards at the Einstein graduation May 28, 2014.
April 8, 2014
Dr. David Oh, Resident of the Month
Dr. David Oh, a first-year resident, received the March 2014 Resident of the Month award for exemplary service to patients, colleagues, and the Montefiore Einstein educational mission.
Medical Student Aimee Krausz Wins Young Investigator Award
Einstein medical student Aimee Krauz receive the third-place award at the Montefiore Young Investigator Symposium for her presentation entitled "Curcumin-encapsulated nano particles as an innovative antimicrobial and wound healing therapy".
Lupus Research Institute Awards $3 Million to Leading Innovators
Dr. Chaim Putterman, a member of the Lupus Research Institute's Novel Research Grant Recipients Class of 2014, is testing new targeted treatment to prevent lupus damage of the central nervous system.
March 31, 2014
Dr. David Greenwald Delivers Capitol Hill Colonoscopy Briefing
Dr. David Greenwald recently joined a group of distinguished gastroenterologists for a Capitol Hill briefing to to highlight the potential of colonoscopy to save lives.
Dermatology Investigators Presented Data at AAD Annual Meeting
Montefiore Einstein Researchers presented findings from studies exploring the treatment and diagnosis of various dermatologic conditions, including skin cancer, psoriasis and wound healing at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology March 21-25, 2014 in Denver, CO.
Division of Dermatology has Strong Match Day 2014 Results
The Division of Dermatology celebrated another successful match day this year, securing the highest level candidates from near and far.
March 24, 2014
Match Day 2014 Strong for Internal Medicine Residency
The Internal Medicine Residency Program filled its 58 PGY1 positions for 2014 with candidates from highly ranked medical schools.
March 17, 2014
Dr. Robert Faillace Joins Jacobi as Incoming Chair
Following a nationwide search, Dr. Robert Faillace, a nationally renowned leader, scholar, researcher, teacher, and clinician, has been selected as the new Chair of Medicine at Jacobi Medical Center/NCB.
Dr. Robert Sidlow Commended for Service as Interim Chair at Jacobi
The Department of Medicine extends sincerest gratitude to Dr. Robert Sidlow for his extraordinary service as Interim Chair at Jacobi Medical Center/NCB.
Matthew Palombelli, New Faculty Practice Administrator
Following an open, national search, Mr. Matthew Palombelli has joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine as the new Faculty Practice Administrator.
March 11, 2014
Study Reveals Gene Editing Treatment of HIV
Infectious Diseases' Dr. David K. Stein took part in a groundbreaking study that uncovered the possibility of HIV being cured by removing a protein from infected patients' immune cells.
Dermatology Welcomes Dr. Beth McLellan
The Department of Medicine extends a warm welcome to Dr. Beth McLellan, a new member of the Division of Dermatology faculty team.
March 2, 2014
Movement, Not Rest, May be Key to Recovery in the ICU
Spearheaded by Dr. Daniela Levi, the Division of Critical Care Medicine's new interdisciplinary Early Mobility Program has shown promising results in restoring patients' strength and aiding their recovery following episodes of critical illness.
At the Forefront of Patient Safety
Dr. Jason Adelman, recently named one of the "50 Experts Leading the Field of Patient Safety" by Becker’s Hospital Review, discusses the challenges of error reduction and implementing new technology, and how Montefiore's culture has grown to value patient safety as a priority every level.
February 2014 Resident of the Month
The Department of Medicine congratulates Dr. Mary Gover, winner of the February 2014 Resident of the Month award for exemplary service to patients and colleagues, and demonstration of the Montefiore Einstein educational mission.
February 25, 2014
Could Collaborative Recall Improve Age-Related Memory Decline?
Research by Dr. Helena Blumen has found that collaborative recall improved individual recall after short and long delays in both younger and older adults, and that repeated collaboration benefited these adults more than repeatedly working alone up to a week later.
Dr. David Greenwald Receives ACG Award
Dr. David Greenwald recently received the William Carey Award at the annual meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG).
February 18, 2014
A View to the Bone: Ultrasound in Rheumatology
Dr. Seema Agrawal's use of ultrasound has greatly enhanced physicians’ accessibility, accuracy, and timeliness in detecting and managing rheumatologic conditions.
Dr. Kami Kim Receives Perfect Score for Geographic Medicine and Emerging Infections Grant
Under Principal Investigator Dr. Kami Kim, the Geographic Medicine and Emerging Infections NIH T32 training grant recently received a perfect score in its NIH review.
Dr. John Fisher to Receive Heart Rhythm Society Distinguished Service Award
Dr. John Fisher has been selected to receive the Distinguished Service Award from the Heart Rhythm Society, one of four major awards given in recognition of an individual who has made outstanding contributions.
January 27, 2014
Can the shape of the left atrial appendage affect stroke risk?
A recent study presented by Dr. Luigi Di Biase has identified a strong link between the morphology of the upper left portion of the heart and the occurrence of stroke and/or TIA in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Marla Keller Appointed to HHS Antiretroviral Panel
Dr. Marla J. Keller will join five new scientific members to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents (a working group of the Office of AIDS Research Council) starting in March 2014.
January 20, 2014
Medicine Faculty Appointments & Promotions
The Department of Medicine congratulates its faculty members who were appointed or promoted in 2013.
Adam Friedman Receives JDD Leaders Award
Dr. Adam Friedman recently received the prestigious Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) Leaders of Distinction Award at the Orlando Dermatology Aesthetic and Clinical (ODAC) Conference in Orlando, FL.
January 13, 2014

Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Expands To Wakefield Campus
Launched in 2008 at the Moses and Einstein Campuses and expanded to CHAM in early 2013, the Division of Infectious Diseases' innovative Antimicrobial Stewardship Program was introduced last month at the Montefiore Wakefield Campus.
Weinberger Joins Department as Senior Administrator
Ms. Mona Weinberger, an experienced departmental administrator across both the Einstein and Montefiore platforms, has stepped into the lead position of Senior Administrator (Montefiore) for the Department of Medicine.
January 9, 2014
Karen Eschenbach, FACMPE
Karen Eschenbach, Research Administrator for the Department of Medicine at Montefiore, died recently, ending a productive and accomplished career in healthcare administration.
January 7, 2014
Casadevall Gives Prestigious NIAID Memorial Lecture
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health recently welcomed Dr. Arturo Casadevall to deliver the Joseph J. Kinyoun Memorial Lecture.
January 2, 2014
Behind the White Coat: The Patient-Centered Medical Home Rotation
Drs. Rosemarie Conigliaro and Kevin Hauck were recently featured in a Greater New York Hospital Association video interview about the Residency Program's newly implemented Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) rotation.
December 30, 2013
Casadevall Gives Prestigious NIAID Memorial Lecture
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health recently welcomed Dr. Arturo Casadevall to deliver the Joseph J. Kinyoun Memorial Lecture.
December 18, 2013
Continuous Warfarin Therapy for Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation
Performing a catheter ablation without discontinuing a patient’s warfarin and avoiding the heparin "bridge" significantly reduces the occurrence of stroke and bleeding complications, according to a recent study by Dr. Luigi Di Biase.
December 13, 2013
Strong 2013 Internal, External Fellowship Match
Results of the 2013 Fellowship Match showed that members of the Montefiore Einstein Internal Medicine Residency Program were very well placed into fellowship programs for the coming year, and the Department of Medicine did very well attracting and matching both external and internal residents into its fellowship programs.
December 11, 2013
Medical Education: Shaping the 21st-Century Physician
Dr. Julia Arnsten discusses how we should prepare medical students in a rapidly changing world of technology, healthcare and communications, and what skills should a 21st-century physician gain during the years spent in medical school, are questions of grave importance that affect educators, students and patients.
December 5, 2013
Targeting HIV with Radiommunotherapy
Dr. Barry Zingman took part in a study led by Dr. Ekaterina Dadachova finding that radioimmunotherapy could potentially eradicate HIV-infected cells.
December 4, 2013
Safyer to Join Mayor-Elect de Blasio's Transition Team
Dr. Steven Safyer, CEO and President of Montefiore, has been invited by Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio to join a transition team of 60 prominent individuals who will select the city’s next mayoral administration.
Pirofski Wins Einstein Faculty Mentoring Award
Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski, Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, is a winner of the 2013 Einstein Faculty Mentoring Award.
November 21, 2013
Researchers Receive $1.17 Million Grant to Develop Comparative Effectiveness Research Center
Dr. Julia Arnsten and fellow researchers were awarded a $1.17 million grant to support the Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research, a joint Montefiore Einstein project to compare the effectiveness of different prevention, screening and treatment options for economically underserved populations.
Residents of the Month
The Department of Medicine extends congratulations to Drs. Jennifer Hirsch (Intern, Firm 2) and Tania Kupferman (PGY-2, Firm 1), winners of the Resident of the Month award for November 2013.
Piña is First Hispanic and Female honored by American Heart Association for Volunteerism
Dr. Ileana Piña was the first Hispanic and female to win the Chairman’s Award for volunteerism from the American Heart Association for her dedication to educating the community about heart health across diverse populations.
November 20, 2013
Dhananjay K. Kaul, PhD
Dr. Dhananjay K. Kaul, Professor of Medicine and renowned investigator of the mechanisms of vascular dysfunction in hemolytic disorders such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia, died November 17, 2013.
Resident of the Month
Described as calm, positive, and able to handle complex family and social relationships with a unique grace, Dr. Yan Yan (Sally) Xie, PGY3, Firm 2 is the Internal Medicine Residency Program's October 2013 Resident of the Month.
November 18, 2013
Fighting Antibiotic Resistance by Addressing Prescribing Behaviors
Antibiotic stewardship programs that promote judicious and effective antibiotic use and educate clinicians about best practices are vital to slow the onslaught of multidrug-resistant organisms.
November 4, 2013
Chuang Receives ACG Presidential Poster Distinction
Third-year resident Dr. Nelson Chuang's abstract was selected as one of the Presidential Poster recipients for the 2013 American College of Gastroenterology meeting in San Diego.
Cuervo, Pessin Lead Panels at NIH Aging and Chronic Disease Symposium on Geroscience
The NIH has chosen Drs. Ana Maria Cuervo and Jeffrey Pessin to chair panels at the first symposium on "geroscience"—the study of how aging influences the onset of chronic diseases.
October 27, 2013
Piña to Receive AHA Chairman's Award
Dr. Ileana Piña will receive the Chairman's Award at the American Heart Association 2013 annual meeting November 16, 2013 in Dallas, Texas.
October 22, 2013
New Administrative Roles for Cunningham
Effective November 1, Dr. Chinazo Cunningham (General Internal Medicine) will take on two new roles in the Department of Medicine.
Arnsten, Keller Receive ECRIP Awards
The Department of Medicine proudly congratulates Drs. Julia Arnsten and Marla Keller, esteemed recipients of the Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) awards.
UJA to Honor Laurie Jacobs
Dr. Laurie Jacobs will be honored at the UJA-Federation of New York's Montefiore Einstein Annual Reception on November 21, 2013.
Madaline to Run Marathon for Malawi
Dr. Theresa Madaline, faculty member and attending physician, will run the Philadelphia Marathon November 17 to raise money and awareness for malaria research in Malawi.
October 14, 2013
Keiser Achieves ACR Master Status
Dr. Harold Keiser has been selected to receive American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Master designation, one of the highest honors the College bestows.
Zheng Receives Emerging Liver Scholar Resident Travel Award
Third-year resident Dr. Elizabeth Zheng (Firm 2) was awarded an American Association of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Emerging Liver Scholar Resident Travel Award.
Residents of the Month
Drs. Rebecca Braunstein, Scott Schafler, and Martha (Katherine) Trimbur are the first three recipients of the newly inaugurated Resident of the Month awards.
September 25, 2013
EMR and the Doctor-Patient-Computer Divide
Dr. Sharon Parish examines how technology challenges the traditional doctor-patient relationship in her latest blog post.
September 20, 2013
First Annual Sharon Silbiger, MD Memorial Lecture
Dr. Charles Hatem of Harvard Medical School delivered the first annual Sharon Silbiger, MD Memorial Lecture, entitled "Reflections on the Clinician's Journey".
September 11, 2013
Low Dose Antibiotic Treatment of C.Difficile As Effective As High Dose in Hospital Setting
Using low dose oral vancomycin showed similar effectiveness compared to high dose in treating C.Difficile, according to a new study by Drs. Belinda Ostrowsky and Philip Chung.
July 30, 2013
Researchers Secure $16 Million NIH Grant to Study HIV/AIDS in Women
Dr. Kathryn Anastos and fellow researchers have received a $16 million grant from the NIH to continue investigating the impact of HIV and AIDS on women.
July 24, 2013
Einstein to Participate in 5-Year GRADE Diabetes Medication Study
Montefiore Einstein researchers are playing an active role in a nationwide clinical trial seeking to determine the most effective combination of glucose-lowering medications.
July 10, 2013
Blouet Receives HeIDi Award
Dr. Clemence Blouet has been nominated for the Helmholtz Young Investigator Diabetes (HeIDi) Award.
Inaugural Career Day Addresses Issues of Female Faculty
Drs. Julia Arnsten and Christina Coyle spoke at a day-long program addressing the underrepresentation of women in faculty positions.
June 24, 2013
2013 Residency Graduation
Seventy-one residents and preliminary interns celebrated completion of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at the June 12th graduation ceremony.
June 17, 2013
Kitsis to Deliver ISHR President's Lecture
Dr. Richard Kitsis will present this year's President's Lecture at the International Society for Heart Research World Congress.
June 10, 2013
Giftos Awarded Geriatrics Scholarship
Dr. Jonathan Giftos, a PGY-1 in the Primary Care and Social Internal Medicine Residency Training Program, was selected for the Bechtel Geriatrics Scholarship Award Summit at UCSF.
May 28, 2013
Spencer Foreman, MD
The Department of Medicine mourns the death of Dr. Spencer ("Spike") Foreman, Professor of Medicine and former president of Montefiore Medical Center.
Resident/Fellow Research Symposium 2013
A large turnout, over 80 posters, and lots of conversation and activity marked this year's Department of Medicine Annual Resident/Fellow Research Symposium. video story
May 20, 2013
Barzilai Invited to Vatican
Dr. Nir Barzilai was a speaker at "Regenerative Medicine: A Fundamental Shift in Science," the Second International Adult Stem Cell Conference at The Vatican.
Adelman Leads Field of Patient Safety
Dr. Jason Adelman, Patient Safety Officer at Montefiore, led the list of "50 Experts Leading the Field of Patient Safety" in Becker's Hospital Review.
May 6, 2013
Discovery May Help Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia
Combining chemotherapy with nerve-protecting agents may prevent long-term bone marrow injury that causes anemia and improve the success of bone marrow transplants, according to a study led by Dr. Paul Frenette.
April 23, 2013
Safyer Among '50 Most Influential Physician Executives'
Dr. Steven M. Safyer was named one of the 50 Most Influential Physician Executives in Healthcare (2013) by Modern Healthcare magazine.
April 14, 2013
Five Young Investigators Honored
Five members of the Department of Medicine were awarded research prizes at the 18th annual Montefiore Young Investigators Symposium.
Beyond the Bedroom: The Importance of Sexual Health in Medicine
Dr. Sharon Parish discusses why conversations about sexual health need to be a part of visits to the doctor.
April 7, 2013
Change of Mind, Change of Health
Physicians who are willing to take an extra moment to question their patients—and themselves—could provide better care and help narrow the healthcare gap.
March 31, 2013
Schuster to Assume New Role of Senior Vice-Dean
Victor Schuster, M.D., Chair of Medicine, will begin a transition to the newly created position of Senior Vice-Dean at Einstein.
Kim Elected American Academy of Microbiology Fellow
Dr. Kami Kim has been elected a 2013 Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology in recognition of her scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology.
Epstein and Raff to Receive Einstein Teaching Awards
Medicine faculty members Eric Epstein and Amanda Raff will receive awards for outstanding teaching at the May 29th commencement ceremony.
March 18, 2013
Match Day 2013
The Internal Medicine Residency Program had one of the strongest matches in memory for its 64 PGY1 positions, and Einstein students again entered Internal Medicine at a rate higher than the national average.
White Blood Cells Found to Play Key Role in Controlling Red Blood Cell Levels
A study led by Dr. Paul Frenette has revealed that macrophages also help to both produce and eliminate the body’s red blood cells.
Study on Genetics of Frailty Aims to Keep Seniors Sprightly
Drs. Joe Verghese and Nir Barzilai have teamed up with Drs. Gil Atzmon and Roee Holtzer to identify interventions to keep us strong and agile into old age.
March 11, 2013
Frailty: How a Constellation of Symptoms Leads To Risk
Dr. Laurie Jacobs reviews frailty and what is being done to treat the condition.
Scientists Identify 'Clean-Up' Snafu that Kills Brain Cells in Parkinson's Disease
Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo has discovered why toxic clumps of proteins accumulate in brain cells of those with a familial form of Parkinson's disease.
March 4, 2013
Pirofski, Kim to be Inducted Into the AAP
Drs. Liise-anne Pirofski and Kami Kim will be inducted into the prestigious Association of American Physicians (AAP) at the joint ASCI/AAP meeting in April 2013.
An On/Off Switch for Hunger
Research by Dr. Rajat Singh has revealed that starvation-activated autophagy, which allows cells to digest organelles and damaged proteins, also helps to degrade fat in the liver.
February 25, 2013
Lief to be Honored by Bronx County Medical Society
Dr. Philip Lief is the recipient of the 2013 “Peer to Peer” Excellence in Medicine Recognition Award from the Bronx County Medical Society.
Chagas Disease Is Going Global
Research by Dr. Herbert Tanowitz sheds light on Chagas disease, a vector-borne tropical disease now rising in the U.S.
Escaping the Executioner Protein
Manipulation of the BAX protein could be a key factor in preventing heart muscle cell death, according to a study by Dr. Evripidis Gavathiotis.
February 13, 2013
Center for Heart and Vascular Care Honors Heart Month
Drs. Ileana Pina and Rita Louard were recently interviewed as part of an effort to raise awareness of heart disease and signs of heart attack, especially among women. This interview contributed to the Center for Heart and Vascular Care's variety of events, screenings and lectures in honor of American Heart Month.
Heart Failure
Dr. Richard Kitsis on diagnosing heart failure, hopes for new treatments, and how medical advances have improved heart attack survival rates but paradoxically led to an increased incidence of heart failure.
A New Start
Dr. Mario Garcia details one patient's journey from heart attack and heart failure to a successful heart transplant.
January 29, 2013
Screening for HIV-Related Cancers in Rwanda
Through a generous NIH training grant under Dr. Kathryn Anastos, Ruwandan research fellow Dr. Gad Murenzi to working to improve screening methods and reduce the number of Rwandan women who die from HIV-related cancers.
January 21, 2013
The Uganda Advantage
Physicians trained in global health settings bring home the benefits of stronger examination skills; improved bedside teaching; and a more evidence-based, cost-effective work style.
January 1, 2013
New Primary Care Section Announced
A new Primary Care Section, led by Dr. Joseph Deluca, has been established within the Division of General Internal Medicine.
December 18, 2012
Wolkoff Receives Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award
Dr. Allan Wolkoff received the highly prestigious 2012 Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award from the American Liver Foundation.
Bogaisky's Readmission Study Receives AAMC Honorable Mention
Research conducted by Dr. Michael Bogaisky initiated a unique collaboration to identify and resolve the issues leading to high hospital readmission among the skilled nursing facility patient population.
Adelman Receives Physician of the Year Award
Dr. Jason Adelman received the 2012 Physician of the Year by the New York State Society of Physician Assistants.
2014-2015 Chief Residents Announced
The Montefiore Einstein Internal Medicine Residency Program proudly announces its Chief Residents for the 2014-2015 academic year.
December 9, 2012
Davis Wins National Award
Dr. Nichola Davis was selected to receive the 2012 National Medical Association (NMA) Council on the Concerns of Women Physicians Award.
November 28, 2012
Richard M. Hays, MD
Dr. Richard Hays, Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Nephrology), died Thanksgiving morning in Greenwich, CT.
November 21, 2012
The Diabetes Prevention Public Health Challenge
Einstein is among 27 sites nationwide involved in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) to determine whether type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented.
November 6, 2012
Eye of the Storm
Montefiore Medical Center's hospitals, teaching clinics, and outpatient facilities remained open and operational throughout the course of Hurricane Sandy.
October 29, 2012
Prezant Delivers ACCP Honor Lecture
Dr. David Prezant was selected to deliver the 2012 Presidential Citation Honor Lecture of the American College of Chest Physicians.
Dharmarajan Elected ACP Master
The American College of Physicians Board of Regents has voted to elect Dr. T. S. Dharmarajan to Mastership.
October 23, 2012
First Epicardial Ablation Performed at Weiler A complex procedure recently added to the Arrhythmia Program could greatly benefit patients with heart arrhythmias throughout the Bronx and Westchester.
September 17, 2012
Cunningham Invited to NIH Study Section
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham has joined, by invitation, the NIH Center for Scientific Review's Behavioral and Social Consequences of HIV/AIDS Study Section.
Kaul Gives Biorheology and Clinical Hemorheology Talk
Dr. Dhananjay K. Kaul was invited to give a talk at the 14th International Congress of Biorheology and 7th International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology.
George Appointed Geriatrics Fellowship Director
Dr. Claudene George was appointed Program Director of the Geriatrics Fellowship Program July 1, 2012.
Cough Center Evaluates 1000th Patient
The Montefiore Cough Center evaluated its 1000th new patient in July, according to Dr. Peter Dicpinigaitis, Director.
September 10, 2012
Sharon Silbiger, MD
Dr. Sharon Silbiger, Professor of Medicine and Associate Chair of Medicine for Undergraduate Education, passed away September 6, 2012 after a long battle with chondrosarcoma.
Fries to Join NIH Study Section
Dr. Bettina Fries has been invited to join the NIH Center for Scientific Review's AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Infections and Cancer Study Section.
August 15, 2012
Sapadin Now Director of Moses PA Service
Effective July 1, 2012, Michael Sapadin became the Director of the PA Service at Moses in the Division of Hospital Medicine.
What's In a Name?: Organism Named for Einstein Scientist
Ichthyosporidium weissii, a newly identified form of microsporidium (parasite) found to cause tumor-like collections in the ovaries of female arrow goby fish, now bears the name of infectious disease faculty member Dr. Louis Weiss.
July 16, 2012
HIV and Cervical Cancer Screening
Testing for HPV in HIV-positive women may help reduce frequency of cervical cancer screening for some women, according to Dr. Marla Keller and fellow researchers.
Insights on Skin Cancer
Despite increasing rates of fatal melanoma diagnoses among Hispanics, this population is still less likely to practice sun-protective behavior, according a study by Drs. Kate Viola and Karthik Krishnamurthy.
June 22, 2012
2012 Residency Program Graduation
Fifty-six residents and preliminary interns celebrated completion of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at the June 13th graduation ceremony.
PC/SM Announces New Leadership
After sixteen years at Montefiore Einstein, including more than five as Director of the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine Track, Dr. Hillary Kunins will be leaving at the end of June to take on a new position.
Weiler Medical Service Announces Leadership Transition
After 25 years leading the Weiler Medical Service, Dr. Matthew Berger will step down from his position as Director as of July 1.
Internal Medicine Residency Announces Leadership Transition
Dr. Philip Lief will step down from his role as Interim Program Director as the Department of Medicine welcomes Dr. Ro Conigliaro as the new Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program on July 1.
Diabetes: A Global Perspective
Over the years, Dr. Meredith Hawkins, director of Einstein's Global Diabetes Initiative, has met countless people with diabetes, each with a tale to tell.
June 3, 2012
Coyle Receives Rosen Award
Dr. Christina M. Coyle was the winner of this year's Samuel M. Rosen Award for outstanding teaching, presented at Einstein's medical school graduation.
Medicine Prominent at Clinical Research Training Program Graduation
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham presented the commencement address and seven of the thirteen graduates were in Internal Medicine at the Einstein CRTP's graduation ceremonies, held on June 1.
May 28, 2012
2012 Resident/Fellow Research Symposium Winners Announced
The 2012 Department of Medicine Resident/Fellow Research Symposium was held Wednesday, May 23, with 61 posters presented by residents and fellows.
May 13, 2012
Kvetan Receives President's Award
Dr. Vladimir Kvetan, Chief of Critical Care Medicine, was a co-recipient of the Montefiore President's Award on Monday, May 7th.
Eight Medicine Faculty Elected to Davidoff Society
In recognition of their excellence in teaching of medical students, eight Department of Medicine faculty members were elected to the Leo M. Davidoff Society this year.
Roth to Receive Honorary Ben Gurion Degree
Dr. Jesse Roth (Endocrinology) will be awarded an honorary doctorate to Ben Gurion University of the Negev on Tuesday, May 15.
May 6, 2012
Arnsten Selected for ELAM program
Dr. Julia Arnsten has been accepted as a Fellow in the 2012-2013 Class of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women.
Ghanayem Appointed New Faculty Practice Administrator
Effective Monday, May 7, Roba Ghanayem has been appointed the new Faculty Practice Administrator for the Department of Medicine.
May 2, 2012
Billett Appointed Hematology Chief
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce that Dr. Henny Billett has been appointed the new Chief of the Division Hematology.
Stemerman Commended for Service as Hematology Chief
Dr. Michael Stemerman has left the position of Interim Director of the Division of Hematology to continue teaching and clinical service.
April 22, 2012
Three Einstein Students Awarded MSTAR Scholarships
Einstein students Mary Derasmo, Yehuda Lerea, and Derek Wu have been awarded the 2012 Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) program scholarships.
April 8, 2012
Verghese Appointed New Chief of Geriatrics
Following a comprehensive national search, the Department of Medicine has appointed Dr. Joe Verghese as the new Chief of the Division of Geriatrics.
Folkert Appointed as Interim Chief of Nephrology
The Department of Medicine has appointed Dr. Vaughn Folkert as Interim Chief of the Division of Nephrology.
Melamed Appointed Renal Fellowship Director
Dr. Michal Melamed has been appointed Director of the Nephrology Fellowship Program.
April 2, 2012
Hawkins to Receive AFMR's Highest Honor
Dr. Meredith Hawkins will receive the American Federation for Medical Research’s (AFMR) highest honor for medical research, the Outstanding Investigator Award.
March 25, 2012
Chi Wins Two 1st-Place Wound Care Awards
Dr. Yuling (Julia) Chi has won first-place Oral Abstract and Young Investigators Awards from the Wound Healing Society.
March 18, 2012
Match Day 2012 Shows More Entering Internal Medicine
On March 16, 4th-year medical students around the country learned where and how they will spend their residency training years. The Internal Medicine Residency Program had a strong, competitive match for its PGY1 positions.
March 13, 2012
Conigliaro Selected as Residency Program Director
The Department of Medicine is pleased to announce the recruitment of Dr. Ro Conigliaro as Internal Medicine Residency Program Director.
March 5, 2012
Putterman Elected to Kunkel Society
Dr. Chaim Putterman was recently elected as a member of the esteemed Henry Kunkel Society.
February 20, 2012
Medicine's Young Investigators Awarded
Four members of the Department of Medicine were awarded research prizes at the 17th annual Montefiore Young Investigators Symposium.
February 13, 2012
Brandt to Give Two Keynote Lectures
Dr. Lawrence Brandt has been invited to deliver lectures on fecal transplant for C. difficile infection at the upcoming Infectious Disease Society of America and American College of Gastroenterology annual meetings.
January 29, 2012
Cuervo Honored With Horwitz Prize
Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo will be presented the sixth annual Marshall S. Horwitz, M.D. Faculty Prize for Research Excellence.
January 16, 2012
Hawkins to be Elected to the ASCI
Dr. Meredith Hawkins (Endocrinology) will be inducted as a new member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) at its annual meeting in Chicago in April.
January 8, 2012
Goodman, Sapadin Recognized
The Division of Hospital Medicine's Dr. Robert Goodman was named course director for a newly developed Einstein course, and Michael Sapadin was awarded Montefiore's Staff and Alumni Physician Assistant Distinguished Service Award.
December 18, 2011
Adelman Appointed to National Quality Forum Committee
Dr. Jason Adelman has been appointed to a National Quality Forum committee in recognition of his and Montefiore's expertise in patient safety.
December 4, 2011
Faculty Noted for Research, Scholarship
Drs. Jacqueline Achkar, Simon Maybaum, David Prezant, and Vladimir Kvetan were recognized for recent accomplishments in research and scholarly activity.
November 26, 2011
Berger Named One of Nation's Top Clinical Informaticists
Dr. Matthew Berger has been named by Modern Healthcare as one of the top 25 clinical informaticists in the nation.
November 14, 2011
Study Indicates Brain Plays Role in Regulating Blood Sugar in Humans
Drs. Meredith Hawkins and Preeti Kishore have demonstrated for the first time that the brain is a key player in regulating glucose metabolism in humans.
November 7, 2011
Medicine Faculty Named Super Doctors
Thirty-one Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty members were chosen for the Super Doctors listing of outstanding physicians, having attained a high degree of peer recognition or professional achievement.
Leviton, Rodriguez Receive Grand Rounds Awards
Dr. Ira Leviton and Mildred Rodriguez were recently recognized for supervision and adept handling of Grand Rounds.
November 1, 2011
Montefiore Hosts Full Diabetes Month Calendar
Throughout November 2011, the Clinical Diabetes Center is sponsoring National Diabetes Month events to educate and raise awareness of diabetes and its complications.
Safyer to be Honored by UJA-Federation
Dr. Steven M. Safyer, President, CEO, and leading advocate for Montefiore, will be honored by the UJA-Federation of New York for his exemplary leadership in healthcare.
October 16, 2011
2011 Faculty Appointments & Promotions
The Department of Medicine congratulates its faculty members who were appointed or promoted in 2010.
Epstein Appointed Physician Practice Leader
Eric Epstein, M.D., will has been chosen as the new physician leader of our practice.
Cihak Appointed Practice Operation Leader
Following a national search, Patrice Cihak has joined Montefiore and the Department of Medicine as the new Faculty Practice Administrator.
October 9, 2011
Aroniadis, Brandt, Cirino-Marcano, Gaglio Recognized
Four Medicine faculty members have been recognized for recent accomplishments and research awards.
October 2, 2011
Noninvasive Testing for Kidney Disease
Dr. Chaim Putterman's recent study shows potential for a non-invasive test to monitor kidney disease by measuring levels of specific proteins in urine.
Liver Program Marks 50th Transplant, New Office
The Montefiore Einstein Liver Disease and Transplantation Program has performed its 50th liver transplant and recently extended its presence into Westchester County.
Aldrich Named to WTC Panel
Dr. Thomas Aldrich has been appointed as a member of the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program’s Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee.
HIV Testing, Counseling Now at Weiler
As part of its mission to advance routine HIV testing, the Montefiore AIDS Center has posted a HIV tester/counselor at the Weiler Division.
September 20, 2011
Continued Treatment for Lupus May Boost Survival of Those Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease
Dr. Anna Broder and researchers at Einstein have shown that close supervision by rheumatologists and the use of immunosuppressant drugs improve the survival of lupus patients with end-stage kidney disease--a finding that could reverse long-standing clinical practice.
September 19, 2011
Cytryn Chosen as GHHS Speaker
Former students chose Dr. Lawrence Cytryn as an exemplary mentor to speak at the 2011 Gold Humanism Honor Society induction ceremony.
Global Diabetes Symposium Highlights
On Sunday, September 18, leaders in diabetes research, prevention, and treatment defined the epidemic, discussed current responses to its underlying causes, and detailed potential preventive measures and treatments.
Sanchez-Caro Receives WEDI Award
Nancy Sanchez-Caro, Director of Faculty Practice Billing, has been designated for her second consecutive Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange 2011 Award of Merit.
September 12, 2011
Einstein to Utilize Electronic Medical Records System to Analyze HIV/AIDS in Central Africa
Kathryn Anastos, MD, and her Einstein-led consortium will spearhead the Central Africa International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS (CA-IeDEA).
Medicine Faculty to be Honored at 2011 Convocation
Eight Department of Medicine faculty members will be honored at the next Einstein Academic Convocation Monday, September 26.
Marcos Rojkind, MD, PhD
Dr. Marcos Rojkind, a longtime Department of Medicine faculty member in the Marion Bessin Liver Research Center, died Saturday, September 10, 2011.
September 6, 2011
WTC-Exposed Firefighters Face Increased Cancer Risk
Dr. David Prezant's largest cancer study of firefighters ever conducted found that firefighters exposed to the 9/11 World Trade Center (WTC) disaster site were at higher risk of developing cancer.
Residency Program Announces Leadership Changes
Dr. Matthew Shaines is the new Firm 1 Assistant Firm Leader, and Dr. John Loehner has been promoted to the role of Assistant Senior Medical Director at Montefiore.
Ceresnak is New Director of Moses Medical Service
Effective August 1, 2011, Dr. Jeffrey Ceresnak assumed the role of Director of the Moses Medical Service.
July 12, 2011
Through Health, Justice and Dignity
Dr. Lanny Smith's work with Doctors for Global Health promotes health, social justice, and human dignity to help communities worldwide to deal with liberation struggles.
Understanding the New FDA Sunscreen Guidelines
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced several significant changes to sunscreen product regulations to ultimately help people pick sunscreens with a greater degree of confidence. Dr. Adam Friedman gives helpful information on how to interpret the new FDA sunscreen guidelines.
June 14, 2011
Dermatology Residents Awarded by NY Academy of Medicine
First- year resident Dr. Aron Gwertzman received second place in the annual New York Academy of Medicine Resident Research Competition, marking the fifth year the Montefiore Einstein Division of Dermatology has received recognition for excellence in both basic and clinical research at this competition.
Geriatrics Active at AGS 2011
Division of Geriatrics faculty and fellows had numerous posters and presentations at the 2011 American Geriatrics Society meeting.
June 6, 2011
Resident/Fellow Research Symposium Winners
Video feature of the 2011 Department of Medicine Research Symposium, which consisted of 92 posters from residents and fellows, an all-time high number of submissions.
Medicine Faculty Honored at 2011 Graduation
Four Department of Medicine faculty members were recognized with teaching excellence awards at Einstein's medical school graduation on Wednesday, June 1, 2011.
Medicine's Physicians Rank as "New York Super Doctors" 2011
Twenty-one members of the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty were recently listed as "New York Super Doctors" in the New York Times Magazine.
May 23, 2011
Rethinking Biomarker Reference Ranges
Drs. Laura Boucai and Martin Surks have found that thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) reference ranges differ according to a person's age, race, and sex.
Resident/Fellow Research Symposium Winners
The very successful 2011 Department of Medicine Research Symposium consisted of 48 posters from residents and 44 from fellows, an all-time high number of submissions.
Three Residents to Initiate New Intensified Research Track
An "intensified research track," in which several residents are given block time in their PGY-2 year to carry out research, will be initiated in 2011-12.
May 16, 2011
Montefiore Opens New Pulmonary Function Lab
Montefiore's new, expanded Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) Lab will double the hospital's capacity for PFT, dramatically improving access to an important pulmonary service.
Gonzalez, Ostrowsky, Zingman Receive Distinctions
Drs. Cristina Gonzalez, Belinda Ostrowsky, and Barry Zingman have recently been recognized for healthcare leadership roles.
GIM Faculty Active at SGIM 2011
Division of General Internal Medicine faculty members delivered nearly thirty presentations at the 2011 Society for General Internal Medicine meeting.
May 10, 2011
Schlair to be Residency Firm Leader
Dr. Sheira Schlair has been appointed Firm Leader for Medical Service I of the Internal Medicine Residency Program.
Rico Honored for Firm Leadership
Dr. Marta Rico will transition from her role as Firm Leader to full-time teaching and clinic management.
Prezant Awarded for Work with 9/11 Rescue Workers
Dr. David Prezant will receive the 2011 Public Service Award from the American Thoracic Society (ATS) for his significant clinical care and groundbreaking research with World Trade Center rescue workers.
Liver-Cell Transplants May Reverse Liver-Lung Disease
A study authored by Dr. Jayanta Roy-Chowdhury found that transplanting cells from healthy adult livers may work in treating a genetic liver-lung disorder affecting millions worldwide.
May 2, 2011
Reichgott and Putterman Receive Teaching Honors
Dr. Michael Reichgott will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching and Dr. Chaim Putterman will receive the Harry Eagle Award for Outstanding Basic Science Teaching at Einstein's 2011 graduation ceremony.
Faculty Elected to Davidoff Society
Medicine faculty members Peter Alpert, Peter Barland, Jill Crandall, and Shimon Hakshouri were elected to the Leo M. Davidoff Society in 2011.
April 25, 2011
Susztak, Czaja Honored
Drs. Katalin Susztak and Mark Czaja have been honored by inductions into and awards from the American Society for Clinical Investigation, American Society of Nephrology, and Association of American Physicians.
Frangogiannis to Hold Cardiovascular Medicine Chair
Dr. Nikolaos Frangogiannis has been named the Edmond J. Safra/Republic National Bank Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine.
April 11, 2011
Fecal Microbiotic Therapy Promising for C. diff
Fecal microbiotic therapy, the controversial method of transplanting stool from a healthy individual to a diseased person, has shown to be an effective treatment for the growing problem of C. difficile infection.
April 4, 2011
Montefiore ICU Featured for Constant Innovation
Dr. Vladimir Kvetan and the Division of Critical Care Medicine were recently featured as part of the Wall Street Journal's special report on health-care innovation.
Czaja Joins NIH Study Section
Dr. Mark Czaja will join, by invitation, the NIH Center for Scientific Review's Hepatobiliary Pathophysiology Study Section.
Nosanchuk Appointed to NBME/USMLE Committee
Dr. Joshua Nosanchuk has been appointed to the STEP 1 Committee for the NBME/USMLE.
March 28, 2011
Jacobs Elected to National Geriatrics Board
Vice-Chair Laurie Jacobs, MD, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the American Geriatrics Society.
March 21, 2011
Match Day 2011 Promising for Internal Medicine
The Internal Medicine Residency Program had a strong and competitive match, yielding a geographically and institutionally diversified incoming intern group.
March 14, 2011
Rooney a Reminder for Elders and Providers
Mickey Rooney's recent appeal for Congress to crack down on elder abuse reminds us that this issue affects all socioeconomic backgrounds.
March 7, 2011
Promising Developments for Malaria
Advances in diagnostic testing and anti-malarial medicines may improve outcomes for a disease that affects over 500 million people every year.
Doctors Lax in Monitoring Potentially Addicting Drugs
A new study led by Dr. Joanna Starrels has found that few primary care physicians pay adequate attention to patients taking prescription opioid drugs.
February 23, 2011
Vaccine From Synthetic Gene Protects vs. Deadly Pneumonia
An experimental vaccine developed by Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski and colleagues appears to protect against a deadly form of pneumococcal pneumonia.
Nanoparticles Increase Survival After Blood Loss
Tiny nanoparticles may improve survival after life-threatening blood loss, according to a study co-authored by Dr. Joel Friedman.
February 14, 2011
Arthur Schatzkin, Former House Officer, Dies at 62
Dr. Arthur Schatzkin, an internationally renowned pioneer in the field of nutrition and cancer, died of brain cancer January 20, 2011.
Faculty Recognition Highlights
David Prezant, Mario Garcia, Enver Akalin, Paul Gaglio, Victor Schuster, Laura Boucai, and Martin Surks are recent recipients of distinctions, awards, and honors.
February 7, 2011
Quality Improvement, Within Keystrokes
Daniela Levi, Director of Quality, Safety, and Development in the Division of Critical Care Medicine, seeks to bridge the gap in healthcare reporting, increase transparency and performance improvement, and empower patients to make informed decisions through a new web- based software program called Power to Patient (P2P).
Diversity Affairs Hosts Revisit Dinner
The Diversity Affairs Committee recently hosted a dinner and revisit for 28 minority medical students applying to the residency program.
January 25, 2011
HIV & Cardiovascular Disease in Rwanda
Dr. Elizabeth Kiefer is investigating the connection of malnutrition, HIV, and inflammation in Rwandan women.
January 18, 2011
Improving Chronic Kidney Disease in the Bronx
Over 100,000 Bronx residents have CKD, but patients cared for under established guidelines have better results.
Former Medicine House Officer Honored
Dr. Rosemarie Fisher has received the Dema Daley Founders Award, the highest honor bestowed on medical educators by the APDIM.
Montefiore Einstein Doctors Give Life-Changing Heart Surgery to Haitian Teen
Dr. Mahalia Desruisseaux (Infectious Diseases), who had traveled to Haiti to assist in the relief effort, identified a serious heart condition in Lovely Ajuste, a Port-au-Prince teen. On the one-year anniversary of the quakes, Ms. Ajuste underwent open-heart surgery at Montefiore to correct the defect.
January 10, 2011
For One Graduate, A Career in Pharmaceutical Leadership
Wenru Song, MD, PhD, a graduate of the Internal Medicine Residency Program, is currently a medical director and clinical lead at Pfizer Oncology.
Gong to Join Critical Care Steering Committee
Michelle Gong has been invited to become a member of the US Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group Steering Committee.
Safyer Serving on Governor Cuomo's Transition Team
Dr. Steven Safyer, Montefiore President and CEO, advocated for Dr. Nirav Shah's appointment and believes he will be a leader with vision.
December 21, 2010
98.6 °F Ideal Temperature for Keeping Fungi Away and Food at Bay
Drs. Arturo Casadevall and Aviv Bergman have found that our 98.6° F (37° C) body temperature strikes a perfect balance: warm enough to ward off fungal infection but not so hot that we need to eat nonstop to maintain our metabolism.
December 13, 2010
Faculty Appointments & Promotions
The Department of Medicine congratulates all of its faculty members who were appointed or promoted in 2010.
December 6, 2010
The Promise of Prostaglandin Transport
Department Chairman Victor Schuster's breakthrough in identifying a prostaglandin transporter became an opportunity for Einstein's Technology Development Program.
December 7, 2010
Crandall to Study Impact of Resveratrol on Prediabetes
Dr. Jill Crandall has been awarded $600,000 from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to study the effect of resveratrol, a chemical compound most notably found in red wine and grapes, on impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in older adults.
November 8, 2010
Liver Disease Mortality High, But Research is Promising
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, estimated by the CDC as the 12th most common cause of death in adults, may actually be as high as 4th.
November 1, 2010
Einstein Launches SuperAgers.com to Spotlight Aging Research
Einstein has launched SuperAgers.com, a new website that features the latest information on more than a decade of aging research highlighting the work of Nir Barzilai, M.D., director of the Institute for Aging Research.
Diversity Affairs Hosts Open House
The Diversity Affairs Committee recently hosted its third annual open house for minority students interested in internal medicine.
October 25, 2010
Ostrowsky Named SHEA Fellow
Belinda Ostrowsky (Infectious Diseases) has been named a Fellow of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.
Sanchez-Caro Receives Award
Nancy Sanchez-Caro, Director of Faculty Practice Billing, has received the 2010 Award of Merit from the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange.
New Medicine Managers
Roba Ghanayem, Lynnette Watson, and Tawana Howard-Eddings bring years of experience to the Department in their new roles as practice managers and clinical manager.
October 20, 2010
Montefiore Announces Diabetes Month Activities
The Montefiore Einstein Clinical Diabetes Center has organized exciting events for this year's Diabetes Month, which begins November 2010.
Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases at ACG 2010
The Division of Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases was well represented at the 2010 ACG meeting, with numerous presentations and posters and division members leading sessions, running courses, or giving keynote lectures.
October 11, 2010
CCM Announces Strategic Reorganization
Critical Care Medicine has undergone reorganization, with faculty appointments, to support and advance Montefiore Einstein's strategic initiatives and mission.
Sibinga to Serve on NIH Study Section
Nicholas Sibinga, MD (Cardiology) has been invited to serve on the "Vascular Cell and Molecular Biology" NIH study section.
October 4, 2010
AIDS Center Recognized for Excellence in Latino Care
The Montefiore AIDS Center and its Center for Positive Living/ID Clinic were cited for demonstrating best practices in caring for Latinos with HIV.
DAC Hosts Welcome Reception
Fostering a supportive community for minority housestaff and faculty begins each summer with a cocktail party for new arrivals. See photos of the 2010 Diversity Affairs Committee-sponsored event.
September 27, 2010
Arnsten, Frenette, and Hawkins Awarded Tenure
Among the five Einstein faculty members awarded tenure in 2010 were Medicine's Julia Arnsten, Paul Frenette, and Meredith Hawkins.
Kim to Chair NIH Study Section
Kami Kim, MD (Infectious Diseases) has been invited to chair the NIH Study Section "AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Infections and Cancer" in the Center for Scientific Review.
Hawkins to Brief Congress on Global Diabetes
Meredith Hawkins, MD (Endocrinology) participated in a congressional briefing in Washington, DC to focus attention on the alarming global diabetes epidemic.
Gupta Honored for Excellence in Medicine & Surgery
The Medical Council of the National Association of Indians in America (AIA) presented Sanjeev Gupta, MD, MBBS (Hepatology) with the Sushruta and Charaka Award for excellence in the field of medicine and surgery.
September 6, 2010
From New Orleans to the Bronx, Asthma Control is a Struggle
Dr. David Rosenstreich, director of the Bronx Asthma Project, discusses environmental mold and other asthma exacerbants in post-Katrina New Orleans and in the Bronx.
August 31, 2010
Overcoming Vaccination Resistance
Will more people get flu shots this season? Dr. Stephen Baum, flu specialist, responds.
August 16, 2010
Aging Research Designated a NIH Center of Excellence
Congratulations to Nir Barzilai and Ana Maria Cuervo, whose Center for Aging Research has been named one of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging.
July 23, 2010
Major Funding Awarded to Improve Treatment of Drug-Resistant TB and HIV
Dr. Neel Gandhi has received a five-year, $4 million grant for the first-ever prospective study of antiretroviral therapy for people in South Africa who are co-infected with MDR-tuberculosis and HIV.
July 5, 2010
New Administrative Roles for Kamholz, Hatcher
Drs. Stephan Kamholz and Victor Hatcher have assumed new roles within the Office of the Dean.
Study Finds Genetic Links Among Jewish People
Scientists at Einstein and NYU have published a study indicating that Jews are a widely dispersed people with a common ancestry.
June 21, 2010
An Unfamiliar Face, But Here All Day
William Southern, MD, MS, Chief of the Section of Hospital Medicine, responds to a recent New York Times article on hospitalists.
2010 Residency Graduates Honored
The Department of Medicine congratulates its third-year and chief residents of the Internal Medicine Residency Program, who graduated Wednesday, June 16.
2010 Housestaff Awards
The Department of Medicine congratulates its 2010 residency and attending award winners.
Residency Program Undergoes Leadership Changes
The Department's residency programs welcome Drs. Bettina Fries, Lauren Shapiro, and Nicole Sirotin to leadership roles.
June 7, 2010
Einstein Awarded NIH Grant to Study Drug-Resistant TB
The NIH has awarded Einstein scientists Sarita Shah and colleagues a 5-year, $3.9 million grant to study how extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis is transmitted in rural South Africa.
June 1, 2010
Goel Receives Cancer Research Award
Dr. Sanjay Goel (Oncology) is the recipient of the ASCO Advanced Career Research Award to study a new form of viral therapy for colon cancer.
May 24, 2010
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease
Sleep-related breathing disorders such as sleep apnea are as important a predictor of heart disease risk as smoking, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
2010 Resident/Fellow Research Symposium Winners
The Department is pleased to announce the winners and honorable mentions of this year's Resident/Fellow Research Symposium.
Influenza in Review
Infectious disease specialists Stephen Baum and Belinda Ostrowsky give a postmortem of the H1N1 crisis.
May 17, 2010
Parish Elected ISSWSH President
Dr. Sharon Parish will serve as 2012-2013 president of the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health.
Schlair Awarded AACH Fellowship
Dr. Sheira Schlair was recently accepted into the AACH Facilitator-In-Training national faculty development fellowship program.
May 10, 2010
Fries Chosen for Residency Firm Leader
Bettina Fries (Infectious Diseases) has been recruited as Firm Two Leader of the Internal Medicine Residency Program.
May 3, 2010
Wolkoff Appointed Chief of Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases
Effective May 1, 2010, the Divisions of Gastroenterology and Hepatology have merged and will be led by Allan Wolkoff.
Nosanchuk Elected to ASCI
Joshua Nosanchuk has been inducted into the American Society for Clinical Investigation, one of the nation's oldest and most respected medical honor societies.
April 18, 2010
Fulop Retires, Leaving 55-Year Legacy
Milford Fulop, MD, Einstein's longest full-time faculty member known for creating the foundation of excellence for the Department, was recently honored at a retirement symposium.
Pirofski Invited to NIH Study Section
Liise-anne Pirofski, MD has been invited to joint the NIH study section "Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases" in the Center for Scientific Review.
Southern Wins Research Awards
William Southern, MD took first place at the SHM research abstract competition and won a Scholar's Abstract Award at ACRT/SCTS.
General Internal Medicine in Full Force at SGIM 2010
The Division of General Internal Medicine will be well represented at the 33rd annual meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine.
April 11, 2010
Medicine Announces 2010 Davidoff Society Members
Five Medicine faculty members were elected to the Leo M. Davidoff Society this year in recognition of their excellence in teaching of medical students.
FDNY Workers Show Lasting Lung Damage
The Associated Press interviewed David Prezant, M.D., senior author, and Dr. Thomas Aldrich, M.D., lead author, on their study investigating the lung health of 9/11 rescue workers, published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Helen M. Ranney, MD
Helen M. Ranney, MD, Montefiore Einstein Professor of Medicine UCSD Professor Emerita noted for her groundbreaking contributions to the study of sickle cell anemia, and for the many historic "firsts" she achieved as a pioneering woman in medicine, died Monday, April 5, 2010 in La Jolla, California.
March 29, 2010
Medicine Welcomes New Cardiology Chief
Mario J. Garcia, MD joins the Department of Medicine as Chief of Cardiology, Professor of Radiology, Co-Director of the Montefiore Einstein Heart Center, and the Pauline Levitt Endowed Chair in Medicine.
Advancing Routine HIV Testing
The Montefiore AIDS Center's own HIV testing initiative could serve as a model program for the federally proposed "test and treat" strategy.
March 22, 2010
2010 Residency Match Boosts Diversity
The Department filled 64 first-year residency positions during Match Week, and the incoming 2010 class reflects increased geographical, institutional, and ethnic diversity.
March 17, 2010
Fulop to Retire After 55 Years
Milford Fulop, MD, the longest-time full-time member of the Department of Medicine, will retire this month.
Schuster Named Nephrologist of the Year
Victor Schuster, Chair of the Department, has been honored by the American Kidney Fund as Nephrologist of the Year.
Zingman to Chair AIDS Institute Committee
Barry S. Zingman, MD (Infectious Diseases) was recently promoted to Chair of the NYS DOH AIDS Institute's Medical Care Criteria Committee.
March 7, 2010
Medicine Faculty in the News
Preeti Kishore (Endocrinology) and John Reinus (Hepatology) have received recent press coverage for accomplishments in translational research and patient care.
March 2, 2010
Kamholz to become Medicine Chair at Jacobi/NCB
Dr. Stephan Kamholz has accepted the Chair of Medicine position at Jacobi Medical Center/North Central Bronx Hospital, effective May 2010.
February 22, 2010
The Genetics of Critical Care
Knowing whether a family history includes death from sepsis or pneumonia may give ICU physicians new insight into preventing and treating these fast-acting, often devastating conditions.
February 8, 2010
Diversity "Second Look" Dinner and Visit
Seventeen minority medical students applying for residency attended the Diversity Affairs Committee's Re-Visitation Day.
February 1, 2010
When Simple Interventions Can Save Lives
Physicians are critically poised to detect and intervene in the growing and underreported issue of elder mistreatment.
January 25, 2010
Medicine Faculty Active as Scientific Editors
Enver Akalin (Nephrology), Gary Schwartz (Endocrinology), and Kami Kim (Infectious Diseases) are serving as editors and editorial board members of scientific medical journals.
Feuerstadt Named Outstanding House Officer
Gastroenterology fellow Paul Feuerstadt has been chosen as one of Montefiore's outstanding house officers for 2010.
Savel Recognized for Intensive Care Podcasts
Richard Savel (Critical Care) was recently honored by the Executive Committee and Council of SCCM for his work on intensive care podcasts.
January 18, 2010
Tribute to Ronald Nagel, MD
The Department of Medicine honors Ronald L. Nagel, MD, former Chief of the Division of Hematology.
Updated Department of Medicine Faculty Research Publications
Updates of the previous week's Pubmed listings of publications from primary and secondary Department of Medicine faculty members from September 21 through December 31, 2009.
January 10, 2010
Practicality Prevails for Diabetes and Heart Disease
While seemingly tame and old-fashioned, "eat right, quit smoking, and take your medicine" could be the best weapon yet for treating the world's unprecedented diabetes pandemic.
Recent Department of Medicine Faculty Research Publications
Pubmed listings of publications from primary and secondary Department of Medicine faculty members from September 21 through December 31, 2009.
January 3, 2010
Surks Receives Ingbar Award
Martin Surks, Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology), has received the 2010 Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Service Award.
Pinsker to Retire
Kenneth Pinsker, MD, Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary Medicine) will retire after a 40-year association with Montefiore Medical Center.
Department Staff Changes
Lili Beit and Deborah DeLuca-Parchen have transferred to new positions at Montefiore Einstein.
December 7, 2009
Department of Medicine Welcomes New Faculty
James M. Tauras (Cardiology) has joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty.
November 29, 2009
Singh Receives Shields Postdoc Research Prize
Rajat Singh, Department of Medicine postdoctoral fellow, was among the winners of this year's Dennis Shields Postdoctoral Research Prizes.
Department of Medicine Welcomes New Faculty
Tihomir Stefanec (Critical Care Medicine) and Gerin R. Stevens (Cardiology) have joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty.
November 15, 2009
Jerschow to Lead Drug Desensitization Program
The Montefiore Einstein Division of Allergy & Immunology recently recruited Elina Jerschow, MD, to become director of Montefiore's Drug Desensitization Program.
Department of Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Charles Nordin (Cardiology) and Petra Rietschel (Oncology) have joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty.
November 8, 2009
Brandt Steps Down as GI Division Chief
Lawrence Brandt, Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology since 2000, has decided to step down to leverage his talents in scholarship and teaching for the Division.
Improving Einstein's Diversity
As the nation grows rapidly more diverse, the number of underrepresented minorities in academic medicine remains low.
Department of Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Gladys Martin and Samantha Miller (General Internal Medicine) have joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty.
November 3, 2009
Barland to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award
Congratulations to Peter Barland (Rheumatology), who has been selected to receive the Arthritis Foundation New York Chapter's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Department of Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Regina Lee (General Internal Medicine) and Dr. George Lui (Cardiology) have joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty.
October 26, 2009
Gastroenterology Fellows Win National "GI Jeopardy"
Division of Gastroenterology fellows won first place in the sixth annual "GI Jeopardy" competition during the 2009 ACG Annual Meeting in San Diego.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty
Harmit Kalia, DO (Hepatology) and Jason Korcak, MD, MPH (General Internal Medicine) have joined the Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine faculty.
October 19, 2009
Medicine Faculty Honored at Einstein Convocation
Six Department of Medicine faculty members were honored at Einstein's recent convocation.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty
Manuela Calvo, MD and Elizabeth Kiefer, MD, MPH (General Internal Medicine) have joined the Einstein- Montefiore Department of Medicine faculty.
October 12, 2009
Hostetter to Chair ASN Public Policy Board
Thomas Hostetter (Nephrology) has been selected as the new chair of the Public Policy Board for the American Society of Nephrology.
Faculty in the Media
Marla Keller (Infectious Diseases) and Laurie Jacobs (Geriatrics) have appeared in recent media.
October 5, 2009
Department of Medicine 2009 Academic Promotions
Again this year, the Einstein Committee on Academic Promotions approved each of the 26 faculty members proposed for 2009 promotion or appointment in senior rank.
Eisen Named Moses MICU Medical Director
Dr. Lewis Eisen (Critical Care) has been appointed to the position of Medical Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) at the Montefiore Medical Center Moses Division.
September 28, 2009
2008-09 NIH Funding for Medicine Faculty
Einstein faculty members received a significant number of new grants, competing renewals, and supplements from the NIH September 2008 to September 2009.
September 20, 2009
Patient Data for Health Services Research
Long known to illuminate clinical studies, hospital databases can be a goldmine in tackling some of the nation's most complex, challenging healthcare issues.
September 13, 2009
Bettina Fries to Supervise Medical Research Pathway Residency
Bettina Fries, MD (Infectious Diseases) has been chosen to supervise the Medical Scientist Pathway Track in the Internal Medicine Residency Program.
September 6, 2009
QI Involves Challenge, Promise
Quality improvement is pervasive throughout the Montefiore Einstein network, with goals of changing outcomes of CHF, diabetes, AIDS, and cardiac complications; improving performance; increasing patient satisfaction; building external recognition; peer review; and community health.
Scientists Move Closer to Safer Anthrax Vaccine
Nareen Abboud, Ph.D. and Arturo Casadevall, M.D., Ph.D. have identified two small protein fragments that could be developed into an anthrax vaccine that may cause fewer side effects than the current vaccine.
Faculty in the Media
Liise-anne Pirofski and Belinda Ostrowsky (Infectious Diseases), Aaron Fox (General Internal Medicine), and Jesse Roth (Endocrinology) are among Medicine faculty members recently interviewed or quoted in the media.
August 30, 2009
Ruy Soeiro, MD
Dr. Ruy Soeiro, a longstanding member who served as co-division chief and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Einstein for many years, died August 20, 2009.
August 24, 2009
Czaja and Kim Receive Tenure
Mark Czaja (Hepatology) and Kami Kim (Infectious Diseases) were two of the four newly tenured faculty members at Einstein this year.
Greenberg Appointed Interim Chief of Cardiology
Mark Greenberg, Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, has been appointed Interim Chief of Cardiology.
Jacobs Appointed Vice Chair for Clinical and Educational Programs
Dr. Laurie Jacobs, Chief of the Division of Geriatrics, has been appointed Vice Chair for Clinical and Educational Programs for the Montefiore operations side of the Department of Medicine.
Lief Appointed Interim Housestaff Program Director
Dr. Philip Lief, Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, has been appointed Interim Housestaff Program Director.
Department of Medicine Honors 2009 House Staff Graduates
The Department graduated its 2009 class of Medicine house staff June 18, 2009, extending congratulations for a job well done to the graduates and award winners.
Faculty Honored at 2009 Graduation
Members of the Department of Medicine were recognized and honored at Einstein's annual graduation June 2, 2009.
August 3, 2009
Millions of U.S. Children Low In Vitamin D
Seven out of 10 U.S. children have low vitamin D levels, raising their risk of bone and heart disease, according to a study of over 6,000 children, co-led by Dr. Michal Melamed (Nephrology).
July 28, 2009
Researchers Uncover Topical Drug for Diabetes-Related Wounds
An iron-removing drug reduces the time it takes diabetic wounds to heal in mice, according to a study co-authored by Dr. Michael Brownlee (Endocrinology).
July 22, 2009
Peptide Linked to Glucose Metabolism and Neuronal Cell Survival
A cellular protein that may prevent nerve cells from dying also helps to improve insulin action and lower blood glucose levels, according to a study co-authored by Dr. Nir Barzilai (Endocrinology).
June 15, 2009
Predicting Fatal Fungal Infections
Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski (Infectious Diseases) describes a technique for predicting which HIV-infected patients are at greatest risk for developing fungal meningitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans.
June 8, 2009
NIH Funds Regional Center for Biodefense and Emerging ID Research
Dr. Arturo Casadevall (Infectious Diseases) is Deputy Director of the Northeast Biodefense Center (NBC), recipient of a recent $46 million grant to conduct research on emerging infectious diseases.
May 3, 2009
ID Fellow Wins Best Abstract Award
Brian Metzger, infectious diseases fellow, was selected for the best fellows' abstract at the Infectious Diseases Society of New York annual meeting in April.
April 26, 2009
Cardiology Opens New Women's Heart Health Center
The Division of Cardiology announces the opening of its Womens Heart Health Center, offering medical management, clinical care, and education for women of all ages.
April 19, 2009
Gupta Receives Endowed Chair
Sanjeev Gupta (Hepatology) has been named the Eleazar and Feige Reicher Chair in Translational Medicine for achievements and contributions to the College.
Czaja, Cuervo Discover New Fat-Fighting Pathway
Mark Czaja (Hepatology) and Ana Maria Cuervo (Medicine) have discovered a process that controls the amount of fat that cells store for use as a back-up energy source.
Folkert Honored by American Kidney Fund
Vaughn Folkert (Nephrology) received the AKF annual award for dedication to patients with kidney disease and training and mentoring renal fellows.
Herbert Scheinberg, Professor of Medicine
Herbert Scheinberg, Professor of Medicine at Einstein's founding and leader of the Division of Genetic Medicine, died April 4, 2009.
March 30, 2009
Diabetes Education Receives ADA Recognition
Montefiore Einstein’s diabetes education programs were recently awarded the American Diabetes Association Education recognition certificate for quality diabetes self-management education.
Anatol Morell, Emeritus Professor of Medicine
Anatol Morell, Emeritus Professor of Medicine and long-time research collaborator of Dr. Herbert Scheinberg, died at age 95 on March 16, 2009.
Diane Edelstein, Endocrinology
A Japanese maple tree has been planted and a bronze plaque inscribed in honor of Diane Edelstein, long-time employee of the Division of Endocrinology.
March 23, 2009
Students, Residencies Match Strong for 2009
In of the largest Match Day ever, 56 Einstein medical students matched in categorical Internal Medicine internships, and the Department of Medicine’s residency programs readily filled all slots.
March 16, 2009
Big Bugs, Few Drugs: Infectious Disease and Antimicrobial Stewardship
Treating a patient with an infectious disease often begins a race against the clock to start appropriate treatment before mortality, spread of infection, or other complications set in.
Arnsten Wins Einstein Faculty Mentoring Award
Julia Arnsten, founding chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine, will be honored with a faculty mentoring award at the Davidoff Education Day ceremony..
Levine to Retire in June
Shirley Levine (Hematology), Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education since 1995, will retire June 30, 2009.
Silbiger to Assume New Leadership Roles
After eight years as program director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program, Sharon Silbiger will become Associate Chair of Undergraduate Medical Education and the Moses Site Director for the Division of Nephrology.
AIDS Center Receives International Visitors
The Montefiore AIDS Center and Center for Positive Living/ID Clinic recently hosted a site visit for visitors from Namibia and Guyana.
March 9, 2009
Srinivas Awarded Interventional Cardiology Training Grant
V. S. Srinivas (Cardiology) was been awarded the Abbott Fund Fellowship Grant for Interventional Cardiology and Vascular Medicine.
Dermatology Residents Give National Meeting Presentations
Montefiore Einstein Dermatology residents presented numerous talks and posters at the annual American Academy of Dermatology meeting in San Francisco.
March 2, 2009
Medicine Faculty in the News
Rita Louard (Endocrinology) is quoted in an Ebony magazine article on diabetes, V. S. Srinivas (Cardiology) has published a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, and Montefiore's "Keeping You Healthy" recently featured the Department's new Scarsdale practice site.
Recent Department of Medicine Faculty Research Publications
Pubmed listings of publications from primary and secondary Department of Medicine faculty members from December 8, 2008 to February 28, 2009.
February 23, 2009
Southern Appointed Chief of Hospital Medicine
Dr. William Southern has been appointed Chief of a new Section of Hospital Medicine within the Division of General Internal Medicine.
February 16, 2009
Peter Pan, Meet Father Time
As the senior citizen population skyrockets and geriatricians dwindle, Laurie Jacobs and colleagues have created innovative geriatrics training for medical students, residents, and practicing primary care physicians throughout the Bronx.
Oncology, Dermatology Win Young Investigator Awards
Pawan Kaler, Lin Deng, and Michael Papetti (Oncology) and Adam Friedman (Dermatology) were awarded first- and second-place prizes for presentations at the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs 15th Young Investigator Symposium.
February 9, 2009
Tenore and Bernstein Receive Faculty Awards
Dr. Peter Tenore (General Internal Medicine) received an "Addiction Physician of the Year" award from the NYS OASAS, and the Dean's Teaching Awards Selection Committee has chosen Dr Leslie Bernstein (Gastroenterology) to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Critical Care Physicians Pass Neurocritical Care Medicine Board Exam
Six Montefiore Einstein Critical Care Medicine physicians took and passed the new Neurocritical Care Medicine Board examination, a new board under the United Council of Neurologic Subspecialities umbrella.
January 25, 2009
Nosanchuk Elected ACP Fellow
Dr. Joshua Nosanchuk (Infectious Diseases) has been elected to the status of Fellow in the American College of Physicians.
Matthew Florczyk, MD, PhD
Dr. Matthew Florczyk, Montefiore Einstein Internal Medicine Residency intern, died January 21, 2009 after a long illness.
Medical Student Recalls Rich Diversity of Lab Experience
Second-year medical student Ariel Benson's online essay about his experience in the Susztak research lab (Nephrology).
January 19, 2009
London to be Honored at Harvard
A Harvard Medical School academic society will be established in honor of Dr. Irving London, renowned hematologist and geneticist and the first Chairman of Medicine at Einstein.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Luciano Barbosa Lemos-Filho (Critical Care Medicine) and Vivien Leung (General Internal Medicine) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
January 12, 2009
Aldrich Receives Outstanding Clinician Award
The 2009 Outstanding Clinician Award from the New York State Thoracic Society goes to Thomas Aldrich, MD (Pulmonary Medicine).
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Michael Khilkin (Critical Care Medicine) and Puja Korabathina (General Internal Medicine) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
January 5, 2009
For Lupus Patients, a Day in the Sun?
Vitamin D may have important immunological consequences for patients with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, according to John Hardin, Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Microbiology and Immunology.
Medicine Faculty Rated Highly for Teaching
Department of Medicine faculty received high scores in the annual summary of evaluations from third- and fourth-year medical students.
Nosanchuk Awarded Hirschl Scholarship and Micro/ID Course Directorship
Joshua Nosanchik (Infectious Diseases) has been named an Irma T. Hirschl Scholar and is now the director of the Einstein Microbiology/ID course.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Reena Agarwal (General Internal Medicine) and Paul Gaglio (Hepatology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
December 15, 2008
Three Medicine Postdocs Win Travel Grants
Drs. Neena Jain, Xiaohong Jing, and Wangyong Zeng are among ten postdoctoral researchers to be awarded for their work, presented at a recent scientific poster session.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Susan Kovsky Wallis, MD (Rheumatology) and Kenneth Wen, MD (Cardiology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
December 8, 2008
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Graciela J. Soto, MD (Critical Care Medicine), Joanna Starrels, MD (General Internal Medicine), and Cynthia Taub, MD (Cardiology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
Department of Medicine Faculty Publications
PubMed listings of publications from the Department's primary and secondary faculty members for the period October 20, 2008 through December 7, 2008.
December 1, 2008
Two Medicine Postdocs Win Belfer Prizes
Li Zhou, PhD (Oncology) and Clemence Blouet, PhD (Endocrinology) are recipients of the Belfer Prize for Outstanding Postdoctoral Research.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Alda Osinaga, MD and Andrea Porrovecchio, MD (General Internal Medicine) and Saima Saad, MB, BS (Geriatrics) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
November 17, 2008
The Mysterious Cough, Diagnosed and Treated
The human cough is a topic of burgeoning research, emerging treatment innovations, and a great deal of ongoing mystery, according to Dr. Peter Dicpinigaitis, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director of the Montefiore Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit (Weiler Division).
Medicine Faculty in the News
Sarita Shah (General Internal Medicine) had a first-author paper published this week in JAMA on the topic of Extensively Drug Resistant TB (XDR-TB) in the United States that garnered significant press coverage, and David Rosenstreich, Division Chief of Allergy and Immunology, appeared in a WABC-TV-Ch7 news segment on the new "greener" asthma medication dispensing system going into effect in January.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
The Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine welcomes Jaydeep Bhat, MPH, MD, Aaron Fox, MD, and Elisabeth Ihler, MA, MD, all of whom have joined the Division of General Internal Medicine.
November 10, 2008
BMI to NIH: Medicine's Role in Montefiore's Future
Boosting the U.S. News and World Report rank from 38 to top 20 and lowering the average South Bronx resident’s BMI are part of Dr. Steven Safyer's ambitious vision for Montefiore, Einstein, and the Department of Medicine.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
The Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine welcomes Calie Santana (General Internal Medicine), Neohi Shah (Pulmonary Medicine), and Keerti Sharma (Geriatrics).
November 3, 2008
High Honors for ID Faculty
Dr. Arturo Casadevall delivered the Kass Lecture at the most recent IDSA/ICAAC meeting, and Dr. Josh Nosanchuk will serve a two-year term as chair of the Joint Research Awards Committee.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
The Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine welcomes Belinda Ostrowsky (Infectious Diseases) and Vincent Pantone and Ketul Patel (General Internal Medicine).
October 26, 2008
Santana to Champion Quality Improvement
In a newly created role as Associate Director of Quality, Calie Santana will address the increasing demand for higher quality of care from regulatory and accreditation bodies, patient groups, and payers.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Sara Lorenz and Alda Osinaga (General Internal Medicine) and Alissa Mark (Gastroenterology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
Staff Changes and New Faces
Shelly Ann Bell has joined the department as the nurse manager for the MAP 2, Dermatology Center, and Scarsdale practice sites.
October 20, 2008
Montefiore's First Liver Transplant Performed
Montefiore performed its first liver transplant on October 10th, after a several-year process of applications, battles, staff recruitment, and acquiring necessary approvals.
CHCC's Buprenorphrine Program Offers Drug Users Options
Dr. Chinazo Cunningham's clinic-based buprenorphrine treatment program takes a patient-centered approach, empowering heroin and opiate users to manage their disease and build better lives.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Robert Goodman (General Internal Medicine), Loren Greenberg (Geriatrics), and Tom Karson (Cardiology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
October 13, 2008
Faculty Accolades Include Textbooks, Grants, Teaching Awards
David Hamerman, James Scheuer, Robert Ostfeld, V. S. Srinivas, Gabriele de Vos, Jacqueline Achkar, Markus Bitzer, Victor Schuster, and Felise Milan are recognized for recent accomplishments.
Housestaff, Fellows Recognized for Research
Congratulations go to James Leu, Brian Metzger, Samir Shah, and Adam Friedman, winners of the 2008 Medicine housestaff/fellow research symposium.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Sulejman Celaj (Cardiology), Maria Duda (General Internal Medicine), and Ythan Goldberg (Cardiology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
October 8, 2008
For "Athletes" with Heart Failure, Hope in Dope
Muscle-bulking clenbuterol and high-altitude simulation may benefit patients with chronic heart failure, according to Simon Maybaum (Cardiology).
October 1, 2008
Clothes Make the Man, But do They Make the Doctor?
Little research is available on the role of ties, white coats, and long sleeves in transmitting bacteria, but elements of today’s more casual work attire must also be examined, according to Lawrence J. Brandt (Gastroenterology).
September 29, 2008
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Carolyn Bauer (Renal Division), Laura Boucai (Endocrinology), and James Brust (General Internal Medicine) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
Montefiore Opens First Bronx Liver Transplant Program
On August 20th, 2008, the New York State Department of Health approved the first and only liver transplant program in the Bronx, at Montefiore.
Montefiore Opens New Renal Dialysis Vascular Access Center
In July 2008, a new renal dialysis vascular access center owned by Montefiore Medical Center was opened next to the GI endoscopy center on Broadway and 230th Street.
First Weiler Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Performed
On June 18, 2008 the east campus Cardiology Electrophysiology group, led by Eugen Palma, performed the first radiofrequency catheter ablation at the newly equipped lab at Weiler Hospital.
Medicine Staff Changes and New Faces
George Ribadeneyra, Sheryl Simpson, and Yemisi Okusanya have recently joined the Department.
September 21, 2008
Nordin Announces Resignation from Jacobi Chairmanship
Dr. Charles Nordin (Cardiology), Chairman of Medicine at Jacobi Medical Center since 1996, announced last week that he will step down from the position in 2009.
Medicine Welcomes New Faculty Members
Yelena Averbukh (General Internal Medicine), Claire Bastie (Endocrinology), and Dina Began (Dermatology) are among those who have recently joined the Department.
GIM Faculty Awarded Multiple Grants
Hillary Kunins, Shadi Nahvi, William Southern, Alain Litwin, and Sarita Shah have recently received a number of grants and awards for their research.
September 14, 2008
Drinking and Bone Density
Moderate drinking can be beneficial in preventing hip fractures, according to a review and analysis of the effects of alcohol consumption on bone mineral density and hip fracture conducted by Karina Berg (General Internal Medicine).
Bitzer Receives Nephcure Grant
Markus Bitzer (Nephrology) has been awarded the 2008 NephCure Foundation Research Scientific Grant Program for his study of kidney failure.
Bouhassira on Stem Cells In NYT
Human embryonic stem cells can easily be made into volumes of red blood cells for transfusions, according to researchers including Eric E. Bouhassira (Hematology).
Casadevall on NPR
Arturo Casadevall (Infectious Diseases) joined a panel of nationally acclaimed scientists to discuss all things fungal on NPR's "Science Friday" last week.
Palma Appointed Director of Weiler Arrhythmia Service
Eugen C. Palma, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Cardiology), has been appointed Director of the Weiler Arrhythmia Service.
Feldmesser and Keller Elected to IDSA Fellowship
Marta Feldmesser and Marla Keller (Infectious Diseases) have been elected to fellowship in the Infectious Diseases Society of America by the Board of Directors of the IDSA.
Montefiore Einstein AIDS Center Visited by Botswana Officials
The Montefiore Einstein AIDS Center was recently visited by officials of Botswana's National HIV Program.
September 11, 2008
Seven Years Later, a Cough and a Covenant
9/11 firefighters and rescue workers's health issues have become the primary focus for investigators like Pulmonary Medicine's David Prezant.
September 5, 2008
Medicine Faculty Appointments and Promotions
Sincerest congratulations go to the Medicine faculty members, either for appointment or promotion.
Bouhassira and Chua Among 5 Faculty Members Granted Tenure
Eric E. Bouhassira, Ph. D. and Streamson C. Chua, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. were among five Einstein faculty members to receive tenure, a permanent teaching status granted to the most esteemed members of the institution’s teaching staff.
August 25, 2008
Kitsis to Lead New Center for Cardiovascular Research
Richard Kitsis will become the founding director of the new Center for Cardiovascular Research, a world-class cardiovascular research facility spanning all Einstein and Montefiore academic and clinical departments.
Arnsten to Direct CFAR Clinical Core
Julia Arnsten will take over as Director of the Montefiore Einstein Center for AIDS Research Clinical Core Facility, a renowned HIV core providing investigators with access to key HIV research resources.
Zingman Appointed Clinical Director of Infectious Diseases
Barry Zingman, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Infectious Diseases), has been appointed Clinical Director of the Montefiore Einstein Division of Infectious Diseases at the Moses Division.
Price Center/Block Research Pavilion targets tuberculosis, other diseases
Daily News: The Montefiore Einstein Price Center/Block Research Pavilion, a $220 million cutting-edge research center in the Bronx, someday may make major breakthroughs in the fights against cancer and genetic disorders, including lung cancer.
Brownlee Receives JDRF's Highest Award
Michael Brownlee (Endocrinology) is this year's selection for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's David Rumbough Award for Scientific Excellence.
May 4, 2008
Vitamin D May Protect Against PAD
People with low vitamin D levels may face increased risk for PAD, according to Michal Melamed, M.D. and other Einstein Nephrology researchers.
April 27, 2008
GIM Faculty Active, Diverse in Presenting at SGIM Meeting
Einstein General Internal Medicine faculty presented nearly 40 pre-courses, poster sessions, oral presentations, clinical vignettes, interest groups, and workshops at the 31st Annual Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting.
April 20, 2008
Bitzer Receives NephCure's Young Investigator Award
Markus Bitzer (Nephrology) has received a $300,000 Young Investigator Award from the NephCure Foundation
Brownlee Receives JDRF's Highest Award
Michael Brownlee (Endocrinology) is the 2008 recipient for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s highest award, The David Rumbough Award for Scientific Excellence.
April 13, 2008
Endocrinology's Diane Edelstein Dies
Diane Edelstein, a senior research assistant in Endocrinology, died April 10th after a long struggle with pancreatic cancer.
New Geriatrics Program Funded to Target Elder Abuse and Neglect
The Division of Geriatrics has received a UJA-Federation grant in support of its initiative to tackle elder abuse and neglect.
March 31, 2008
Putterman to be 2008 Einstein AOA Faculty Inductee
Chaim Putterman, Chief of the Einstein Division of Rheumatology, will be this year's faculty inductee into Einstein's Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) honor society.
March 23, 2008
Record Match Results for Internal Medicine Residency
The Einstein- Montefiore Department of Medicine succeeded in matching each of its 2008-2009 positions for the Internal Medicine Residency Program, including an all-time high for the Medical Scientist Pathway.
Strong Match Results for Dermatology Residency
The Montefiore Einstein Division of Dermatology had another excellent match for its 2009-2010 residency program, ranking 33 candidates and going only to #5 on its list to obtain three house staff, including its #2 choice.
March 7, 2008
Brandt Receives 3 Awards for Teaching Excellence
Larry Brandt, Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, recently received 3 prestigious awards, including distinguished educator and master teacher.
Simon Receives Einstein Harry Eagle Award for Best Teaching
Douglas Simon (Gastroenterology) is the recipient of the Einstein 2008 Harry Eagle Award for best teacher in the basic sciences.
February 24, 2008
Dermatology Opens Mohs Surgery Suite
Albert Einstein Department of Medicine announces the opening of the Mohs Surgery Suite in the Division of Dermatology under the direction of Dr. Eric Berkowitz.
Ho Takes 2nd Prize in Moses Competition
Sammy Ho, M.D. (Gastroenterology) was selected as the second prize recipient in the Clinical Medicine category of the Henry L. Moses Prize Competition.
February 12, 2008
First Chief of Hematology Ernest Jaffe Dies
Ernest R. Jaffe, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Einstein's first Chief of the Division of Hematology, died suddenly Saturday, February 11.
Endocrinology's Quida Yu Dies
Dr. Quida Yu, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology), died February 6th.
Oncology Hits Home Runs at Montefiore Young Investigator Research Symposium
Members of Montefiore Einstein Division of Oncology made 11 of the 27 presentations at the Montefiore Young Investigator Research Symposium on Friday, February 8, and won 6 of the 11 prizes.
October 7, 2007
Jeffrey Weiss Appointed Montefiore Medical Director
Effective July 1, 2007, Dr. Jeffrey Weiss has been appointed Medical Director of Montefiore Medical Center.
John Loehner is New Montefiore Service Chief
Dr. John Loehner, a former chief resident, has taken the position of Service Chief at Moses.
September 30, 2007
Montefiore Makes Top Leapfrog List
Montefiore is among only 41 hospitals nationwide, 1 of only 2 New York State hospitals, and the sole New York City hospital to make the 2007 Leapfrog Group list.
Will Southern Appointed Associate Director, Medical Service
Will Southern, M.D., has been appointed to the position of Associate Director of the Medical Service, Weiler Division.
September 23, 2007
Former Einstein Chief of Cardiology has Died
Edward Sonnenblick, Chief of the Division of Cardiolology 1975–1996, died Saturday, September 22, 2007 following a several year battle with esophageal cancer.
Former Einstein Chief of Pulmonary Medicine has Died
Henry Williams, Chief of the Division of Pulmonary Medicine 1981–1994, died Sunday, September 16, 2007.
Karen Eschenbach Appointed New Department Administrator
Following a productive tenure as interim administrator on the Montefiore side, Karen Eschenbach has agreed to accept the position permanently.
New Grants to Geriatrics Faculty
Six faculty members in the Einstein Division of Geriatrics were awarded 3-year Geriatric Academic Career Awards from the Bureau of Health Professions.
New Medicine Faculty Announced
The first installment of fall 2007 faculty appointment announcements.
September 3, 2007
Critical Care Medicine Now a Formal Division
Critical Care Medicine will be set up as a formal division of the Department of Medicine, and Dr. Vladimir Kvetan will be its founding director.
Simon Spivack Appointed New Chief of Pulmonary Medicine
Simon Spivack, M.D., M.P.H., has been recruited to succeed Thomas Aldrich as the new Chief of the Division of Pulmonary Medicine.