Biología de células madre y medicina regenerativa

Second Einstein Stem Cell Institute Retreat 2018

On October 14, the Stem Cell Institute held its 2nd Retreat a Mohonk Mountain House, a 2-day event, consisting of talks from faculty and trainees accompanied with Keynote speaker, Prof. Leonard I. Zon. Dr. Zon is the Grousbeck Professor of Pediatric Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Director of the Stem Cell Program, Children’s Hospital Boston. He was also a co-founder and first President of the ISSCR (The International Society for Stem Cell Research) society. Dr. Zon’s career has focused on understanding human health with a focus on hematopoiesis and cancer. His groundbreaking work in the zebrafish has led to new therapeutic avenues for hematopoietic stem cell expansion and melanoma treatment. His group has developed numerous, novel technologies for visualizing stem cell emergence, migration and clonal dynamics.

Click on the link to view entire program