Departamento de Genética

Genetics Departmental Seminar Series 2002-2003

Other years: 2011-2012  | 2010-2011  |  2009-2010  |  2008-2009  |  2007-2008  |  2006-2007  |  2005-2006  |  2004-2005  |  2003-2004  |  2002-2003  |  2001-2002  |  2000-2001  |  1999-2000 

September 19 Maarten Van Lohuizen The Netherlands Cancer Institute Functional analysis of mouse Polycomb repression: implications for development and cancer
October 3 Piali Sungupta Brandeis University Development of sensory neurons in C. elegans
October 17 Steven Helfand University of CT Health Science Center I'm not dead yet: a mutation that doubles the life span of the fly
November 19 Alex Morozov Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Genetics (Thesis Defense) Rhabdoid tumors: the cell of origin and the role of INI1/hSNF5
December 12 Karen Arndt universidad de pittsburgh Regulation of transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II: exploiting the genetic and biochemical toolbox of yeast
December 13 Sheng Yao Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Genetics (Thesis Defense) Regulation of the Bur1 Protein Kinase
December 17 Yanxia Li Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Genetics (Thesis Defense) New roles for Notch in a neural cellduring Drosophila eye development
January 9 Dan Gooldowitz University of Tennessee The Genetic Raw Materials for Making a Cerebellum
January 23 Edward Seto Universidad del Sur de Florida Mechanisms of Transcription Factor Yin-Yang 1
February 6 Scott Hawley Stowers University The Molecular Genetics of Meiosis
31 de marzo Wes Sundquist University of Utah School of Medicine Cellular factors in HIV budding
April 1 Eric Yung Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Genetics (Thesis Defense) INI1/hSNF5 in HIV-1 Replication: Characterization of a Transdominant Mutant
April 2 Lihui Yang Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Genetics (Thesis Defense) Drosophila EGF receptor signaling in cell fate specification, cell cycle regulation, and cell survival
April 3 Jeannie Lee Harvard Medical School/MGH The role of noncoding RNA genes in X-chromosome inactivation
May 1 Eli Hatchwell Laboratorio de Cold Spring Harbor Genomic Copy Number Variation inh Human Disease
May 15 Thomas Neufeld University of Minnesota Developmental regulation of cell growth by target of rapamycin(TOR) kinases
May 29 Joram Piatgorsky National Eye Institute/NIH Gene Sharing and Eye Evolution: From Jellyfish to Mammals
June 12 Guy Sauvageau Clinical Research Institute of Montreal PcG genes regulate self renewal of normal and leukemic stem cells
July 9 Mary Tsikitis Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Genetics (Thesis Defense) Development of Mouse Models to Delinate the Tumor Suppressor Function of INI1/hSNF

Noticias y eventos

Noticias | Noticias sobre descubrimiento de fármacos

El Dr. Nick Baker fue entrevistado recientemente por Drug Discovery News. leer más


Evento | 16/02/2022 09:00

Evento virtual

Décima reunión anual sobre genética humana en la Ciudad de Nueva York organizada por el Dr. J. Greally de la Albert Einstein College of Medicine Conferencia magistral a cargo del Dr. C. Seidman de la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard leer más


News | New Book by Jean Hébert

Jean Hébert, Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics, has recently published a book, Replacing Aging. read more

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