Departamento de Medicina Montefiore Einstein

Facultad del Departamento

Dr. Jason M. Leider, M.D.,  Ph.D.

Jason M. Leider, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)

Areas of Research: HIV/STD/Hepatitis C screening and epidemiology, HIV treatment and prevention strategies, development of HIV therapeutics, patient-empowered health care, integration of technology into medical screening and practice

Publicaciones Seleccionadas

Challenges Facing Providers Caring for HIV/HCV-Coinfected Patients.

Lekas HM, Siegel K, Leider J.

Qual Health Res. 2011 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print]

Felt and enacted stigma among HIV/HCV-coinfected adults: the impact of stigma layering.

Lekas HM, Siegel K, Leider J.

Qual Health Res. 2011 Sep;21(9):1205-19. Epub 2011 Apr 15.


Educational effectiveness of an HIV pretest video for adolescents: a randomized controlled trial.

Calderon Y, Cowan E, Nickerson J, Mathew S, Fettig J, Rosenberg M, Brusalis C, Chou K, Leider J, Bauman L.

Pediatrics. 2011 May;127(5):911-6. Epub 2011 Apr 11.

Engaging HIV-positive individuals in specialized care from an urban emergency department.

Leider J, Fettig J, Calderon Y.

AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2011 Feb;25(2):89-93. Epub 2011 Jan 19.

Outcomes after an excisional procedure for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-infected women.

Reimers LL, Sotardi S, Daniel D, Chiu LG, Van Arsdale A, Wieland DL, Leider JM, Xue X, Strickler HD, Garry DJ, Goldberg GL, Einstein MH.

Gynecol Oncol. 2010 Oct;119(1):92-7.

High-volume rapid HIV testing in an urban emergency department.

Calderon Y, Leider J, Hailpern S, Chin R, Ghosh R, Fettig J, Gennis P, Bijur P, Bauman L.

AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2009 Sep;23(9):749-55.

A randomized control trial evaluating the educational effectiveness of a rapid HIV posttest counseling video.

Calderon Y, Leider J, Hailpern S, Haughey M, Ghosh R, Lombardi P, Bijur P, Bauman L.

Sex Transm Dis. 2009 Apr;36(4):207-10.

Nomenclature and definitions for emergency department human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing: report from the 2007 conference of the National Emergency Department HIV Testing Consortium.

Lyons MS, Lindsell CJ, Haukoos JS, Almond G, Brown J, Calderon Y, Couture E, Merchant RC, White DA, Rothman RE; National Emergency Department HIV Testing Consortium, Aldridge C, Almond G, Andrade G, Arbelaez C, Archinard TM, Aronin SI, Barrera S, Bateganya M, Bell-Merriam J, Bongiovanni B, Brady K, Branson B, Brosgart C, Brown J, Cadoff E, Calderon Y, Chaille-Arnold L, Cheng B, Chiang W, Copeland B, Cousar RL, Couture E, Czarnogorski M, Delgado K, Erbelding E, Feldman J, Garcia O, Gaydos CA, Glick N, Gripshover B, Haukoos J, Hayes A, Heffelfinger J, Herrera L, Hilley A, Holtgrave D, Hoots B, Hopkins E, Houry D, Howell D, Hsieh YH, Hutchinson AB, Jackson B, Jaker M, Jones K, Jung J, Kampe L, Kan V, Kass N, Kelen GD, Kroc K, Kurth A, Lampe MA, Leider J, Lemanski M, Lindsell CJ, Lyons M, McGovern S, Mercer S, Merchant R, Miertschin N, Miller J, Mitchell P, Nelson S, Onaga L, Paltiel D, Paul S, Pollack H, Raffanti S, Randall L, Rothman R, Sabreen A, Sankoff J, Sasso V, Saylor NB, Schechter E, Schechtman B, Schrantz S, Scribner A, Shahan J, Skiest D, Spielberg F, Stennett IS, Sullivan P, Teahan C, Thompson S, Torres G, Totten V, Wagner K, Walensky R, Waxman M, Weddle A, White D, Widell T, Wilde JA, Wrenn K, Yonek J.

Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Feb;16(2):168-77. Epub 2008 Dec 6.

Cerebrospinal fluid HIV load in diverse clinical circumstances.

Jenny-Avital ER, Hoffman J, Katz M, Leider J, Apfelroth S.

Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Jun 15;46(12):1938-40; author reply 1940-1.

Increasing willingness to be tested for human immunodeficiency virus in the emergency department during off-hour tours: a randomized trial.

Calderon Y, Haughey M, Leider J, Bijur PE, Gennis P, Bauman LJ.

Sex Transm Dis. 2007 Dec;34(12):1025-9.

An educational HIV pretest counseling video program for off-hours testing in the emergency department.

Calderon Y, Haughey M, Bijur PE, Leider J, Moreno-Walton L, Torres S, Gennis P, Bauman LJ.

Ann Emerg Med. 2006 Jul;48(1):21-7. Epub 2006 Mar 13.

Importance of hepatitis C coinfection in the development of QT prolongation in HIV-infected patients.

Nordin C, Kohli A, Beca S, Zaharia V, Grant T, Leider J, Marantz P.

J Electrocardiol. 2006 Apr;39(2):199-205. Epub 2005 Nov 28.

Ann Intern Med. 2000 Mar 7;132(5):418

The E3 protein of bovine coronavirus is a receptor-destroying enzyme with acetylesterase activity.

Vlasak R, Luytjes W, Leider J, Spaan W, Palese P.

J Virol. 1988 Dec;62(12):4686-90.

Determination of the mutation rate of a retrovirus.

Leider JM, Palese P, Smith FI.

J Virol. 1988 Sep;62(9):3084-91.

Measurement of the mutation rates of animal viruses: influenza A virus and poliovirus type 1.

Parvin JD, Moscona A, Pan WT, Leider JM, Palese P.

J Virol. 1986 Aug;59(2):377-83.

More Information About Dr. Jason Leider

Podcasts of the HIV Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment: A Best Practices Symposium

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