Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine

Biostatistics Consultation for the Department of Medicine

biostatistics support faculty department of Medicine Albert Einstein of Medicine Montefiore Medical Center Bronx NY

Access to biostatistical expertise is essential for developing scientifically rigorous, high-impact, grant-funded research. Department of Medicine faculty submitting a grant proposal should consider allocating in their budget for a collaborating biostatistician.

Investigators are highly encouraged to contact a statistician early in the research process during the study design phase to ensure that studies are adequately powered and hypotheses, endpoints, and analytic strategies are appropriately defined. Even the most sophisticated statistical techniques cannot fully address problems arising from a poorly designed study.

Time Frames

Grant applications: Given that statisticians work on multiple projects at the same time, PIs should contact the statistician for help on a grant proposal at least 4 weeks prior to the grant deadline to ensure the availability of statistical support.

Data analyses for manuscript and abstract preparation: please contact the statistician at least 60 days before any deadline, depending on the scope and complexity of the analyses.

Grant Funding

The collaborating statistician should be included in the budget for an appropriate %FTE level that is jointly agreed upon by the PI and the statistician. If it is not feasible to incorporate salary support for the biostatistician due to limitations posed by the grant mechanism, it is recommended that the faculty member outline the statistical needs for the project and share this request for additional funds for biostatistical support with their division chief and Dr. Keller.


Authorship on papers and abstract should be based on the statistician’s scientific contributions to the work, regardless of funding considerations.

Who is Eligible?

Department of Medicine faculty and housestaff are eligible for biostatistical support, with priority given to junior faculty.

Support is available to residents and fellows who are conducting research with a faculty mentor. The faculty mentor must request support on behalf of residents and fellows and attend all meetings scheduled with the statistician.

Apply for Consultation

  1. Oncology, Cardiology, and Dermatology faculty and housestaff should contact the individual indicated above.
  2. Faculty from all other divisions should complete the Biostatistics Consultation Form and email it to Dr. Sofiya Milman (
  3. Dr. Milman will review the application and notify the investigator regarding approval.
  4. If the project is approved the duration of support will be provided. The faculty member will be put in contact with a statistician to schedule an appointment.
  5. Productivity of those using the service will be tracked and used to determine if additional support should be allocated. Requests for new projects may be declined if existing projects are not completed.
  6. Statistical support is prioritized based on the following type of project:
    • Grant proposals
    • Data analysis for funded projects (e.g. K awards, R21 grants, foundation studies, etc.)
    • Pilot projects for grant proposals
    • Manuscripts for peer reviewed journals
    • Design of new prospective studies
    • Abstract preparation

Statistics & Epidemiology Training

See Education section of Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) homepage 


Other Statistical Resources