BERD House The BERD House is an online biostatistics resource managed by the BERD core. This resource includes guidelines for preparing a data set, statistical tools, links to statistics software, statistics training opportunities, and other statistics resources. Getting started: Biostatistics support and guidelines Who can I meet with to discuss my project? The Division of Biostatistics offers biostatistics consulting and collaboration to enhance the quality and rigor of scientific research conducted by investigators at Einstein and Montefiore. Biostatistics walk-in clinic: Meet with a biostatistician without an appointment and obtain quick advice on your project. Every Tuesday virtual walk-in support between 3 - 5 pm via the following zoom link: Longer-term collaborations: Appointments with biostatistics faculty are available by appointment only. How do I get my data set ready for analysis? Best Practices Courses and Workshops Introduction to R and Tidyverse workshop S1. Cheat sheet for dplyr S1. Intro to RStudio,Tidyverse and dplyr S1. Presentation on RStudio and dplyr part 1 S1. R code for Intro to dplyr S2. Presentation on dplyr part 2 S2. R code for dplyr part 2 S3. Presentation on dplyr part 3 S3. R code with solution S3. R code S4. Presentation on ggplot and knitr S4. R code for ggplot and knitr (HTML) S4. R code for ggplot and knitr (R markdown) Statistical Methods Common Statistical Tests How to Construct a Demographics Table An Introduction to Statistical Power An introduction to Logistic Regression Parametric vs non-parametric tests Standard Deviation vs Standard Error Box and Whisker Plots QQ Plots What is the Area under the ROC curve? Data science/Machine Learning Machine Learning: The basics Intro to Random Forest Gradient Boosting Tutorial An introduction to Penalized Regression R software resources and tutorials How to download R Basic Syntax in R Programming R for Beginners Intro to R for Medical Data R Learning Resources Creating figures in R Video Tutorials Courses R code for common statistical tests and models Continuous outcomes Testing for differences between 2 groups Testing for differences in more than 2 groups Categorical/binary outcomes Testing for association between two categorical variables Estimating a logistic regression model Other statistical software How to Get License SPSS: Request via IT portal SAS: Email request Graphpad Prism: Request via IT portal Einstein software list Other statistics resources UCLA IDRE VASSAR Stats Columbia Univ. Population Health Methods Leadership Mimi Kim, Sc.D. Director, Biostatics, Epidemiology & Research Design Core Melissa J. Fazzari, Ph.D., M.S. Associate Director