Recommendations for a lateral appointment to the rank of Professor and Associate Professor for faculty members holding this rank at their current institutions (i.e. a lateral appointment) will be reviewed as follows:

The chair and co-chair of the Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP) will assign a committee member to review the proposed appointment. The member will evaluate and review the proposed appointment and will submit a written report to the chair and co-chair of the CAP. If the recommendation to appoint the candidate at the proposed rank is favorable, the chair and co-chair of the CAP have the authority to review and approve the recommendation. The chair of the CAP will notify the departmental chair of the candidate's appointment. The announcement of such appointment will be placed on the following CAP agenda and no vote will be necessary by the membership of the CAP.

In some instances, it may be necessary for the ad hoc member to request additional information in order to fully evaluate the appointment. The ad hoc member is responsible for asking the coordinator of the CAP to assemble the information. After receipt of this additional information, the ad hoc member will prepare the report and if upon further due diligence, the ad hoc's report is not favorable, then such appointment will be placed on the next agenda for full CAP review.

A lateral appointment to the senior faculty rank will include the following titles:


Clinical ProfessorVOLIndefinite
Associate ProfessorFTIndefinite
Associate ProfessorPT/VOL5 years
Clinical Associate ProfessorVOL5 years
Clinical ProfessorVOLIndefinite
Associate ProfessorFTIndefinite
Associate ProfessorPT5 years
Clinical Associate ProfessorVOL5 years
Research ProfessorFT/PT/VOLIndefinite
Research Associate ProfessorFTIndefinite
Research Associate ProfessorPT/VOL5 years
Senior Staff ScientistFTIndefinite
Senior Staff ScientistPT/VOL5 years
Senior EducatorFTIndefinite
Senior EducatorPT/VOL5 years

Recommendations for appointment should be submitted to the Office of Academic Appointments upon receipt of the signed letter of commitment for Einstein salaried faculty, or for the affiliate faculty, upon recommendation of the chair of the department. *All applications must be typed. 



Appointment Documentation prepared by the Faculty Candidate

  1. A completed and signed Faculty Appointment Application prepared by the faculty candidate.
  2. A copy of the candidate's current curriculum vitae and bibliography.
  3. A copy of the candidate's current New York State Medical License Registration (if applicable).
  4. A copy of the candidate's current New York State Medical License Registration (if applicable).
  5. A copy of the candidate's Doctoral Degree(s), or highest degree.
  6. A completed and signed Authorization to Release Information Form

* All Einstein faculty members are required to complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure form upon faculty appointment. You will receive an email notification from the COI office regarding submission of your COI disclosure form after your faculty appointment application has been processed. Completion of the COI disclosure form is mandatory per federal regulations and institutional policies. 

Faculty appointees who will be on the Einstein or Montefiore Medical Center payroll are also required to complete the Einstein Conflict of Interest CITI COI course as part of the COI disclosure submission process. You will receive instructions to complete the course and submit your COI disclosure at your institutional email address. 

For general COI information please use the following link:

Appointment Documentation prepared by the Academic Department

  1. A completed and signed Faculty Appointment Department Recommendation Form. 
  2. A detailed and comprehensive letter of recommendation from the departmental chair that addresses the objective criteria specified in the "Suggested Guidelines for Promotion to Senior Rank" (Investigator Track, Physician Investigator Track, Educator-Clinician Track, Research Professor Track, Staff Scientist Track and Educator Track). The chair's letter must state on which track the candidate is being proposed. The chair's letter of recommendation should also include reference to the review of the appointment nomination and associated recommendation by the departmental review committee. To accomplish its charges, the Committees on Appointments and Promotions needs clear and explicit information about the candidate's achievements and his or her proposed contributions to the academic goals of the College of Medicine. The letter of recommendation, therefore, should include, as applicable, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the candidate's research, teaching, clinical and administrative activities. Specific and detailed comments are essential for the fair and accurate assessment of the candidate's accomplishments.
  3. For Einstein salaried faculty, a copy of the signed letter of commitment from the departmental chair to the prospective faculty member.
  4. For applications in the Educator-Clinician Track and Educator Track, a Teaching Portfolio must be included. For applications on the Investigator Track, Physician Investigator Track, and Research Professor Track, utilization of a Teaching Portfolio is highly recommended.
  5. If letters have already been received pertaining to the proposed appointment being submitted, then copies of those letters may be provided in support of the appointment.
  6. In lieu of copies of letters, please provide:
    • The names, addresses and email addresses of two referees who do not currently have Einstein faculty appointments. These individuals must be capable of assessing the candidate's accomplishments; however, they should not have worked closely with the candidate. *For candidates on the Educator-Clinician Track, outside reviewers can also include former trainees who have achieved senior faculty status at an external institution.
    • The names of two senior Einstein faculty members capable of addressing the candidate's accomplishments.
    • The names, addresses and email addresses of two students, residents and/or fellows (as applicable) who can evaluate the candidate's teaching ability.
  7. If applicable, one copy of four or five of the candidate's most current and significant scholarly products.

For a joint lateral appointment, the Faculty Appointment Department Recommendation Form must be signed by both departmental chairs and submitted with each chair's letter of recommendation. Recommendations for appointment should be initiated with the Office of Academic Appointments upon receipt of the signed letter of commitment for Einstein salaried faculty, or for affiliate faculty, upon the recommendation of the chair of the department.

Appointments to senior rank may be initiated at any time; it is desirable that they be submitted as far in advance of the anticipated appointment date as possible.

Under no circumstances should individuals use their proposed titles until are approved in writing.