Centro Hispano de Excelencia


Thursday, October 31, 2002
Bronx Press

Congressman Joseph Crowley joined Dean Dominick Purpura, Dr. Harold Strelnick and the faculty of Albert Einstein College of Medicine to announce that College has been named a Hispanic Center of Excellence by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

In 2001 Crowley helped AECOM secure a $481,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to establish a Hispanic Center of Excellence to recruit and train Spanish speaking medical students. This program will help encourage Latino students to pursue a career in medicine and help current students care for Latino population.

"As the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States,Latinos have been woefully underrepresented at American Medical schools. I commend the work AECOM has done to encourage Lotions to pursue careers in medicine and to train current students in how to provide the highest quality of care to the Latino community," said Crowley.

In addition to helping AECOM become New York’s first Hispanic Center of Excellence, Crowley has also written successful legislation to increase funding to hire employees to provide bilingual counseling and medical service at community health centers thought our NYC and the nation.