Christopher De Bono
Email: christopher.debono@einsteinmed.org
B.S in Cell Biology, Aix-Marseille University, France
M.S in Development and Immunology, Aix-Marseille University, France
Ph.D in Developmental Biology, Aix-Marseille University, France
Research interest:
projects in the area of single cell RNA-sequencing aim to investigate the roles
of Tbx1, the major candidate gene for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, during early
embryonic development. Specifically, his projects focus on the understanding of
cell autonomous roles of Tbx1 in the endoderm and ectoderm of embryos and of
non-autonomous functions of Tbx1 on adjacent neural crest cells.
Previous publications:
De Bono C, Thellier C, Bertrand N, Sturny R, Jullian E, Cortes C, Stefanovic S, Zaffran S, Theveniau-Ruissy M, Kelly RG: T-box genes and retinoic acid signaling regulate the segregation of arterial and venous pole progenitor cells in the murine second heart field. Hum Mol Genet 2018, 27(21):3747-3760.
Cortes C, Francou A, De Bono C, Kelly RG: Epithelial Properties of the Second Heart Field. Circ Res 2018, 122(1):142-154.
De Bono C, Theveniau-Ruissy M and Kelly RG. Cardiac Fields and myocardial cell lineages. In “The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Development”. Oxford University Press, 2018
Francou A, De Bono C, Kelly RG: Epithelial tension
in the second heart field promotes mouse heart tube elongation. Nat Commun 2017, 8:14770.
Rana MS, Theveniau-Ruissy
M, De Bono C, Mesbah K, Francou A,
Rammah M, Dominguez JN, Roux M, Laforest B, Anderson RH, Mohun TJ, Zaffran S,
Christoffels VM, Kelly RG: Tbx1 coordinates addition of posterior second heart
field progenitor cells to the arterial and venous poles of the heart. Circ Res 2014, 115(9):790-799.