The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology

Clinical Neurophysiology

Director: Solomon L. Moshe, M.D.

Division Contact Information
Solomon L. Moshe, M.D.
Phone: (718) 430-2447


Mission:  To provide outstanding clinical care through translational research dedicated to the well-being of individuals with neurological diseases and train future clinical neurophysiologists.

The Division includes the following clinical subdivisions

  1. EEG, evoked potentials and clinical monitoring of CNS function (Alexis D. Boro, M.D.)
  2. The Montefiore Einstein Epilepsy Center (Shinnar)
    • Adult Subdivision (Haut)
    • Pediatric Subdivision (Shinnar)
  3. EMG (Herskovitz)

In addition there are two basic research laboratories:

  1. Laboratory of Developmental Epilepsy (Moshe see-below)
  2. Neurophysiology laboratory (Steinschneider)
Critical success factors

To augment the international recognition of our outstanding academic programs.To establish cross-departmental centers of excellence aiming at providing innovative services based on translational research.To continue supporting young investigators through institutional grants.To foster an environment that rewards both individual growth and teamwork.To establish programs to mentor trainees in becoming leaders in Clinical Neurophysiology. To enhance the Clinical Neurophysiology Residency Training Programs and facilitate and/or improve other educational efforts in the department for physicians and other professional staff.


Division Faculty:
Haut, R. Sheryl, M.D.
Moshe, L. Solomon, M.D.
Djukic, Aleksandra, M.D., Ph.D.
Legatt, D. Alan, M.D., Ph.D.
Boro, David Alexis, M.D.
Shinnar, Shlomo, M.D., Ph.D.
Fishman, Isaac Yonatan, Ph.D.
Cherian, A. Koshi, M.B.,B.S.
Steinschneider, Mitchell, M.D., Ph.D.
Ballaban-Gil, Ruth Karen, M.D.
Macgowan, Daniel, M.D.
Jillian Rosengard, M.D.
Victor Ferastraoaru, M.D.
Christine Hung, M.D.
Jon Gursky, M.D.
John McGinley, M.D.
Jisoon Kim, M.D.